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Market Place

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The “Stage 3” concept designs have been approved by Cabinet.

You can view the latest designs for the Market Place on this webpage.

Find out about other exciting projects in Cleethorpes…

Pier Gardens

The two popular areas (Pier Gardens and Market Place) are set to be rejuvenated, supported by the Government’s Levelling Up Fund. North East Lincolnshire Council was awarded £18.4m for the resort last year, following the development of the 2022 Cleethorpes Masterplan, which was spearheaded by Hemingway Design.

The Cleethorpes Levelling Up Fund projects are progressing, with the latest set of designs for the Market Place available to view below.

Introduction to the Market Place Project

Gillespies has been appointed to prepare design proposals for regenerating the Market Place by North East Lincolnshire Council, as part of the coastal town’s £18m Levelling Up Fund projects. The proposed development aims to re-think the relationship between traffic and pedestrians, enhancing the public realm by creating a safer, more vibrant and sustainable environment for local people, businesses and visitors.

Revitalizing the town is a pressing priority. It is essential to transform the Market Place into a focal point with more space for people and more reasons to linger. This change is expected to bring both economic and social advantages. We aim to explore the potential of the Market Place in collaboration with the local community, various stakeholders and businesses.

The second stage of consultation closed on Friday 24th June. The feedback shared shaped the Stage 3 concept designs, which are will be scrutinised by panel members on 15 July before going before Cabinet members.


In 2009, the Renaissance Charter was launched to gather aspirations for Cleethorpes town centre from local people, businesses and local authority members. One of the pivotal projects was the Market Place, which bridges the seafront and St Peter’s Avenue.

It offers a significant opportunity to establish a high-quality public realm with an emphasis on pedestrians.


  1. A pedestrian focus with limited access to cars
  2. A proper market selling a wider variety of goods on more days of the week
  3. High quality public realm
  4. Good quality lighting, street furniture and signage


In 2021, the ‘Think Cleethorpes’ public survey was launched, receiving responses from over 2700 residents, business owners and visitors. Respondents would like to see space for alfresco style dining, as well as a regular market /events and more street trees & greenery in Market Place.


In February 2024, a public consultation took place at the Town Hall. It garnered a total of 438 responses, predominantly from local residents of Cleethorpes. All survey data was collected by Questionpro. The public feedback was reviewed in conjunction with the previous two consultations to enhance the public realm.


  1. About a 60/40 split in favour of creating a public realm scheme.
  2. Parking is a big issue for local business and total removal of all parking wouldn’t be supported. Some form of free short-stay parking is seen as very important to make up for any reduction in parking provision. Almost half of cars surveyed parked in market place all day.
  3. Reducing through traffic was supported.
  4. Traditional design that complements the existing heritage is supported over contemporary design.
  5. Almost a third of respondents use the space as a thoroughfare, although specific events such as Armed Forces Weekend, Scooter Rally and markets are popular.
  6. Almost half of the individuals (46%), make their way to market place by car, whereas 33% prefer to get there on foot.
  7. There is a perception that the space is unsafe during the evening and suffers from anti-social behaviour.
  8. Alfresco dining was equally supported and unsupported. Some people didn’t think alfresco dining was a good idea because current business’ didn’t support this.
  9. Most people supported increasing planting, trees, public artwork and seating.

The second phase of the consultation concluded on Friday 24th June 2024. Since then, there have been detailed discussions with local businesses, drop-in sessions and online engagement for anyone to give their views, as well as group sessions with creative people, young people and other potential users of the spaces.

A public realm that supports improved lifestyle and celebrates heritage:

  • Rebalancing movement towards active travel
  • A new green corridor to link St Peters Ave and the seafront
  • Enhanced safety and comfort
  • Celebrating heritage and supporting local businesses
  • Creating an iconic new destination that celebrates the place
  • Establishing a flexible space for market and pop events to energise the area and support local businesses
  • Improve lighting to enhance safety
  • Creating alfresco dining opportunities for current and future restaurants/cafes
  • Introducing public art to infuse Market Place with a distinct character
  • Encourage walking and strolling access
  • Provide a variety of seating options for people to linger longer
  • Promoting green infrastructure benefits the environment, and people’s well-being, and mitigates wind effects

Latest designs

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Site Layout – HIDDEN

Artist impression of Cleethorpes Market Place


  • Flexible spaces for markets and events
  • Seating areas
  • Widened footway
  • Public art
  • Way finding
  • Bike racks
  • Short-stay parking
  • Tree planting
  • Recreational space

Zoning plan

Artist impression of Cleethorpes Market Place from above


  • A welcoming entrance from St. Peter’s Ave to Market Place
  • Street paving improvements with retained lay-by parking
  • A one-way system to reduce vehicle traffic and increase space for pedestrians
  • Flexible space for events/alfresco/public art
  • Through traffic restricted to maintenance vehicles, emergency access and events
  • High-quality footway with tree planting and way-finding
  • Public art/wind screen

Space use scenarios

Proposed Market Place space use scenario, showing a busy day and a quiet day

From weekly markets to annual events such as the Armed Forces Day, the proposals for Market Place offer flexibility to accommodate a wide range of uses. Seating is positioned around a flexible central open space that can be used for markets, events or for spill out space from the surrounding cafes, bars and restaurants. Traffic will be controlled limiting, access to maintenance and emergency vehicles and event set up.

Some of these illustrations and images were produced by third-party companies, so they may have issues with accessibility. If you have any issues, please email [email protected] who can provide you with more details on the proposals.

Please note that the proposals shown here are illustrative only and show all possibilities for each area. The exact proposal will be developed incorporating any feedback that was received from the survey.

Changes to parking

After administering a parking survey with the residents of North East Lincolnshire, we know that the Market Place is a popular car parking area for people who are visiting Cleethorpes.

In order to support the change, it’s proposed to create a new public car park behind the Old Vic Public House just a few minutes’ walk from Market Place, introduce short stay only parking within the existing High Street Car Park, and look at existing parking bays on Osborne and Cross Streets to make sure there’s the right mix of parking, loading and drop off opportunities to meet business and resident needs. Resident parking permits could also be implemented on the streets that lead into Market Place to make sure residents weren’t displaced.

Design options hidden

We asked you what you thought about the Market Place design prospects. See below the different colour and design options that we suggested.

Colour pallette options

1. Pops of colour

2. Natural stone and timber

3. Classic black

Design style options

1. Angular

2. Curved

Next steps

If there are only minor changes to the Market Place scheme, or they are agreed in full, then the designs will progress to the next stage of work, the full technical design. This then forms the information to be used for the procurement of contractors.

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