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Early help and children’s social care decision making panels

Panel introduction

The Pre-Birth Pathway is a means of identifying; assessing and analysing the potential risk/concerns to a baby where there are concerns about a pregnant woman and where appropriate her partner and/or immediate family.

The main purpose of a pre-birth pathway is to identify and track what the concern/risks to the newborn child may be, whether the parent(s) are capable of changing so that the concern/risks can be reduced and if so, what support they will need.

When should you refer to this panel

When concerns are identified in respect of the safety of an unborn child due to: parental substance/alcohol use, domestic abuse; previous allegations made against parents; previous parental convictions for abuse, parental homelessness, previous Child Protection, Public Law Outline or Children Looked After vulnerable teen parents, concealment or denial identified.

Meeting information

Level 2 Fortnightly on a Monday Level 3 & 4 Weekly on a Friday

Referral submission information

Completed Multi Agency Referral Form with consent and submit 7 days before panel to [email protected].

Contact information

[email protected]

Referral form

Safer NEL

Terms of reference

Pre-Birth Planning Pathway Terms of Reference (Word, 55KB)

Panel introduction

Joint AIM Information Exchange Pathway Panel Meeting for cases where there is Problematic and Harmful Sexualised Behaviour in children and young people aged 4 to 18 years.

When should you refer to this panel

When a child is evidencing problematic or harmful sexualised behaviour (aged 4 to 18 years).

Meeting information

Monthly. First Monday of each month, 1-5pm.

Referral submission information

Completed Multi Agency Referral Form with consent to [email protected] 7 days before panel.

Contact information

[email protected]

Referral form

Safer NEL

Terms of reference

Joint AIM Information Exchange Pathway Panel Meeting Terms of Reference (Word, 118KB)

Panel introduction

All children that are being considered for closure or step across to Early Help must be heard at the pre-locality screening panel held every Friday morning for a constructive conversation.  This is to ensure that families can be offered continued support when threshold is no longer met for statutory social care involvement, to prevent a re-escalation of need. At the panel, an agreement will be reach regarding closure/step across and the Early Help Lead will case record this as a management decision on Liquid Logic.

If agreed for the case to close, then the social worker can follow the LA policy regarding case closures within 1 week. If the case is agreed to step down the Social Worker will be provided with Information advice and guidance to complete this process.  This may mean attending the Locality panel to identify who is best placed to offer the continued Early Help support within 1 week.

When should you refer to this panel

When a child is being considered for closure or step across to Early Help

Meeting information

Every Friday 9-11am

Referral submission information

To access the panel, an email should be sent to [email protected] by Wednesday at 12:00 to heard that week, detailing the name and PID of the children and the current child’s plan and the request for further support/intervention that has been identified and discussed prior with the family

Contact information

[email protected]

Panel introduction

The Locality and Communities Panel is a multi-agency and community forum supporting professionals who may need advice, support, consultation, and solution focused to ensure we are drawing on our skills, experience and knowledge of local provision to ensure  we intervene early and preventatively to support children and young people.

When should you refer to this panel

When a decision is needed on whether a case should step up from early help or universal services to social care, or step down from social care to early help or universal services.

Meeting information

Bi-weekly per locality, Thursday.

Week 1 – Locality 1&2, 1 to 3pm

Week 2 – Locality 3&4, 9:30am to 11:30am

Referral submission information

Children Social Care single assessment and plan & step down checklist or Early Help assessment & step up checklist.

Send to [email protected] 3 days in advance.

Contact information

[email protected]

Terms of reference

Locality and Communities Panel Terms of Reference (Word, 555KB)

Panel introduction

This operational group is to identify any cases where any of the three vulnerabilities (Child Sexual Exploitation, Child Criminal Exploitation, Missing) is a current feature and that:

  • there has been an appropriate and timely response
  • there is a robust safety plan in place with the family
  • the case is held at the appropriate level (prevention and appropriate escalation)
  • the interventions are driving progress
  • that any actions relating to CCE/CSE/missing form part of the child’s main plan

When should you refer to this panel

If a child is considered medium or high risk following completion of the exploitation tool and the child exploitation vulnerability tracker.

Meeting information

Every 3 weeks, Friday 9am – 1pm.

Referral submission information

Completed exploitation tool and child exploitation vulnerability tracker.

Submit 3 days in advance of next panel date.

Contact information

[email protected]

Referral forms

North East Lincolnshire’s Exploitation Risk Assessment Matrix (Word, 62KB)

Vulnerability Assessment Tool (XLS, 48KB)

Terms of reference

Operational Vulnerabilities Meeting Terms of Reference (Word, 125KB)

Panel introduction

This strategic group undertake multi-agency discussions on young people identified as being at significant risk or complexity in respect of any of the three vulnerabilities: Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE), Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE) and Missing.

When should you refer to this panel

Cases are escalated from Operational Vulnerabilities Meeting  when young people are identified as significant risk of exploitation.

Meeting information

6 weekly on Friday 9am to 1pm.

Referral submission information

Completed exploitation tool (see above in OVM) and child exploitation vulnerability tracker.

Submit 3 days in advance of next panel.

Contact information

[email protected]

Referral forms

Coming soon.

Terms of reference

MACE Terms of Reference (Word, 125KB)

Panel introduction

The Purpose of the Legal Gateway Panel is to provide robust management and legal oversight of any Public Law proceedings relating to children. The panel will ensure that children’s cases are considered through a robust case management structure designed to prevent drift and delay and to ensure that the best possible outcomes for children are achieved. Where safeguarding concerns have reached the threshold criteria under section 31 of the Children Act 1989 cases should be presented to the Legal Gateway Panel for discussion.

When should you refer to this panel

Following an Emergency Protection Order (within 72 hours) to consider an Interim Care Order; or when it is clear that the protection or welfare of a child cannot be achieved by agreement with the parents, or the security of a legal order is necessary to ensure the viability of a plan for a child, or the existing court order is not providing adequate protection for the child; or where it is thought that a legal order may be required in order to assist in the permanence planning for children, whether that is a return to the family or to achieve permanence elsewhere.

Permanency planning commences here – process attached with referral form to legal gateway.

Meeting information

Weekly on Wednesday 9am to Midday.

Referral submission information

Legal Gateway Referral Form.

Relevant assessment/s; The request to Legal Services for a Legal Planning Meeting, if there has been no previous Legal Planning Meeting for the child(ren); up to date Chronology; Plan or a clear indication that options for a plan have been considered; Genogram.

Submit 2 days in advance of panel.

Contact information

[email protected]

Referral form

Legal Gateway Panel Social Work Report and Minutes (Word, 63KB)

Terms of reference

Legal Gateway Panel Terms of Reference (Word, 124KB)

Panel introduction

The Placement Panel will ratify all placements for Children Looked After and Care Leavers in North East Lincolnshire, considering individual care plans and pathway plans to ensure that they focus clearly on the needs of Children and Young People and that their Health, Education, and other needs are being addressed properly.

When should you refer to this panel

Any request for a placement for a child before the placement is made: in-house foster care, respite, (private and voluntary), connected carers, residential children’s homes, supported lodgings, semi-independent  and mother and baby placements.

If child is placed in an emergency decision should be made by an AD only, referral must be submitted retrospectively to the next panel, or placement becomes invalid.

Meeting information

Weekly on Mondays 1pm to 5pm.

Referral submission information

Submit Placement Panel Report by Wednesday 3pm.

To request for a new home search or move for a Child/ Young Person, please complete the Commissioning and Homes for Children Referral Form in addition.

Contact information

[email protected]

Referral forms

Placement and Commissioning Panel Report and Minutes (Word, 70KB)

Terms of reference

NELC Placement and Commissioning Panel Terms of Reference (Word, 128KB)

Panel introduction

Permanence planning meetings take place on all cases where children are received into care, and will take place around the second week a child comes into care.

Permanence Planning Meetings ensure clear direction in respect of permanence for the child at the earliest stage.

When should you refer to this panel

When a child has become looked after, a permanency planning meeting will be held approximately two weeks after entry to care.

Meeting information

As required.

Contact information

[email protected]

Referral form

Permanency Planning Meeting Agenda (Word, 63KB)

Terms of reference

Permanence Planning Meetings Terms of Reference (Word, 123KB)

Panel introduction

The panel considers the eligibility criteria and any information that they currently hold within their service area on an individual to focus on the needs of Children and Young People and that their health, education, and social needs are being addressed at the most appropriate level.

Meeting information

Fortnightly on Tuesday mornings 9am to 10:30am.

Referral submission information

Required Submission of:

  • EHCP if one in place
  • “All about me”
  • Social Work Assessment and Draft support plan
  • Chronology

Submit to [email protected] by 3pm the Wednesday before panel.

Contact information

[email protected]

Terms of reference

Children’s Resources Panel Terms of Reference (Word, 132KB)

Panel introduction

The Access Pathway is the route for children and young people (up to their 18th year), who may require further multi-disciplinary discussions or specialist assessments, for example Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).

When should you refer to this panel

Where support has already been accessed and tried, but further multi-disciplinary discussions may be required.

Meeting information

Fortnightly on Tuesday mornings, 10am to 1:15pm.

Referral submission information

Completed referral form sent along with any supporting evidence such as reports from services which are already involved with the child and, if possible, evidence of the voice of the child to [email protected].

Contact information

If you have any queries please contact our Access Pathway Team on 01472 323998 or email [email protected].

Referral form

SEND Local Offer Access Pathway

Panel introduction

Panel considers the requirement for additional funding to support a child or young person with additional mental health and emotional wellbeing needs.

The lead professional who completes a request will be invited to attend a meeting to explain in more detail the request for additional mental health & emotional wellbeing support. Professionals also in attendance will include:

  • Senior Commissioning Lead for Families, Mental Health and Learning Disabilities (or deputy)
  • Designated Nurse Children Looked After (CCG)
  • Representative from Young Minds Matter LAC or LD Team
  • Designated Nurse Children Looked After (DPOW/NLAG)
  • NEL Business Partnering Finance Officer (optional)
  • NELC Business Support Specialist
  • Other identified professionals where appropriate (e.g. SEN Designated Officer)

When should you refer to this panel

Where services cannot be accessed locally as part of the following commissioned services or where the child or young person  has been placed out of area and therefore unable to access local services:

If you are unsure of whether the support you are requesting is already commissioned please email [email protected].

Meeting information

As required.

Referral submission information

Completed special package of care request form Once this form is completed will co-ordinate next steps including a virtual meeting which will be arrange within 10 working days, where information submitted is sufficient for consideration.

Contact information

If you have any queries please contact  [email protected].

Terms of reference

Special Packages of Care Panel Terms of Reference (Word, 99KB)

Panel introduction

Decision making panel about whether to proceed to assessment, and awarding of plans by a multi-agency panel of team leaders across education, health and social care.

When should you refer to this panel

All new requests that the Local Authority receives for assessment for an Education, Health and Care Plan.

Meeting information


Referral submission information

All requests for assessment will come through the hub.

Decisions recorded by EHCP Co-Ordinators on Hub and in CAPITA.

Contact information

[email protected]

[email protected]

Referral form


Terms of reference

SEND Assessment Panel Terms of Reference (Word, 130KB)

Panel introduction

Decision making panel of multi-agency service managers across education, health and social care.

When should you refer to this panel

Any child in receipt of an Education health and care plan where a parent, carer of educational setting has requested; a change of need, not being able to meet need, additional funding, a change of provision, personal budget.

Meeting information

Weekly on Tuesday at 1pm to 5pm.

Referral submission information

All requests for agenda items additional to those through the EHCP Hub to be sent to [email protected] by Thursday at 3pm.

Contact information

[email protected]

Referral form


Terms of reference

SEND Complex Case Panel Terms of Reference (Word, 123KB)

Panel feedback from professionals

It is important for us to understand the value of our decision making panels and where there could be opportunities to work smarter, and improve the outcomes and experiences for our Children, Families and Young People.

If you have recently attended a panel meeting, we would welcome your feedback about your experience.

Panel feedback form

Contact details

[email protected]