Care leavers | Getting involved
We take your views seriously and always welcome feedback. There are lots of ways you can let us know how you are doing and what you are thinking and, to let us know how we are doing.
Our Voice, Listen Up
This group replaces the council for children in care. There is no upper age range for the group. It meets monthly on every second Tuesday of the month at Central children’s Centre. The group also attend regional meetings in Leeds discussing wider issues for children looked after and care leavers.
Find out more on the Our Voice, Listen Up page.
Sunday drop-in
The Sunday drop in meets every 2 weeks. At the group you could have a meal and be able to chat with workers about issues worrying you, progress you are making and wider issues affecting society. This is at the Molsen Centre 10-3.
Participation days
We are building in some participation and have your say days where a wider group of care leavers can be involved.
Each month workers nominate care leavers they think should be recognised. One care leaver a month receives a letter showing appreciation and a voucher as a small reward.
Staff recruitment
A number of young people are trained to interview potential members of staff. Young people say they find this very useful both to help chose the right workers but when they are interviewed themselves
Throughout the year there are a number of requests for information to improve services. Views of young people have helped develop the Local Offer, the Pledge and the accommodation analysis.
Register to vote
Once you turn 18 you are entitled to vote in local and national elections. Voting can make a difference in the way local services are provided but can also be a positive for your credit rating
To register go to GOV.UK – Register to vote .
Identification documents
We will make sure you have a passport, birth certificate, provisional driving licence.
We can also help with British citizenship/naturalisation.
Ask for help
If you can’t find the help you need in our local offer or you just need some more information then you can get in touch using our Care Leavers support request form.
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Contact details
Children in Care and New Futures team,
New Oxford House, 2 George Street, Grimsby, DN31 1HB
Contact us: Care Leavers support request
Telephone: 01472 325232