Searched for 'City of Bohane Kevin Barry Eye the Needle Ken Follett For Whom Bell Tolls Ernest Hemingway His Dark Materials Trilogy Phillip Pullman Ivanhoe Walter Scott Mr Standfast John Buchan The Big Sleep Raymond Chandler Hunger Games Suzanne Collins Jack Aubrey Novels Patrick O?Brian Lord Rings J.R.R. Tolkein'
Extra money for rent and council tax
Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP) You can apply for extra help with your housing costs, known as Discretionary Housing Payments (DHP), if you receive Housing Benefit or the housing element of Universal…
Houses in multiple occupation (HMO)
What is a HMO? The Housing Act (2004) clarifies the definition of HMO as a building, or part thereof, that falls within one of the following categories: Cohesive Houses are…
Empty homes
Our team can work with owners of empty homes to find solutions to help bring them back into use. There is no council tax discount for an empty property. If a…
Business crime
What is business crime? It can be targeted against a single person working in a business, against a single business, or may be part of a wider pattern of crime…
Housing Related Support service
The Housing Related Support (HRS) service is delivered in partnership with local housing support services to teach you the skills to live independently. HRS is a short-term support service which…
Bins and recycling
Collection dates Check when we empty your bins and recycling. What goes in your rubbish and recycling Check what goes in your green, grey, brown, and blue bins. Missed collection…
Children’s social care
Report a concern about a child Information if you are concerned about the welfare of a child or young person Fostering Foster carers are just ordinary people doing remarkable things…
Fostering in North East Lincolnshire
Become a foster carer and change a child’s life Fostering is an amazing and rewarding journey that can change a child’s life and future. Our foster carers are people like…
Premises licence
Contents New licence You need a premises licence if you want to provide licensable activities such as sell alcohol, serve hot food between 11pm and 5am or provide entertainment. Before…
Club premises licence
Contents New licence You need a club premises licence if you want to provide licensable activities such as selling alcohol or providing entertainment to club members or guests. Before you…