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Town, village and parish council charter

The town, parish and village councils and North East Lincolnshire Borough Council have agreed to publish a charter which sets out how they aim to work together for the benefit of local people.

This Charter is the result of discussions locally to establish a new way of working and to confirm existing good practice and teamwork. It is underpinned by the shared principles of openness, mutual respect, honesty, responsibility, transparency and accessibility.

This charter:

  • recognises the benefits of working in partnership and is underpinned by the shared principles of openness, mutual respect, honesty, responsibility, transparency and accessibility.
  • provides a framework for working together based on improved communication and understanding as well as clarity regarding roles and responsibilities
  • sets out how the Council will seek to promote local community life, provide practical support to town, parish and village councils whenever practicable and engage in planning processes
  • provides a commitment to afford the Town/Parish and Village Councils the opportunity to comment before making any decision which affects their area and defines expectations in terms of information sharing

Download the Town, Village and Parish Charter (PDF, 141KB) .

Contact details

Democratic Services, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01472 324121

Opening times: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, except bank holidays