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New water fountain installed in the River Freshney to improve water quality

10:55 am, Wednesday, 21st December 2022 - 1 year ago


A new water fountain has been switched on in the River Freshney to help improve the water quality in the basin at Grimsby.

Originally part of the Garth Lane planning application, the fountain is the final element from the grant fund to be installed, and follows the completion of the slipway into Alexandra Dock at the other end of the project in November.

Earlier this year, the river was dredged in the same section, with the removal of more than 2230 tonnes of silt and waste over a four week project, allowing the river to flow much more freely.

The new fountain will build on this, increasing aeration of the water, reducing algae growth and helping to protect this piece of water for wildlife and other water activities.

Cllr Philip Jackson, leader of the Council, said: “With warmer summers, we have to change our approach to water management. We know that the water quality of the River Freshney has vastly improved over the last 10 years, and we need to make sure that this continues in the future.

“We now have otters back in the centre of Grimsby and we need to make sure all hard work put in to dredge the river and remove unnecessary silt is maintained and the water can be enjoyed equally by people and wildlife.

“Additionally, this will provide a very attractive feature in our town centre, complementing the work done on the Garth Lane waterfront site last year and the work due to start on the Riverhead in the new year.”

The fountain, identified by ecologists, has been approved by the Environment Agency, and complies with the Eel Regulations, ensuring the safety of eels and other marine life.

All electricity for the fountain comes from renewable sources, including green electricity, as part of the council’s commitment to the green agenda.

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