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App Sitemap

Protected: Fostering stories
Protected: Fostering help and support
Protected: Types of foster care
Protected: Fostering in North East Lincolnshire
Protected: Council Plan 2025 – 2028
2 Sea Road
Local Government Boundary Review – North East Lincolnshire
Protected: Third Sector Grant Opportunities
Family Hub activity details
Admission arrangements 2026 to 2027
Stalking and harassment: Support and advice
Starting school
Ready for school
Wraparound Childcare Programme
Productivity Plan
Housing case studies
Better Care Fund
Bargate highways and bridges project
Protected: Start for Life
Relationships Matter
Guide to joining a virtual Council meeting
Civilian Work Attachments
Cleethorpes seaside resort
Wildlife on the beach
Dogs on the beach
Museums, galleries and heritage
Staying safe
Housing Related Support service
Business Advice
UK Parliamentary Elections
Keeping active
Phone ‘n’ Ride privacy notice
Market Place
Pier Gardens
Cllr Mill, Sheldon (Labour)
Cllr Kaczmarek, Edward (Labour)
Cllr Humphrey, Dan (Labour)
Cllr Clough, Emma (Labour)
Cllr Bright, Paul (Independent)
Cllr Bonner, Les (Independent)
Cllr Emmerson, Loyd (Liberal Democrats)
Cllr Jervis, Marian (Labour)
Cllr Augusta, Robson (Labour)
Cllr Crofts, Trevor (Conservative)
Protected: Port Health
Clee Fields
Local election results – 2 May 2024
Tell us about a change in circumstances
Tennis Courts
Consultations archive
Building new schools
Police and Crime Commissioner Election – 2 May 2024
Postal voting new rules
North East Lincolnshire ward elections – 2 May 2024
Immingham Town Council By-Election, Central Ward – 2 May 2024
Life in North East Lincolnshire
Past consultations
Have your say
Protected: New Futures – DRAFT
Publication of verification number
Council Plan – Our vision and aims
Air Quality
Tree planting
Local Government Association Corporate Peer Challenge
Temporary bus stop closures
Draft Plan with Options
Local Plan Review
Working with us
Children’s social work jobs
Adult education and learning
Resort Hub
Keep warm and well this winter
Greater Lincolnshire Devolution
Admission arrangements 2025 to 2026
School curriculum and assessments
Data, feedback and engagement
Central Family Hub
Queensway Family Hub
West Marsh Family Hub
Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places 2023
Universal Credit Directory
Family Information Service Directory
Highway design guides
Parish Council Community Governance Review
Electoral Cycle Consultation – North East Lincolnshire Council
Parish Council Community Governance Reviews
Prior Consent for Metal Detecting
Cllr Henderson, Paul (Independent)
Cllr Haggis, Janet (Labour)
Cllr Downes, Lyndsey (Independent)
Cllr Morland, Malcolm (Labour)
Industrial accidents
Seasonal and pandemic influenza
Severe weather
Resort, parks and open spaces PSPO
Emotionally Based Barriers to School Attendance (EBBSA) Support Team
Condensation, damp and mould
Polling station accessibility
Voter ID
Technical Advice Notes
Families First Information Service
Admission arrangements 2024 to 2025
Holiday Activities and Food
Say no to bread for ducks
Call for sites
Scoping and issues (Local Plan)
UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF)
Virtual School
Home energy
Emotional Literacy Support Assistants
School Streets
Natural Assets Plan
Net Zero Carbon Roadmap
Cllr Wheatley, Kathryn (Labour)
Cllr Holland, Steve (Independent)
Cllr Shutt, Kevin (Labour)
Cllr Farren, Sophia (Labour)
Pet cremations
Council, Cabinet and Portfolio Holder meeting papers (June 2016 to May 2020)
Cllr Marian Boyd (Conservative)
Refugee Integration Service
Adult Social Care Jobs
A to Z directory of waste
Anti-social behaviour PSPO
Anti-social behaviour case review / Community Trigger
Anti-social behaviour
Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO)
Street work permit scheme
Household Support Fund
Cookie Declaration
Cookie Policy
Procure services for schools and academies
Grimsby West Urban Extension
Energy and water consumption and carbon emissions
Children services data
Litter picks
Cllr Aisthorpe, Nicola (Liberal Democrats)
Cllr Dawkins, Hayden (Conservative)
Youth Justice Service
Community Renewal Fund
Electric vehicles (EV)
Council tax e-billing
Port Health Frequently Asked Questions
Single person council tax discount review
Caught on camera
Recycling education
Accessibility Statement for Microsoft Bookings
Barnoldby Le Beck Community Governance Review
SEND Local Offer
Economic recovery plan: Restore
North East Lincolnshire Economic Recovery Plan
Economic recovery plan: Replenish
Economic recovery plan: Reshape
Financial support, advice and guidance
Responsible authorities for licensing premises
Accessibility statement (Firmstep Granicus)
School admission arrangements
Become a childcare provider
Five Year Housing Land Supply Assessment
South Humber Gateway
Phone n Ride: Trapeze Passenger Portal Accessibility Statement
Children’s disability service
Retail, leisure and three centres study (2013)
Landscape Character Assessment, Sensitivity and Capacity Study (2015)
Strategic Flood Risk Assessment
Design North East Lincolnshire places and spaces renaissance 2008
Accessibility Report
Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA)
Local plan background information
Stallingborough Interchange supplementary planning documents
Wind energy supplementary planning documents
Waltham Parish Council
New Waltham Parish Council
Laceby Village Council
Immingham Town Council
Humberston Village Council
Habrough Parish Council
Great Coates Village Council
App Sitemap
North East Lincolnshire Regeneration Partnership
IT service and infrastructure
Electoral registration questions
Self-help menu
App Login
Find Councillors by name and party
Greater Grimsby Board
Town Deal
Food hygiene and safety
Flood strategies and investigations
Who has responsibilities for managing flooding?
What should I do after a flood?
How do I prepare for flooding?
What is my flood risk?
Private supplies of drinking water
Cooling towers and evaporative condensers
Health and safety inspector
Risk assessments
Health and safety complaints and enquiries
Accidents and incidents
Workplace health and safety
Contaminated land
Imported food control
Port Health food hygiene and safety inspections
Ship sanitation inspections and ships water sampling
International catering waste
Grimsby and Immingham Port Health Charges
Illegal, unregulated and unreported fish
Customer access points
Communications and press team
Port Health
Insurance and risk management
Equality and diversity
Emergency planning
Neighbourhood planning
Habitat Regulations Assessment
Sustainability Appraisal
Brownfield Land Register
Local Development Orders
Supplementary planning documents
Statement of community involvement
Local development scheme
Community Infrastructure Levy
Planning policy consultations
Highways enforcement
The Local Plan
Planning policy
Buy a plan
Street naming and numbering
Self build and custom build register
Local land searches
Planning enforcement
Protected trees
Dangerous structures and demolitions
Building regulations application
Building Regulations
Local Authority Building Control (LABC)
Violent crime
Building control
Heritage and conservation
Terrorism and Prevent
Business crime
Smart Energy Greater Lincolnshire
Business and community projects
Council’s energy projects
Planning committee
Statutory notices and certificates
Submit a planning application
Noise problems
Pre-application advice
Reporting nuisance behaviour (Noise, smoke, light, smells, waste in gardens, animals, defective premises, dust, fumes, gases and insects)
Gullies and drainage
Vermin advice
Planning application checklist
Dead animals
Planning permission
Fly-posting and graffiti
Abandoned vehicles
Planning Portal
Planning applications
Grass cutting, flower beds, hedges, trees, shrubs and verges
Street cleaning
Dog mess and dog control
Stray and lost dogs
Grimsby Town Hall
Free use computers and WiFi
Apply for it
Cllr Wilson, Karl (Labour and Co-operative Parties)
Cllr Swinburn, Stewart (Conservative)
Cllr Swinburn, Karen (Conservative)
Cllr Silvester, Paul (Conservative)
Cllr Shreeve, Stan (Conservative)
Cllr Shepherd, Ron (Conservative)
Cllr Pettigrew, Nick (Conservative)
Cllr Patrick, Matthew (Labour)
Cllr Parkinson, Bill (Conservative)
Cllr Mickleburgh, Tim (Labour)
Cllr Lindley, Ian (Conservative)
Cllr Jackson, Philip (Conservative)
Cllr Hudson, Henry (Conservative)
Cllr Hasthorpe, David (Conservative)
Cllr Harness, Stephen (Conservative)
Cllr Goodwin, Janet (Labour)
Cllr Freeston, Oliver (Reform UK)
Cllr Cracknell, Margaret (Conservative)
Cllr Cairns, James (Conservative)
Cllr Brookes, Keith (Conservative)
Cllr Beasant, Stephen (Liberal Democrat)
Bradley Parish Council
Barnoldby-le-Beck Parish Council
Stallingborough Parish Council
Irby upon Humber Parish Council
Healing Parish Council
Brigsley Parish Council
Ashby-cum-Fenby Parish Council
Town, village and parish council charter
Emergency officer decisions
Forward plan of key decisions
The Constitution
How decisions are made
Councillor call for action
Filming of public meetings
Public speaking at council meetings
Parliamentary boundary review
Review of polling districts and polling places 2018/20
Police and Crime Commissioner election
European elections
Town and Parish Council elections
Ending a tenancy
During a tenancy
Starting a tenancy
Advice for landlords
Local elections
Security services
Parliamentary elections
Election dates and results
Ways to vote
Change your electoral registration details
Special electoral registration
Get on the electoral register
Annual canvass of Electors
Electoral register and voting
Traveller and caravan sites
Architects and facilities management
Surplus land and buildings
Derelict land and commercial property
Council owned land and property
Council meetings
Empty homes
Empty properties and derelict land
Moving out of North East Lincolnshire
Co-opted and independent members
Moving in to North East Lincolnshire
Councillor conduct
Ward funding
How to become a Councillor
Members allowances and attendance at meetings
Moving within North East Lincolnshire
Moving in to your first home
Moving home
Affordable housing
Housing grants and loans
Big Community Switch
Becoming homeless in an emergency
Being evicted
I am homeless
Support if you are homeless
Moving out of care
Temporary accommodation
Asked to leave by a friend or family
Difficulty paying rent or your mortgage
I need to move home
Housing for people with ill-mental health or disabilities
Moving out for the first time
Being a homeowner
Renting advice
Housing related support
Renting and housing advice
Homelessness prevention, housing related support and housing advice
Grants, funding, and financial support
Members of Parliament
Yarborough ward
Wolds ward
West Marsh ward
Waltham ward
South ward
Sidney Sussex ward
Scartho ward
Park ward
Immingham ward
Humberston and New Waltham ward
Heneage ward
Haverstoe ward
Freshney ward
East Marsh ward
Croft Baker ward
Find your Councillor
Support for new and existing businesses
Investment and regeneration projects
Cleethorpes seafront stalls and concessions
South Quay business units
Immingham business units
Poplar Road business units and office suites
Grimsby Business Centre
Humber seafood institute
Europarc innovation centre
Cleethorpes business centre
Alexandra Dock business centre
Business centres and business units
Buy with confidence
Consumer rights
Trading standards
How your business rates are calculated
Business rates statistics
If you do not pay your business rates
Reusing our information
Privacy notice
Information sharing
Freedom of information
Data Protection and privacy
Published spending data
Social value
Council spending
Contracts and tenders
Annual governance statement
Treasury management
Section 251 statements
Budgets and finance strategy
Annual accounts
You said, we did
Local Byelaws
Mayor of North East Lincolnshire
Town and Parish Councils
Decision making
Councillors and MPs
Engagement, consultation and involvement
Digital North East Lincolnshire
Public involvement in meetings
Data Protection and information governance
Elections and voting
Finances, spending and contracts
Enrolled Freemen of Grimsby
Website statistics
Armed forces
Fraud and corruption
Complaints, compliments and suggestions
Policies and strategies
Council workforce
Gritting and cold weather
Relief and exemptions
Pay your business rates
Business rates
COVID-19 guidance
Environmental permits public register
Environmental permits
Landowner statements and deposits
Highways Public Spaces Protection Orders
Public rights of way adverts
Definitive map and statement
Public rights of way policy and improvement plan
Business cases and funding bids
Private works on the public highway
Create or change an access on a public highway
Dropped kerbs
Roadworks information for utility companies
Road repairs and surface treatment
Planned roadworks
Roadworks and road closures
Gambling and gaming machines
Charitable collections and lotteries
Houses in multiple occupation (HMO)
Petroleum storage licence
Scrap metal and motor salvage licence
Libraries, leisure centres and archives
Fireworks and explosives storage licence
Hypnotism licence
Skin piercing
Street trading and markets
Sex shops and cinema venues licence
Chaperone licence
Business, trading and employment
Child entertainment and employment licences
Event Safety Advisory Group
Temporary event notice
Animal welfare register
Animal welfare
Taxi and private hire vehicles
Adverts of licensing applications for a premises or club premises
Club premises licence
Premises licence
Alcohol and premises licensing
Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE)
Educational psychology
Children missing from education
Schools forum
School exclusions
Report it
Pay it
Education welfare service
School crossing patrols
Road safety
Traffic signals, bollards and signs
Traffic Regulation Orders
School transport
Find schools in my area
Residential travel plans
Business travel plans
School travel plans
Travel planning
Dial a ride
Phone ‘n’ Ride
Bus and train information
Bus pass (Concessionary travel scheme)
School admission appeals
Apply for a school place
School admissions
School term dates
Schools and education
Early Years Entitlement
Childcare provider secure area
School and college life
Jobs, careers and training for young people
Young people
Activities for 0 to 19
Funding for childcare
Childcare providers
Three and four year old funding
Two year old funding
Childcare and funding
Disabled bays
Verge and footway parking
Trade parking waiver
Residents parking scheme
Parking season tickets
Parking fines
Concessionary parking permits
Nunsthorpe and Bradley Park Family Hub
Car parks
Blue badge misuse
Blue badge evidence
Apply for, renew or replace your blue badge
Blue badge
Immingham Family Hub
Report an issue on our streets
Public Rights of Way and Public Space Protection Orders (Highways)
East Marsh Family Hub
Street lighting
Highways projects
Roadworks and road repairs
Traffic and road safety
Travel and public transport
Reynolds Family Hub
Family hubs
Family history resources
Crematorium service diary
Register a death or stillbirth
Self-help funerals
Permits and sports pitch hire
Meridian showground
Parks and open spaces
Public facilities
National assistance funerals
Dealing with a death
Bereavement services
Register a birth
Coroner and coroner’s inquests
Maternal and children’s healthy weight
Breastfeeding support
Health visitors
School nursing
Venues for your ceremony
Marriage and civil ceremonies
What goes in your bins and recycling
Public health
Mental and emotional health
Maternal and children’s health
Children’s social care strategies and policies
Corporate parenting
Business waste
Children’s social care complaints
Children’s social care feedback
Service users toolkit (Pack B)
Getting started (Pack A)
Direct payments
Our Voice Listen Up
Independent visitors
Independent Children’s Advocacy
Care leavers | Education and training
Order a birth, marriage or death certificate
Fostering help and support
Types of foster care
Fostering stories
Fostering in North East Lincolnshire
Adoption help and support
Adoption information
Children looked after
Your voice
Interested in adoption
Concern about a child
Health and wellbeing
Children’s social care
Adult social care
Volunteering wins
Volunteering opportunities
VoLEARNteering opportunities
Community Spotlight
Applying for a job with North East Lincolnshire Council
Apply for Apprenticeship Levy Transfer
Social work careers in North East Lincolnshire
Employment support and training
Apprenticeships, graduates and placements
Working for North East Lincolnshire Council
Benefits data
About benefits
Benefit calculator
Council Tax support
Extra money for rent and council tax
Free school meals
Universal Credit
Make a Housing Benefit repayment
If you do not pay back the money
Housing Benefit overpayments
Report changes that affect your Housing Benefit
How we pay Housing Benefit
Apply for Housing Benefit
Appeal a Housing Benefit decision
Housing benefit
Council Tax data
Waste end destinations
What happens to your rubbish and recycling
Bulky waste collections
Assisted collections
Household rubbish and recycling
Local Offer for care leavers
Refuse collection schedule
Household waste declaration for the tip
Recycling centres (the tip)
Repair or replace your bins
Opt-out of garden waste collections or change your address
Sign up and pay for Garden waste collections
Garden waste
Missed collections
How your Council Tax is spent
About Council Tax
Council Tax banding and charges
Enforcement agents (‘Bailiffs’) and their fees
What happens if you do not pay
Can’t afford to pay your Council Tax bill
Council Tax exemptions
Council Tax discount
Money off your Council Tax bill
Update your Council Tax details
Pay your Council Tax
Accessibility Statement
Contact us
Terms and conditions
Your Council
Jobs, training and volunteering
Children, families and schools
Streets, travel and parking
Business and investment
Planning and building control
Health, wellbeing and social care
Births, marriages and deaths
Licensing and permits
Keeping our area clean, green, and safe
Leisure and things to do
Benefits and help with money
Council Tax
Bins and recycling