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Local elections

Upcoming local elections

The next election is on Thursday 1 May 2025.

This year residents in North East Lincolnshire will be voting to select:

  • The Mayor of the Greater Lincolnshire Combined County Authority

The next local elections are scheduled for 2026.

Find out more at Election dates and results.

Voter ID Statistics

There were 116,484 people eligible to vote in person at the polling stations on 4th May 2023.

The total number of polling station electors who applied for, but were not issued with a ballot paper initially: 164, of which 81 later returned with acceptable ID and were issued with a ballot paper.

Number of polling station electors who applied for, but were not issued with a ballot paper by close of poll: 83, which equates to 0.5% of people who attended the polling stations.

Local election results

Results for the Local elections on 2 May 2024.

Election turnout: 22.02%

As a result of the elections held on 2 May 2024, the political composition of North East Lincolnshire Council is as follows:

Conservative – 19

Labour – 15

Liberal Democrat – 3

Independents for North East Lincolnshire – 5

Croft Baker (Turnout: 23.18%)

The result of the Croft Baker Ward election held on 2 May 2024 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
HARNEY, Gemma LouiseLiberal Democrats198
JERVIS, MarianLabour Party1122
REYNOLDS, Graham DonaldConversative Party Candidate586

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

East Marsh (Turnout: 13.72%)

The result of the East Marsh Ward election held on 2 May 2024 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
EMMERSON, Loyd LaytonLiberal Democrat557
MILLER, BarryLabour and Co-operative Party322
PROCTER, Callum TerenceConservative Party Candidate85

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Freshney (Turnout: 25.69%)

The result of the Freshney Ward election held on 2 May 2024 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
BARTON, Tamzin RoseLiberal Democrats38
BRASTED, TanyaConservative Party Candidate328
BRIGHT, Paul ChristopherIndependent997
WOOD, Paul AndrewTrade Union and Socialist Coalition28
WREXAL HOLBOROW, Samantha JoanneLabour Party433

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Haverstoe (Turnout: 28.93%)

The result of the Haverstoe Ward election held on 2 May 2024 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
HOCKNELL, StephenLiberal Democrats172
O’FLYNN, ValTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition58
PARKINSON, BillConservative Party Candidate1331
TOWNSEND, Ian KeithLabour Party691

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Heneage (Turnout: 19.02%)

The result of the Heneage Ward election held on 2 May 2024 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
BARRETT, Brian WilliamLiberal Democrats345
CLOUGH, Emma LouiseLabour Party734
CURRAN, Tyrone ShaunConservative Party366
STIFF, John StephenTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition81

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Humberston and New Waltham (Turnout: 23.03%)

The result of the Humberston and New Waltham Ward election held on 2 May 2024 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
AISTHORPE, Ryan AshleyLiberal Democrats245
CARTER, JoeTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition72
DAWKINS, Hayden AlexanderConservative Party Candidate1290
KACZMAREK, Pauline GracieLabour Party698

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Immingham (Turnout: 20.31%)

The result of the Immingham Ward election held on 2 May 2024was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
BARTON, DaveLiberal Democrats219
CROFTS, Trevor RichardConservative Party Candidate754
NEWTON, Nathan RoyTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition77
WATSON, David AaronLabour Party744

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Park (Turnout: 28.79%)

The result of the Park Ward election held on 2 May 2024 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
AUGUSTA, Robson JackLabour Party1079
KELLERMAN, ZachLiberal Democrats381
MITCHELL, DaveTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition77
WESTCOTT, DanielConservative Party Candidate947

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Scartho (Turnout: 26.96%)

The result of the Scartho Ward election held on 2 May 2024 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
CROFT, Charlotte LeslieConservative Party Candidate1071
ELLIS, CarolineLiberal Democrats157
HUMPHREY, DanLabour Party1117
POW, ValTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition57

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Sidney Sussex (Turnout: 16.74%)

The result of the Sidney Sussex Ward election held on 2 May 2024 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
BURTON, AndyLiberal Democrats126
CURRAN, Alexandra JaneConservative Party Candidate411
GEE, Mark PatrickTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition117
KACZMAREK, Edward Thomas PeterLabour Party672

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

South (Turnout: 15.60%)

The result of the South Ward election held on 2 May 2024 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
BATSON, PaulConservative Party Candidate345
BRAMLEY, Jane ElizabethIndependent144
HARRISON, AndrewLiberal Democrats74
MILL, Sheldon JamesLabour Party726
WARD, BillTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition30

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Yarborough (Turnout: 20.96%)

The result of the Yarborough Ward election held on 2 May 2024 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
BONNER, LesIndependent880
BROWN, SamLabour and Co-operative Party471
TUPLIN, PhilTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition23
VICKERS, Christine ElizabethConservative Party Candidate340
WHARTON, Aharon Kenneth RaymondLiberal Democrats47

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Results for the Local elections on 4 May 2023.

Election turnout: 23.12%

As a result of the elections held on 4 May 2023, the political composition of North East Lincolnshire Council is as follows:

Conservative – 27

Labour – 9

Liberal Democrat – 3

Independents for North East Lincolnshire – 3

Croft Baker (Turnout: 22.59%)

The result of the Croft Baker Ward election held on 4 May 2023 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
BEST, Julian DarrenTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition107
CALLISON, BobConservative Party Candidate782
MORLAND, MalcolmLabour and Co-operative Party969

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

East Marsh (Turnout: 15.97%)

The result of the East Marsh Ward election held on 4 May 2023 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
AISTHORPE, Nicola DawnLiberal Democrat608
COULBECK, LeeTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition28
PROCTER, Callum TerenceConservative Party Candidate82
RUDD, KayLabour Party373

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Freshney (Turnout: 29.20%)

The result of the Freshney Ward election held on 4 May 2023 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
DOWNES, LyndseyIndependent964
GRIFFITHS, AnnaConservative Party Candidate394
KIFF, MickIndependent146
MILL, Sheldon JamesLabour Party576

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Haverstoe (Turnout: 29.69%)

The result of the Haverstoe Ward election held on 4 May 2023 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
BROOKES, Keith CyrusConservative Party Candidate1464
BROWN, Samantha Jenny-Louise Quibs SpellLabour and Co-operative Party761
WARREN, Cameron RobertTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition100

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Heneage (Turnout: 20.24%)

The result of the Heneage Ward election held on 4 May 2023 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
CROFTS, Trevor RichardConservative Party Candidate511
PATRICK, Matthew DavidLabour Party891
STIFF, John StephenTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition61
YOUNG, Daniel JohnLiberal Democrat122

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Humberston and New Waltham (Turnout: 24.76%)

The result of the Humberston and New Waltham Ward election held on 4 May 2023 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
SHREEVE, StanleyConservative Party Candidate1534
TOWNSEND, Ian KeithLabour Party875

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Immingham (Turnout: 20.51%)

The result of the Immingham Ward election held on 4 May 2023 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
BARTON, DaveIndependent237
NEWTON, Nathan RoyTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition46
SWINBURN, Karen DorisConservative Party Candidate886
WREXAL HOLBOROW, SamLabour Party647

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Park (Turnout: 25.27%)

The result of the Park Ward election held on 4 May 2023 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
AISTHORPE, Ryan AshleyLiberal Democrat387
BOYD, MarianConservative Party Candidate869
DICKSON, AndrewGreen Party126
KACZMAREK, Edward Thomas PeterLabour Party741
MITCHELL, DaveTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition52

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Scartho (Turnout: 28.31%)

The result of the Scartho Ward election held on 4 May 2023 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
AUGUSTA, Robson JackLabour and Co-operative Party1097
LINDLEY, Ian RobertConservative Party Candidate1339
POW, ValTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition63

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Sidney Sussex (Turnout: 18.69%)

The result of the Sidney Sussex Ward election held on 4 May 2023 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
GEE, Mark PatrickTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition130
HAGGIS, JanetLabour Party793
VICKERS, Christine ElizabethConservative Party Candidate545

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

South (Turnout: 15.11%)

The result of the South Ward election held on 4 May 2023 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
BATSON, KarenIndependent74
BRAMLEY, Jane ElizabethIndependent87
BURCH, Andrew PhilipConservative Party Candidate319
GOODWIN, Janet AngelaLabour Party755
MOULSON, Phillip AndrewIndependent45
WARD, BillTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition22

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Waltham (Turnout: 30.69%)

The result of the Waltham Ward election held on 4 May 2023 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
BAILEY, Peter KennethLabour Party512
JACKSON, PhilipConservative Party Candidate1052
KIRMAN, Lorna JenniferGreen Party148

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

West Marsh (Turnout: 16.38%)

The result of the West Marsh Ward election held on 4 May 2023 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
BARKER, Peter MichaelIndependent162
DAVIS, Heather ChristineTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition21
LAWLESS, MarcoLiberal Democrat107
RICHES, Hugh George JamesConservative Party Candidate102
WATKIN, KeithIndependent31
WILSON, KarlLabour and Co-operative Party412

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Wolds (Turnout: 28.30%)

The result of the Wolds Ward election held on 4 May 2023 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
EMMERSON, Loyd LaytonLiberal Democrat632
HUDSON, Henry RichardConservative Party Candidate749
KIRMAN, Jonathan MichaelGreen Party94
WHEATON CHAPMAN, Wil Shane HowardLabour Party274

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Yarborough (Turnout: 21.51%)

The result of the Yarborough Ward election held on 4 May 2023 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
ABEL, Garry KennethConservative Party Candidate451
HENDERSON, Paul SimonIndependent805
TUPLIN, PhilTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition24
WATSON, David AaronLabour Party546

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Election turnout: 25.09%

As a result of the elections held on 5 May 2022, the political composition of North East Lincolnshire Council is as follows:

Conservative – 30

Labour – 8

Liberal Democrat – 3

Independent – 1

Croft Baker (Turnout: 27.91%)

The result of the Croft Baker Ward election held on 5 May 2022 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Julian Darren BestTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition47
Andrew DicksonThe Green Party112
Oliver Daniel William FreestonConservative Party Candidate1205
George Kampanella Georgiou102
Janet Maria HaggisLabour Party867

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

East Marsh (Turnout: 17.03%)

The result of the East Marsh Ward election held on 5 May 2022 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Steve BeasantLiberal Democrat868 (Elected to 2026)
Lee CoulbeckTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition71
Andrea Marie HardwareConservative Party Candidate138
Khawar Habib KhawajaLabour Party237
Lynsey Victoria McLeanLiberal Democrat635 (Elected to 2024)

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Freshney (Turnout: 29.73%)

The result of the Freshney Ward election held on 5 May 2022 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Steve HollandIndependent750
Sheldon James MillLabour Party660
Callum Terence ProcterConservative Party Candidate701

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Haverstoe (Turnout: 32.92%)

The result of the Haverstoe Ward election held on 5 May 2022 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Margaret CracknellConservative Party Candidate1751
Ian Stuart RodwellLabour Party824

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Heneage (Turnout: 23.38%)

The result of the Heneage Ward election held on 5 May 2022 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Leslie BonnerLiberal Democrat556
Daryl Marc CliffordTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition30
Mark Stephen SandfordConservative Party Candidate502
Kevin Gregory ShuttLabour Party745

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Humberston and New Waltham (Turnout: 27.01%)

The result of the Humberston and New Waltham Ward election held on 5 May 2022 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Stephen William HarnessConservative Party Candidate1819
Ian Keith TownsendLabour Party761

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Immingham (Turnout: 23.52%)

The result of the Immingham Ward election held on 5 May 2022 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
David BartonIndependent188
Nathan NewtonTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition38
Stewart SwinburnConservative Party Candidate1144
David Aaron WatsonLabour Party700

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Park (Turnout: 27.67%)

The result of the Park Ward election held on 5 May 2022 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Ryan Ashley AisthorpeLiberal Democrat695
Quibs BrownLabour and Co-operative Party665
Dave MitchellTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition63
Paul SilvesterConservative Party Candidate968

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Scartho (Turnout: 31.20%)

The result of the Scartho Ward election held on 5 May 2022 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Robson AugustaLabour Party1194
Ronald Edward ShepherdConservative Party Candidate1541

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

South (Turnout: 16.05%)

The result of the South Ward election held on 5 May 2022 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Karen BatsonConservative Party Candidate533
Tim MickleburghLabour Party727
Phillip Andrew MoulsonAlliance for Democracy and Freedom Lincolnshire102
Bill WardTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition27

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Sidney Sussex (Turnout: 21.26%)

The result of the Sidney Sussex Ward election held on 5 May 2022 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Sophia Lisa FarrenLabour Party819
Mark Patrick GeeTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition113
Christine Elizabeth VickersConservative Party Candidate747

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Waltham (Turnout: 32.35%)

The result of the Waltham Ward election held on 5 May 2022 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Peter Kenneth BaileyLabour Party551
Nicholas Robert PettigrewConservative Party Candidate1232

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

West Marsh (Turnout: 16.71%)

The result of the West Marsh Ward election held on 5 May 2022 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Peter Michael BarkerIndependent405
Kathryn Helen WheatleyLabour Party452

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Wolds (Turnout: 28.75%)

The result of the Wolds Ward election held on 5 May 2022 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Loyd Layton EmmersonLiberal Democrat413
David Anthony HasthorpeConservative Party Candidate891
Lorna Jennifer KirmanThe Green Party122
Wil Shane Howard Wheaton ChapmanLabour Party321

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Yarborough (Turnout: 20.23%)

The result of the Yarborough Ward election held on 5 May 2022 was as follows:

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
James David CairnsConservative Party Candidate898
Edward Thomas Peter KaczmarekLabour Party821

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

The result of the Park Ward by-election held on 17 February 2022 was as follows:

Park (turnout: 21.2%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Dave MitchellTrade Union and Socialist Coalition70
Ryan Ashley AisthorpeLiberal Democrat478
Kevin Gregory ShuttLabour578
Marian BoydConservative715

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

The result of the Heneage Ward by-election held on 1 July 2021 was as follows:

Heneage (turnout: 15.23%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Dave BoltonTrade Union and Socialist Coalition24
Les BonnerLiberal Democrat336
Emma Louise CloughLabour344
Catherine Mary HoganConservative507

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

As a result of the by-election held on 1 July 2021, the political composition of North East Lincolnshire Council is as follows:

PartyNumber of seats
Liberal Democrats3

The result of the Heneage Ward by-election held on 1 July 2021 was as follows:

Heneage (turnout: 15.23%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Dave BoltonTrade Union and Socialist Coalition24
Les BonnerLiberal Democrat336
Emma Louise CloughLabour344
Catherine Mary HoganConservative507

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

As a result of the by-election held on 1 July 2021, the political composition of North East Lincolnshire Council is as follows:

PartyNumber of seats
Liberal Democrats3


As a result of the local elections held on 6 May 2021, the political composition of North East Lincolnshire Council is as follows:

PartyNumber of seats
Liberal Democrats3

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Election turnout: 24.9%

Croft Baker (turnout: 27.86%)

CandidatePartyNo. of Votes Polled
Julian Darren BestTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition34
Roy HorobinLiberal Democrat407
Jill Andrea ParkinsonFreedom Alliance88
Graham Donald ReynoldsConservative1083 (Elected)
Kathryn Helen WheatleyLabour723

East Marsh (turnout: 19.27%)

CandidatePartyNo. of Votes Polled
Nicola Dawn AisthorpeLiberal Democrat671 (Elected to 2023)
Lee CoulbeckIndependent159
Billy M DaseinIndependent159
Catherine Mary HoganConservative195
Karl Andrew QuibellLabour211
Kay RuddLiberal Democrat788 (Elected to 2024)

Freshney (turnout: 27.1%)

CandidatePartyNo. of Votes Polled
Cliff BarberLabour 758
Tanya BrastedConservative1105 (Elected)
Daryl Marc CliffordTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition36
Timothy John ShawFreedom Alliance41

Haverstoe (turnout: 37.04%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Bill ParkinsonConservative2094 (Elected)
Ian Stuart RodwellLabour519
Katie TeakleLiberal Democrat247
Phil TuplinTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition54

Heneage (turnout: 23.43%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
David BoltonTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition64
Emma Louise CloughLabour734
Adam DriverLiberal Democrat73
Trevor Anthony FrancisFreedom Alliance57
Mark SmithConservative931 (Elected)

Humberston and New Waltham (turnout: 31.28%)

CandidatePartyNo. of Votes Polled
Hayden Alexander DawkinsConservative 2242 (Elected)
Warren Peter JollyFreedom Alliance97
Dave MitchellTrade Unionist and Socialist Coaalition38
Ian Keith TownsendLabour553

Immingham (turnout: 27.15%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Georgia Erin AstburyConservative1144 (Elected)
Dave BartonIndependent211
Nathan Roy NewtonTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition29
Dan TurnerIndependent273
David Aaron WatsonLabour721

Park (turnout: 31.35%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Anthony Alan BlakeUKIP57
David Michael De FreitasLiberal Democrat450
Angela Heather GreenfieldTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition68
Neil Andrew LobleyFreedom Alliance39
Kevin Gregory ShuttLabour676
Daniel WestcottConservative1444 (Elected)

Scartho (turnout: 32.14%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Robson AugustaLabour740
Charlotte Lesley CroftConservative1739 (Elected to 2024)
Val PowTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition103
Ron ShepherdConservative1578 (Elected to 2022)
Jim SlatteryIndependent187
John Matthew StocktonUKIP99
Natalie Louise WoodsFreedom Alliance88

Sidney Sussex (turnout: 20.20%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Les BonnerLiberal Democrat74
Mark Patrick GeeTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition47
Brian Malcolm RobinsonConservative790 (Elected)
Gaynor RogersLabour618
Angela SmithFreedom Alliance92

South Ward (turnout: 16.74%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Paul David BatsonConservative628 (Elected)
Jane Elizabeth Bramley UKIP126
Loyd Layton EmmersonIndependent112
Sheldon James MillLabour533
Val O’FlynnTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition13

Yarborough (turnout: 22.73%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Kieran Ian BarlowTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition83
Edward Thomas Peter KaczmarekLabour561
Tim MellorsSocial Democratic Party21
Martyn Lewis SandfordConservative1104 (Elected)
Liam StephenLiberal Democrat144

As a result of the local elections held on 2 May 2019, the political composition of North East Lincolnshire Council is as follows:

PartyNumber of seats
Liberal Democrats4

Election Results May 2019 (XLS, 16KB)

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Election turnout: 27.31%

Croft Baker (turnout: 27.41%)

CandidatePartyNo. of Votes Polled
Bob Callison (Elected)Conservative1049 
Roy HorobinLiberal Democrat388
Judy NicholsLabour808

East Marsh (turnout: 20.96%)

CandidatePartyNo. of Votes Polled
Mark Patrick GeeLabour296
Phillip Andrew MoulsonUKIP264
David George TownendConservative80
Terry Walker (Elected)Liberal Democrat738

Freshney (turnout: 28%)

CandidatePartyNo. of Votes Polled
Tom Furneaux (Elected)Conservative713
Martin Joseph GrantUKIP363
Mick KiffIndependent362
Sheldon James MillLabour580

Haverstoe (turnout: 32.54%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Peter Kenneth BaileyLabour559
Keith Cyrus Brookes (Elected)Conservative1962

Heneage (turnout: 24.81%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Matthew David Patrick (Elected)Labour800
Mark SmithConservative595
John Matthew StocktonUKIP552

Humberston and New Waltham (turnout: 32.11%)

CandidatePartyNo. of Votes Polled
Sheldon EllisLabour480
Stan Shreeve (Elected)Conservative2301 

Immingham (turnout: 25.87%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
David BoltonLabour818
Karen Doris Swinburn (Elected)Conservative1269 

Park (turnout: 32.10%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Matthew Craig BarrowLabour491
Anthony Alan BlakeUKIP482
David Michael De FreitasLiberal Democrat781
Debbie Woodward (Elected)Conservative1034

Scartho (turnout: 34.08%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Liz HaddockLabour609
Louise HorobinLiberal Democrat193
Ian Robert Lindley (Elected)Conservative1725
Stephen John WhiteUKIP442

Sidney Sussex (turnout: 21.97%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Marie Ann Green (Elected)Labour715
John Robert HancockUKIP512
Graham Donald ReynoldsConservative544

South Ward (turnout: 20.70%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Paul David BatsonConservative381
Liudmila BerezinaUKIP363
Jane Elizabeth Bramley (Elected)UKIP528 (for one year term)
Loyd Layton EmmersonGreen232
Janet Angela Goodwin (Elected)Labour532 (for full four year term)
Deborah Elsie Florence May HillIndependent314
Roy LongIndependent160
Ian Stuart RodwellLabour442

Waltham (turnout: 33.29%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Philip Jackson (Elected)Conservative1557
Vikki VerityLabour260

West Marsh (turnout: 21.08%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Peter Michael BarkerIndependent310
Adrian JacksonUKIP212
Hugh George James RichesConservative118
Karl Wilson (Elected)Labour410

Wolds (turnout: 30.36%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Henry Richard Hudson (Elected)Conservative1344
Karl Andrew QuibellLabour404

Yarborough (turnout: 22.67%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Garry Kenneth Abel (Elected)Conservative867
Kieran Ian BarlowSocialist Alternative421
Peter Christopher WheatleyLabour622

The result of the Freshney Ward by-election held on 26 July 2018 was as follows:

Freshney (turnout: 23.22%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Loyd Layton EmmersonGreen Party24
Barry Charles FisherUK Independence Party78
Steve HollandConservative Party650
Mick KiffIndependent231
Sheldon James Mill (Elected)Labour Party692

The successful candidate is highlighted in bold.

Election Results 3 May 2018 (XLS, 17KB)

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Election turnout: 29.73%

Croft Baker (turnout: 32.97%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
James William BarkerGreen143
Clive ColamUKIP163
Carole Anne DohertyLabour1184
Oliver Daniel William Freeston (Elected)Conservative1340

East Marsh (turnout: 24.33%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Stephen Beasant (Elected)Liberal Democrat1117
Ronal Raymond BullIndependent50
James Adam ChaudryConservative67
Mark Patrick GeeLabour331
Catherine Susan HarperGreen15
Phillip Andrew MoulsonUKIP59

Freshney (turnout: 27.15%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Stefan Leon AllanLabour793
Barry Charles FisherUKIP180
Andrew LingwoodGreen83
Val PowTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition17
Callum Terence Procter (Elected)Conservative878

Haverstoe (turnout: 38.16%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Margaret Cracknell (Elected)Conservative2211
Jack Stuart Mariner RodwellLabour694
Steven Michael Anthony RoperGreen203

Heneage (turnout: 25.97%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Chris Nichols (Elected)Labour996
Val O’FlynnTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition46
Mark SmithConservative681
John Matthew StocktonUKIP322

Humberston and New Waltham (turnout: 35.72%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
CandidatePartyNo. of Votes Polled
Stephen William Harness (Elected)Conservative2557
Sean Lawrence WillisLabour595

Immingham (turnout: 30.32%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
David BoltonLabour1005 (Elected for one year)
Charlotte Louise EmmersonGreen227
Marian JervisLabour737
Karen Doris SwinburnConservative1002
Stewart Swinburn (Elected)Conservative1227 (Elected for four years)
Willie WeirIndependent654

Park (turnout: 33.26%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Julian Darren BestTrade Union and Socialist Coalition33
Tony BlakeUKIP146
Christina Ann McGilligan-FellLiberal Democrat788
Sheldon James MillLabour814
Paul Silvester (Elected)Conservative1012
Jacqueline VesseyGreen108

Scartho (turnout: 34.79%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Peter Kenneth BaileyLabour839
Beckey Jane BrumptonUKIP175
David Michael De FreitasLiberal Democrat362
Lia Nici (Elected)Conservative1674

South Ward (turnout: 21.94%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Paul David BatsonConservative409
Jane Elizabeth BramleyUKIP318
Loyd Layton EmmersonGreen107
Deborah Elsie Florence May HillIndependent239
Tim Mickleburgh (Elected)Labour706

Sidney Sussex (turnout: 24.75%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Tanya BrastedUKIP205
Andy DicksonGreen87
Steve HollandConservative666
Debbie Rodwell (Elected)Labour1062

Waltham (turnout: 37.84%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Nick Pettigrew (Elected)Conservative1766
Karl Andrew QuibellLabour354

West Marsh (turnout: 20.99%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Anna-Karina GregersenUKIP122
Dave MitchellTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition21
Gemma Louise Sheridan (Elected)Labour510
David George TownendConservative165
Keith WatkinIndependent210

Wolds (turnout: 31.56%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
David Anthony Hasthorpe (Elected)Conservative1401
Ian Stuart RodwellLabour465

Yarborough (turnout: 23.35%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Kieran Ian BarlowTrade Union and Socialist Coalition168
Liudmila BerezinaUKIP207
Matthew Jason BrownLabour690
James David Cairns (Elected)Conservative956

The result of the South Ward by-election held on 9th June, 2016 is as follows:

South (turnout: 18.57%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Paul David BatsonConservative Party212
Loyd Layton EmmersonGreen Party40
Janet Angela GoodwinLabour Party758
Val O’FlynnTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition26
Stephen WhittinghamUK Independence Party462

The successful candidate is highlighted in bold.

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Election turnout: 27.71%

Croft Baker (turnout: 28.10 %)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
James William BarkerGreen 99
Ian Kieran BarlowTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 48
Roy HorobinLiberal Democrat 348
Victoria Jane MuttonUKIP 551
Michael RudkinConservative 389
Kathryn Helen WheatleyLabour 975

East Marsh (turnout: 24.05%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
James Adam ChaudryConservative 81
Kay RuddLiberal Democrat 901
Neil Martin TrenchardLabour 507
Phil TuplinTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 87

Freshney (turnout: 24.8%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Cliff BarberLabour 876
Julian Darren BestTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 29
Max Logan BurnettConservative 386
Guy Thomas Twistleton HaxbyUKIP 434
Andy LingwoodGreen 68

Haverstoe (turnout: 33.01%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Cameron James William Edward Allan BestTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 88
Katherine CollettLiberal Democrat 227
Catherine Susan HarperGreen 136
Stephen Russell NaullsLabour 566
Bill ParkinsonConservative 1650

Heneage (turnout: 25.37%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Holly Joanne Amanda HillConservative 345
Ros JamesLabour 948
Gloria LondLiberal Democrat 158
Val O’FlynnTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 51
Stephen WhittinghamUKIP 500

Humberston and New Waltham (turnout:  31.07%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Monica Ruth BrastedUKIP 693
Andy DicksonGreen 54
John Shelton FentyConservative 1481
David William MitchellTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 29
Chris NicholsLabour 519

Immingham (turnout: 30.77%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Richard CraggTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 282
Martin Leslie ReedGreen 186
Stewart SwinburnConservative 1073
David Aaron WatsonLabour 1128

Park (turnout: 32.12%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Ian Philip BarfieldLiberal Democrat 905
Tony BlakeUKIP 586
Vicky DunnGreen 124
Martin Peter JohnsonConservative 541
Ian Michael RadfordTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 39
Jonathan Martyn SpurrLabour 617

Scartho (turnout:  33.12%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Beckey Jane BrumptonUKIP 716
Joe CarterTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 18
David Michael De FreitasLiberal Democrat 313
Janet Angela GoodwinLabour 813
Ron ShepherdConservative 1011

South Ward (turnout: 21.23%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Ludmila BerezinaUKIP 483
Richard HardyConservative 251
Karen Michelle ManleyTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 54
Ray OxbyLabour 913

Sidney Sussex (turnout: 22.59%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Tanya BrastedUKIP 538
Angela Heather GreenfieldTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 68
Graham Robert NicholsonLiberal Democrat 83
Callum ProcterConservative 246
Catherine Margaret Gaynor RogersLabour 787

Yarborough (turnout: 24.06%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Deborah Elsie Florence May HillConservative 453
Jane Diana Hyldon-KingLabour 1012
Val PowTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition 40
Jane WhittinghamUKIP 590

The result of the Croft Baker by-election held on 23 July 2015 is as follows:

Croft Baker (turnout: 24.3 %)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
James William BarkerThe Green Party66
Graham John CritchleyUKIP318
Annie DarbyLabour768
Hayden DawkinsConservative Party513
Roy HorobinLiberal Democrat323
Dave MitchellTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition85

The successful candidate is highlighted in bold.

Croft Baker (turnout: 60.74%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
James William BarkerGreen202
Michael BurnettLabour2056 (Elected)
Graham John CritchleyUKIP1202
Hayden DawkinsConservative1370
Sarah Elaine HughesLiberal Democrat220
Dave MitchellTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition95

East Marsh (turnout: 43.66%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Becci BishellUKIP883 (Elected – for one year)
Jake BrownConservative386
Lauren BruceLiberal Democrat834
Andy DicksonGreen211
Neil Martin TrenchardLabour867
Phil TuplinTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition135
Terry WalkerLabour952 (Elected – for four years)
Les WindsorLiberal Democrat662

Freshney (turnout: 59.29%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Max Logan BurnettConservative1133
John William ChapmanUKIP1182
Andrew LingwoodGreen136
Ian Michael RadfordTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition37
Ray SuttonLabour1791 (Elected)

Haverstoe (turnout: 71.06%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Julian Darren BestTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition37
Keith Cyrus BrookesConservative2783 (Elected)
Roy HorobinLiberal Democrat369
Terry RobinsonUKIP1302
Alexander WallaceLabour1270

Heneage (turnout: 55.50%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Val O’FlynnTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition105
Matthew David PatrickLabour1730 (Elected)
Mike RudkinConservative917
Stuart ShepherdLiberal Democrat289
Mark SmithUKIP1335

Humberston and New Waltham (turnout: 68.07%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Samuel Chad Bankes-ArcherTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition93
Stan ShreeveConservative2902 (Elected)
David Rimmer WalkerUKIP1627
Kathryn Helen WheatleyLabour1360

Immingham (turnout: 60.23%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Joy BanksUKIP1344
Mike BurtonLabour2121 (Elected)
Debbie HillConservative1397
Martin Leslie ReedGreen184
Andrew Jonathan Simon SmithTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition78

Park (turnout: 62.54%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Andrew De FreitasLiberal Democrat1745 (Elected)
Sarah RudkinConservative1144
Ian Keith TownsendLabour1223
Jacqueline VesseyGreen272
Jane WhittinghamUKIP980
Andrew Paul WoodTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition63

Scartho (turnout: 66.86%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Sam BarnesTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition66
David Michael De FreitasLiberal Democrat439
Irene KellyLabour1554
Ian Robert LindleyConservative1962 (Elected)
Timothy John VealUKIP1620

South Ward (turnout: 50.57%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Paul David BatsonUKIP1278
Angela Heather GreenfieldTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition83
Alastair Carl GriggConservative742
Steve HocknellLiberal Democrat172
Chris StanlandLabour1681 (Elected)

Sidney Sussex (turnout: 53.56%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Tanya BrastedUKIP1133
Hazel Florence Jane ChaseLabour1666 (Elected)
Warren Peter JollyGreen200
Debbie LandymoreConservative985
Malcolm MorlandTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition82
Steve SteadLiberal Democrat129

Waltham (turnout: 69.75%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Guy Thomas Twisleton HaxbyUKIP760
Louise Julie HorobinLiberal Democrat146
Philip JacksonConservative2156 (Elected)
Val PowTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition39
Ashley David SmithLabour840

West Marsh (turnout: 49.15%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Peter Michael BarkerIndependent301
David John HardyTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition74
Holly Joanne Amanda HillConservative233
Keith WatkinIndependent201
Stephen WhittinghamUKIP560
Karl WilsonLabour939 (Elected)

Wolds (turnout: 70.10%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Anthony Alan BlakeUKIP909
Hilda Melanie DickersonConservative2105 (Elected)
Marian JervisLabour953
Karen Michelle ManleyTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition50

Yarborough (turnout: 57.41%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Carol BeasantLiberal Democrat252
Vicky DunnGreen176
Thomas James FurneauxUKIP1391
Martin Peter JohnsonConservative1096
Benjamin LeechTrade Unionist and Socialist Coalition47
Peter Christopher WheatleyLabour1900 (Elected)

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected

Election turnout: 31.04%

Croft Baker (turnout: 33.29%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Matthew Jason BrownLabour1031
Roy Thomas CramptonTrade Unionist104
Sarah Elaine HughesLiberal Democrats61
Debbie LandymoreConservative352
Christopher James OsborneUKIP885
Leanor Mary PidgenIndependent424

East Marsh (turnout: 24.50%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Stephen BeasantLiberal Democrats907
Annie DarbyLabour369
Andrew DicksonGreen Party46
Phillip John DumbrellUKIP422
Philip Martin TuplinTrade Unionist22

Freshney (turnout: 26.94%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Andrew LingwoodGreen Party73
Nicholas Robert PettigrewUKIP763
Douglas Victor PickettLiberal Democrats85
Ian Michael RadfordTrade Unionist32
Graham ReynoldsConservative394
Kathryn Helen WheatleyLabour631

Haverstoe (turnout: 37.99%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Jack Robert ConnorLabour Party547
Margaret CracknellConservative1403
Victoria Anne DunnGreen Party86
Roy HorobinLiberal Democrats133
Paul WoodUKIP939

Heneage (turnout: 29.15%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Andy FoxGreen Party97
Abby McKennaLiberal Democrats108
Val O’FlynnTrade Unionist43
John Matthew StocktonUKIP918
David Rimmer WalkerConservative408
Karl WilsonLabour779

Humberston and New Waltham (turnout: 35.47%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Gareth Luke CarterLabour533
Stephen William HarnessUKIP1521
Stan ShreeveConservative1062

Immingham (turnout: 33.33%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
David BoltonLabour960
Martin ReedGreen Party112
Andrew Jonothan Simon SmithTrade Unionist49
Stewart SwinburnConservative787
Andy WarwickUKIP952

Park (turnout: 34.89%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Joseph George CoombsTrade Unionist42
Tom FurneauxConservative614
Liz HaddockLabour577
Christina McGilligan-FellLiberal Democrats867
Jacqueline VesseyGreen Party165
Stephen WhittinghamUKIP796

Scartho (turnout: 35.07%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Sally Michelle DixonConservative960
Catherine HarperLabour549
Graham Frederick HicksLiberal Democrats179
Henry Richard HudsonUKIP1233

South Ward (turnout: 24.44%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Jane Elizabeth BramleyUKIP690
Hayden DawkinsConservative200
Luke HardyGreen Party52
Debbie HillIndependent238
Susan Lindsay PickettLiberal Democrats97
Callum David StanlandLabour660

Sidney Sussex (turnout: 26.19%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
George Kampanella GeorgiouIndependent89
Richard HardyConservative369
Nicola Dawn HockellLiberal Democrats79
Malcolm MorlandTrade Unionist126
Matthew George StinsonUKIP891
Alexander WallaceLabour584

Waltham (turnout: 35.95%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Iain Black ColquhounConservative889
Eleanor FellLiberal Democrats76
Guy Thomas Twisleton HaxbyUKIP664
Ashley David SmithLabour389

West Marsh (turnout: 24.06%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Peter Michael BarkerIndependent247
Paul David BatsonUKIP325
Tim MickleburghLabour434
David William MitchellTrade Unionist32
Keith WatkinIndependent135

Wolds (turnout: 35.10%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
John William ChapmanUKIP676
David Anthony HasthorpeConservative911
Christohper Fracis SwaleLabour408

Yarborough (turnout: 26.96%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
James David CairnsUKIP957
Rhys Dane CookConservative387
May DoddsLabour717
Sarah LeakLiberal Democrats175
Ben LeechTrade Unionist42

The result of the Humberston and New Waltham by-election held on 4 April, 2013 is as follows:

Humberston and New Waltham (turnout : 29.92%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Harry HallConservative738
Stephen William HarnessUKIP1098 (ELECTED)
Ashley David SmithLabour470
Stephen John SteadLiberal Democrat311

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Election turnout : 27.53%

Croft Baker (turnout : 29.78%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Debbie LandymoreConservative364
Leanor Mary PidgenLiberal Democrats418
Terry ThurogoodLabour1327
Philip Raymond WilsonUKIP448

East Marsh (turnout : 20.37%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Phillip John DumbrellConservative105
Jeanette Mary McLeod FergusonLiberal Democrats335
Jon-Paul HowarthLabour789
Henry Richard HudsonUKIP215
Martin Leslie ReedGreen61

Freshney (turnout : 25.79%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Kevin BakrLiberal Democrats112
Cliff BarberLabour1043
David Anthony HasthorpeConservative332
Keith WatkinIndependent87
Stephen WhittinghamUKIP332

Haverstoe (turnout : 33.61%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Rhys HarrisonLabour889
Roy HorobinLiberal Democrats365
Bill ParkinsonConservative1447

Heneage (turnout : 24.86%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Stephen HocknellLiberal Democrats366
Ros JamesLabour1039
Mark SmithIndependent103
Jamie Stephen WatkinsonUKIP304
Karen Lesley Webb-MeekConservative244

Humberston and New Waltham (turnout : 32.68%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
John Shelton FentyConservative1231
Stephen William HarnessUKIP1001
Tim MickleburghLabour596

Immingham (turnout : 28.77%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Stewart SwinburnConservative1045
David Aaron WatsonLabour1407

Park (turnout : 30.84%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Matthew Craig BarrowLabour808
Bob CallisonConservative655
Geoffrey Richard LowisLiberal Democrats696
Timothy John VealUKIP453
Jacqueline VesseyGreen158

Scartho (turnout : 30.76%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Bernadette ChapmanLiberal Democrats144
Sally Michelle DixonConservative718
Victoria Anne DunnGreen96
Marian JervisLabour630
Ronald Edward ShepherdUKIP931

Sidney Sussex (turnout : 22.77%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Richard HardyConservative298
Nicola Dawn HocknellLiberal Democrats169
Scott OwenUKIP329
Christopher David ShawLabour1098

South (turnout : 21.98%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Ernie BrownLiberal Democrats264
Stephen HillIndependent198
Ray OxbyLabour968
John Matthew StocktonUKIP421

Yarborough (turnout : 26.92%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Leslie BonnerLiberal Democrats765
James David CairnsUKIP482
Jane Diana Hyldon-KingLabour1067

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Election turnout: 34.5%

Croft Baker (turnout : 35.56%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Michael BurnettLabour1619
Bob CallisonConservative964
Colin EastwellLiberal Democrats460

East Marsh (turnout : 23.34%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Phillip John DumbrellConservative185
Anthony Thomas McCabeLiberal Democrats514
Terry WalkerLabour849
Nigel John WrightUKIP182

Freshney (turnout : 33.21%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
David BoylenLiberal Democrats709
Paul James FieldgateConservative469
Ray SuttonLabour1011
Paul WoodUKIP268

Haverstoe (turnout: 43.77%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Keith BrookesConservative2104
Rhys HarrisonLabour969
Roy HorobinLiberal Democrats451

Heneage (turnout: 30.40%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Stephen HocknellLiberal Democrats585
Stephen KibbleConservative525
Matthew David PatrickLabour1089
Nicholas Robert PettigrewUKIP299

Humberston and New Waltham (turnout: 40.64%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Matthew Craig BarrowLabour756
Stephen William HarnessUKIP663
Steve NortonConservative1327
Margaret SolomonIndependent616
Christopher James StanlandLiberal Democrats136

Immingham (turnout: 37.94%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Victor Stuart Banks90
Mike BurtonLabour1506
Stewart SwinburnConservative1099
Willie WeirIndependent522

Park (turnout: 39.34%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Andrew De FreitasLiberal Democrats1463
Ann FurneauxConservative1165
Timothy John MickleburghLabour855

Scartho (turnout: 39.77%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Alex BaxterConservative1197
Ernie BrownIndependent84
Sally Michelle DixonLiberal Democrats473
Marian JervisLabour776
Ronald Edward ShepherdUKIP648

Sidney Sussex (turnout: 28.68%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Peter BurgessLiberal Democrats581
Hazel Florence ChaseLabour1118
David Anthony HasthorpeConservative437
Karl Lawrance SimmonsUKIP238

South (turnout: 25.01%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Norma LincolnLabour1141
Doug PickettLiberal Democrats496
John Matthew StocktonUKIP456

Waltham (turnout: 41.56%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Paul BartonLiberal Democrats356
Jack Robert ConnorLabour543
Philip JacksonConservative1270
Scott OwenUKIP157

West Marsh (turnout: 24.76%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Peter Michael BarkerIndependent398
Darren BillardLabour465
James Anthony CartwrightTrade Unionists and Socialists Against Cuts38
Keith WatkinIndependent216
Philip Raymond WilsonUKIP120

Wolds (turnout: 41.04%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Melanie DickersonConservative1151
Julian DugardLabour575
Henry Richard HudsonUKIP418
Gordon SmithLiberal Democrats208

Yarborough (turnout: 31.66%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Les BonnerLiberal Democrats914
James David CairnsUKIP281
Vicky Anne DunnGreen Party86
Harry HallConservative442
Peter Christopher WheatleyLabour930

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Election turnout: 59%

Croft Baker (turnout : 60%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Matthew Jason BrownLabour1853
Bob CallisonConservative1521
Colin EastwellLiberal Democrats1198
George Kampanella Georgiou105
Benjamin John Henry Alexander ParkesUKIP410

East Marsh (turnout : 42%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Stephen BeasantLiberal Democrats1337
Phill DumbrellConservative472
Joan HendersonLabour1005
Nigel John WrightUKIP321

Freshney (turnout : 58%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Peggy ElliottLabour1542
Barry MeadowsLiberal Democrats1277
Andy WhitworthConservative1119
Paul WoodUKIP369

Haverstoe (turnout: 72%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Margaret CracknellConservative2728
Rhys Michael HarrisonLabour1228
Simon HudsonLiberal Democrats1415
Rebecca WrightUKIP428

Heneage (turnout: 53%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Ann FurneauxConservative1175
Stephen KibbleLiberal Democrats1212
Nicholas Robert PettigrewUKIP575
Karl WilsonLabour1357

Humberston and New Waltham (turnout: 69%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Matthew Craig BarrowLabour1138
John Bryan ColebrookConservative2317
Bob ReynoldsLiberal Democrats1852
Rachael Jane SullivanUKIP494
Grahame Anthony WilliamsIndependent183

Immingham (turnout: 60%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Victor Stuart BanksIndependent197
David BoltonLabour1574
Debbie HillLiberal Democrats629
Nicholas SmithUKIP350
Karen Doris SwinburnConservative1537
Willie WeirIndependent783

Park (turnout: 63%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Christina FellLiberal Democrats1832
Euan McLeod HunterConservative1794
John Matthew StocktonUKIP491
Ray SuttonLabour1413

Scartho (turnout: 66%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Alex BaxterIndependent258
Sally Michelle DixonLiberal Democrats1419
Paul Christopher GibsonUKIP430
David John HornbyConservative1956
Marian JervisLabour1158

Sidney Sussex (turnout: 52%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
David Anthony HasthorpeConservative1040
Malcolm MorlandLiberal Democrats1165
Karl Laurance SimmonsUKIP447
Alexander WallaceLabour1656

South (turnout: 45%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Jane Elizabeth BramleyLabour1432
Richard KeighleyConservative719
Douglas Victor PickettLiberal Democrats1128
Susan WindleyUKIP454

Waltham (turnout: 70%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Paul BartonLiberal Democrats823
Ian Black ColquhounConservative1873
Scott OwenUKIP355
Brian Harold ThirtleLabour806

West Marsh (turnout: 45%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Harry HallConservative393
Ian Robert LindleyLabour669
Diane WatermanLiberal Democrats486
Keith WatkinIndependent534
Philip Raymond WilsonUKIP234

Wolds (turnout: 71%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Jack Robert ConnorLabour833
Thomas William HaxbyUKIP427
Peter McMichael MillsConservative1929
Gordon SmithLiberal Democrats805

Yarborough (turnout: 55%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
James David CairnsUKIP320
Anne DarbyLiberal Democrats1327
Steve FyfeBNP300
Kath NortonConservative1075
Jim TattersdaleIndependent363
Michael Stephen TaylorLabour1257

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Yarborough election turnout: 25.45%

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Peter Kenneth BaileyLiberal Democrat763
Steve FyfeBritish National Party370
Martin Joseph GrantThe Generalist Party49
Kath NortonConservative513
Michael Stephen TaylorLabour437

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Election turnout: 31.04%

Croft Baker (turnout: 33.36%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
George Kampanella GeorgiouIndependent166
Leanor Mary PidgenLiberal Democrat1052
Alexander WallaceLabour890
Karen Webb-MeekConservative774

East Marsh (turnout: 21.83%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Valerie AlexanderConservative270
Phill DumbrellIndependent85
Joan HendersonLabour541
Jon-Paul HowarthLiberal Democrat722
Dale Craig WestonThe Generalist Party59

Freshney (turnout: 32.49%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Clifford BarberLiberal Democrat900
Henry Richard HudsonConservative766
Jane Diana Hyldon-KingLabour767

Haverstoe (turnout: 38.68%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Matthew Jason BrownLabour531
Bill ParkinsonConservative2147
Abdul SaliqueLiberal Democrat497

Heneage (turnout: 24.62%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Trevor Carlton GibsonConservative666
Rosalind Anne JamesLiberal Democrat865
Karl WilsonLabour484

Humberston and New Waltham (turnout: 38.04%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
John Shelton FentyConservative1997
Margaret SolomonIndependent913
Gillian Frances WallaceLabour349

Immingham (turnout: 36.39%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Vic BanksIndependent419
David BoltonLabour893
Enid Alice CraggLiberal Democrat645
Trevor OliverConservative1148

Park (turnout: 34.48%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Ann FurneauxConservative1145
Roland Farquhar HumphreyLabour342
Kevin HunterEnglish Democrats – “Putting England First!”280
Geoffrey Richard LowisLiberal Democrat1261

Scartho (turnout: 35.13%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Pat ColebrookConservative1297
David William James PowellLiberal Democrat1103
Ken TownsendLabour335

Sidney Sussex (turnout: 26.91%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Deborah HillLiberal Democrat645
Janet Mary MansonConservative658
Christopher David ShawLabour862
James Leslie StinsonThe Generalist Party112

South (turnout: 23.78%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Michael David Antony DaltonIndependent68
David Peter JohnsonConservative338
Susan Mary OldsIndependent135
Matt PatrickLabour563
Susan Lindsay PickettLiberal Democrat689
John Matthew StocktonIndependent175

Yarborough (turnout: 26.01%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Michael Leonard BoultonConservative543
Martin Joseph GrantIndependent104
Kathleen M LittleLiberal Democrat698
Jim TattersdaleIndependent476
Michael Stephen TaylorLabour400

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Election turnout: 30.1%

Croft Baker (turnout: 32.5%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Michael BurnettLabour984
Stephen John EdwardsConservative621
George Kampanella GeorgiouIndependent222
Leanor Mary PidgenLiberal Democrat975

East Marsh (turnout: 21.4%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Frances Anne BovillLabour562
Anthony Tony McCabeLiberal Democrat910
Lee Lawrence Douglas RobinsonConservative162

Freshney (turnout: 29.1%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Dave BoylenLiberal Democrat752
Phyllis Olwen ButterworthConservative675
Michael David Antony DaltonIndependent61
Matthew David PatrickLabour673

Haverstoe (turnout: 36.9%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Keith C BrookesConservative1955
Matthew Jason BrownLabour526
Tony PidgenLiberal Democrat528

Heneage (turnout: 24%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Stephen HocknellLiberal Democrat861
Karl WilsonLabour484
Nigel WrightConservative453

Humberston and New Waltham (turnout: 35.3%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Steve NortonConservative1221
Gordon SmithLiberal Democrat187
Margaret SolomonIndependent1125
Gillian Frances WallaceLabour451

Immingham (turnout: 34.4%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Vic BanksIndependent528
David BoltonLabour1124
Stewart SwinburnConservative1259

Park (turnout: 34.9%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Andrew De FreitasLiberal Democrat1471
Steve FyfeBritish National Party285
Roland Farquhar HumphreyLabour356
Euan McLeod HunterConservative677
Simon NaylorGreen Party286

Scartho (turnout: 35.5%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Marian JervisLabour432
Martin John VickersConservative1363
Karen WilsonLiberal Democrat928

Sidney Sussex (turnout: 24.4%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Peter BurgessLiberal Democrat809
Pat ColebrookConservative486
Alexander WallaceLabour779

South (turnout : 22.1%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Michelle DaltonLiberal Democrat735
Giles HeronConservative314
Norma LincolnLabour763

Waltham (turnout: 36.1%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Ann FurneauxLiberal Democrat462
Philip JacksonConservative1282
Gary Edward PapeLabour252

West Marsh (turnout: 20.9%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Peter Michael BarkerIndependent754
David Michael BrooksGreen Party91
Mark Stephen SandfordLabour215

Wolds (turnout: 35.8%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Roy Thomas CramptonLabour311
Melanie DickersonConservative1249
Ros JamesLiberal Democrat435

Yarborough (turnout: 26.8%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Les BonnerLiberal Democrat849
Iris Nora EastonConservative369
Jim TattersdaleIndependent588
Michael Stephen TaylorLabour499

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Election turnout: 29.36%

Croft Baker (turnout: 30.32%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Colin EastwellLiberal Democrat1217
George Kampanella GeorgiouIndependent463
Alex WallaceLabour943

East Marsh (turnout: 23.59%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Stephen BeasantLiberal Democrat1141
Frances Anne BovillLabour677

Freshney (turnout: 26.7%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Phyllis Olwen ButterworthConservative936
Peggy ElliottLabour969
Sylvia Margaret MossLabour809
Nigel John WrightConservative842

Haverstoe (turnout: 35.56%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Margaret CracknellConservative2176
Karl WilsonLabour717

Heneage (turnout: 25.11%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Stephen KibbleLiberal Democrat1229
Matthew David PatrickLabour758

Humberston and New Waltham (turnout: 32.87%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
April Anne Rouse BakerLabour789
John ColebrookConservative1992

Immingham (turnout: 37.14%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
David BoltonLabour1430
Karen Doris SwinburnConservative1714

Park (turnout: 31.79%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
David Michael BrooksGreen Party401
Christine Florence Cuerton DixonLabour488
Stephen Peter FyfeBritish National Party577
Daniel KhanLiberal Democrat1335

Scartho (turnout: 33.26%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
David John HornbyConservative1503
Mary Josephine (commonly known as Marian) JervisLabour567
Anthony Gordon (commonly known as Tony) KnightIndependent499

Sidney Sussex (turnout: 23.82%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Alan CowoodLabour860
Malcolm MorlandLiberal Democrat1173

South (turnout: 23.56%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Deborah Elsie Florence May HillIndependent529
Doug V PickettLiberal Democrat770
Kenneth Charles WardleLabour675

Waltham (turnout: 34.94%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
George William BakerLabour413
Iain B ColquhounConservative1515

West Marsh (turnout: 21.45%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Alan BurleyLabour406
Glenn Stephen RadleyGreen Party123
Keith WatkinIndependent570

Wolds (turnout: 34.98%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Peter M MillsConservative1484
Mark Stephen SandfordLabour452

Yarborough (turnout: 25.48%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Sarah Louise BlundellLiberal Democrat1369
Michael BurnettLabour819

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

East Marsh (turnout: 19.23%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Anthony Thomas McCabeLiberal Democrats979
Sylvia Margaret MossLabour419
John Matthew StocktonUK Independence Party139

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Election turnout: 37%

Croft Baker (turnout : 42.3%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Gordon Trevor BerryIndependent412
Peter BurgessIndependent762
George Kampanella GeorgiouIndependent129
Geoff Richard LowisLiberal Democrats1242
Alexander WallaceLabour1117

East Marsh (turnout: 27.9%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Muriel Mary BarkerLabour1006
Anthony Thomas McCabeLiberal Democrats746
John Matthew StocktonIndependent406

Freshney (turnout: 35.4%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
David HornbyConservative783
Jane Diana Hyldon-KingLabour1005
Raymond Frank LawranceIndependent857

Haverstoe (turnout: 45.8%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Robert CallisonIndependent958
Holly Rose CrowLabour619
Earnest William Parkinson (known as Bill)Conservative2154

Heneage (turnout: 32.3%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Alan BurleyLabour1002
David William James PowellLiberal Democrat1507

Humberston and New Waltham (turnout: 43.3%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Mary O’MahonyConservative2507
Gillian Frances WallaceLabour1030

Immingham (turnout: 36.39%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Michael John BurtonLabour1202
Enid Alice CraggIndependent1420
Dennis HazletonConservative888

Park (turnout: 38.3%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Sylvia Margaret MossLabour791
Margaret Joan ThompsonLiberal Democrats2430

Scartho (turnout: 43%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Peggy ElliottLabour816
Anthony Gordon Knight (known as Tony)Independent800
Anthony Jack Rouse (known as Tony)Conservative1698

Sidney Sussex (turnout: 31.3%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Stephen John EdwardsConservative1090
Christopher David ShawLabour1546

South (turnout: 23.78%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Frederick Arthur AvisIndependent249
Michael David Anthony DaltonIndependent507
Susan Lindsay PickettLiberal Democrats929
Kenneth William TownsendLabour824

Yarborough (turnout: 33.2%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Michael BurnettLabour995
Michelle DaltonIndependent609
Kathleen M LittleLiberal Democrat1295

Election turnout: 30.35%

Croft Baker (turnout: 30.93%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Patrick David BullivantLabour1124
Roy Thomas CromptonLabour1078
Colin EastwellLiberal Democrats1315
Alan GreenLabour1250
Geoffrey Richard LowisLiberal Democrats1286
Leanor Mary PidgenLiberal Democrats1326

East Marsh (turnout: 22.37%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Muriel Mary BarkerLabour787
Stephen BeasantLiberal Democrats825
Berenice DudeneyConservative221
Douglas Logan KennedyLiberal Democrats842
Terence Peter WalkerLiberal Democrats718
Kathryn Helen WheatleyLabour646
Peter Christopher WheatleyLabour601

Freshney (turnout: 28.47%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Peter Francis BelliniConservative993
Graham Paul BrewsterConservative755
Jane Diana Hyldon-KingLabour737
Raymond Frank LawranceIndependent665
Stephen James NortonLabour640
Peter James RamsdenLabour619
Nigel John WrightConservative780

Haverstoe (turnout: 35.56%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Keith Cyrus BrookesConservative1954
Robert William CallisonLabour878
Margaret CracknellConservative1856
Earnest William ParkinsonConservative1756

Heneage (turnout: 36.86%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Alan BurleyLabour793
John Wesley FennerLabour662
Stephen HocknellLiberal Democrats1308
John William NealLiberal Democrats1214
David William James PowellLiberal Democrats1198
Karl WilsonLabour610

Humberston and New Waltham (turnout: 36.18%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
John Bryan ColebrookConservative1476
Tudor Rawling JonesLiberal Democrats503
Arthur James MoyLiberal Democrats580
Mary O’MahonyConservative1316
Margaret SolomonIndependent1501
Alexander WallaceLabour840

Immingham (turnout: 34.77%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Ian Philip BarfieldLiberal Democrats607
Kelwyn Mark BradleyLabour1137
Enid Alice CraggLabour1126
Anne Elizabeth DyerLiberal Democrats590
Dennis HazletonConservative1076
Peter Giles HeronConservative952
Susan Lindsay PickettLiberal Democrats556
Stewart SwinburnConservative1243
Leonard Terence TaylorLabour1006

Park (turnout: 36%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Andrew De FreitasLiberal Democrats2134
Peggy ElliottLabour567
Euan McLeod HunterConservative1030
Daniel KhanLiberal Democrats1666
Lee Lawrence Douglas RobinsonConservative890
Margaret Joan ThompsonLiberal Democrats2430

Scartho (turnout: 35.73%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
April Anne Rouse BakerLabour703
George William BakerLabour603
Brenda Ann DixonLiberal Democrats769
Anthony Jack RouseConservative1498
Malcolm Spencer RudkinConservative1546
Martin John VickersConservative1616

Sidney Sussex (turnout: 21.49%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Alan CowoodLabour941
Carole Anne DaltonLabour980
George Kampanella GeorgiouConservative646
Peter NealConservative708
Ann SharrattConservative696
Christopher David ShawLabour879

South (turnout: 21.96%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Michael David Anthony DaltonIndependent656
Norma LincolnLabour719
John Kynch MallonIndependent574
Douglas Victor PickettLiberal Democrats714
John Matthew StocktonIndependent613
Kenneth William TownsendLabour562
Patricia Ann VesseyLabour516

Waltham (turnout: 37.06%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Iain Black ColquhounConservative910
Anthony Michael DewiresLiberal Democrats685
Philip JacksonConservative980
Anthony Gordon KnightIndependent369
Gary Edward PopeLabour284
Stephen WhittinghamLiberal Democrats406

West Marsh (turnout: 27.84%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Peter Michael BarkerIndependent904
Alexander BovillLabour513
Sylvia Margaret MossLabour428
Keith WatkinIndependent865

Wolds (turnout: 38.16%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Holly Rose Elizabeth CrowLabour342
Hilda Melanie DickersonConservative984
Peter McMichael MillsConservative974
Stephen MurrayLiberal Democrats549
Peter TissingtonLiberal Democrats666

Yarborough (turnout: 25.86%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Michael BurnettLabour713
Colin DyerLiberal Democrats1297
Kathleen Mary LittleLiberal Democrats1270
Kathleen Sylvia NortonLabour581
James Francis TattersdaleLiberal Democrats1374
Michael Stephen TaylorLabour546

Candidate whose name is shown in bold type were elected.

Humberston (turnout: 27.16%)

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
John Bryan ColebrookConservative1618
Christopher David ShawLabour1281

Candidates whose names are shown in bold type were elected.

Marsh ward election turnout: 48.14%

CandidatePartyNo. of votes polled
Alexander BovillLabour1517
George Roy Laughton (known as Roy)Independent1328
Graham William Reginald O’RourkeConservative294