Roadworks information for utility companies
Utility companies and their appointed contractors have a right to install new equipment and repair or maintain their equipment within the adopted highway without written permission from us, the local highway authority.
However, certain types of traffic management do require written permission:
- portable traffic signals
- road closures
- suspension of bus stops
- highways with Section 58 notices
Portable traffic signals
The Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016 (Part 6. Para 6. Schedule 14) states that anyone using portable traffic signals are required to get written permission from us, the highway authority.
To apply for permission complete our Portable light signals application. You must allow 10 working days for permission to be granted.
The use of Stop/Go Boards do not require permission but should be shown in the traffic management section of the street works notice.
To report issues with temporary signals complete Street lighting and traffic signals.
Road closures
The Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 (Part II, Section 14) requires a legal notice to be in place before the closure takes place.
To apply for a road closure complete the Temporary traffic restriction application. You must allow 6 to 8 weeks for this application to be processed. A fee is chargeable.
Lane closures and footway closures do not require a legal notice but should be noted on the street works notice.
Suspension of bus stops
You must apply for permission to suspend a bus stop if you are planning utility works that will affect a bus route or obstruct a bus stop.
Apply for a temporary bus stop closure.
Restrictions on street works (Section 58 notices)
After substantial works have been completed on a highway we can restrict further works for up to five years by serving a Section 58 notice under the New Roads and Street Works Act 1991. Section 58 notices prevents new surfaces being excavated and encourages utility companies to carry out their works before or during the planned highways improvements.
Subject to the exemptions of the Act and regulations under it, no street works may be executed for a set period from completion of the works described without the written consent of North East Lincolnshire Council.
To see what improvements are arranged go to our planned works.
Section 58 notices in North East Lincolnshire
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Contact details
Highways Licences, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01472 313131