Private works on the public highway
The public highway generally consists of the road surface (the carriageway), pavement (the footway) and grassed areas (the verge). Works on our highways are undertaken by ourselves, utility companies or other private companies. These works may include:
- private apparatus in or over the highway (Section 177 or 178 licence)
- road opening permits (Section 50 licence)
- Scaffolding
- Skips
Do you need permission?
Yes, a highway licence is required to work in the highway and the work must be carried out by a contractor, who is street works accredited and has a public liability insurance of £5m.
Section 177 licences
A Section 177 licence allows individuals or contractors to construct a building or projection in to or over the public highway (i.e. a structure, balcony or canopy etc).
Please note, planning permission may also be required. Please check with our Planning department.
To apply you must complete the Section 177 licence application.
Section 178 licences
A Section 178 licence allows individuals or contractors to install an overhead beam, rail, pipe, cable and wires over, along or across the public highway.
Please note, planning permission may also be required. Please check with our Planning department.
To apply you must complete the Section 178 licence application.
Section 50 licences
A Section 50 licence allows individuals or contractors to lay new private apparatus or maintain existing private apparatus in the highway (i.e. sewer connection, cables or pipes etc).
To apply you must complete the Section 50 street works licence application.
Will you need traffic management to facilitate works?
This will depend on the type and location of works. There are a number of TM measures you could implement to safely undertake your works. It is advised that you consult an accredited traffic management company who will be able to advise what would suit the area. The approval of a Section 50 licence does not automatically mean any TM arrangements are approved, the licence only secures the road space to undertake your works.
Please ensure that TM arrangements are discussed and sent to the Streetworks Team for consideration and approval.
To apply to place portable traffic signals in the public highway, please complete our Portable light signals form.
To request a temporary traffic restriction (TTRO) a road closure, parking suspension or one way system, please complete our Application for temporary traffic restriction.
Will you need portable traffic signals?
This will depend on the type and location of works. It is advised that you consult an accredited traffic management company who will be able to advise you if portable control signals are required.
To apply to place portable traffic signals in the public highway, please complete our Application for temporary traffic restriction form.
If your works require heras fencing or scaffolding on the public highway then please submit a scaffold and hoarding licence application on the Skips and scaffolding form.
Scaffolding licences
If your works require heras fencing or scaffolding on the public highway then please submit a scaffold and hoarding licence application on our Skips and scaffolding form.
There is no requirement for a licence where scaffolding is placed entirely on private property with no encroachment on to the public highway.
Please see below for terms and conditions and guidance notes regarding scaffolding and hoarding licences.
Scaffolding and hoarding licence terms and conditions (PDF, 86KB)
Scaffold and hoarding licence guidance notes (PDF, 86KB)
Skip licences
If you require a skip to be placed on the public highway then you will need to obtain a licence for this. To apply complete the skip licence application on our Skips and scaffolding form.
If you are a business looking to register to apply for skip registration you need to complete the skip registration application on the Skips and scaffolding form.
There is no requirement for a licence where a skip is placed entirely on private property with no encroachment on to the public highway.
Please see below for guidance notes regarding skip licences.
Skip licence guidance notes (PDF, 79KB)
Streetworks Fees FAQ’S
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Contact details
Highways Licences, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01472 313131