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Flood strategies and investigations

There are a number of documents produced by the council and others which provide further information on flood risk management in the borough.

Flood investigations

The council will carry out an investigation into flooding when:

  • Property is flooded internally (particularly for residential property).
  • Critical infrastructure is affected.
  • The public highway network is disrupted.

The following investigations have been published:

The investigating officer is not responsible for resolving the flooding although solutions may be identified as part of the investigation. The council will work with partners to investigate and establish the cause and notify the relevant authority of the results.

After the surface water flooding in summer 2014 the Cabinet Working Group on Flooding was set up to review what happened and make recommendations on how the council and other authorities should respond in the future.

Plans and strategies

There are various statutory plans being developed to manage the risk of flooding in the borough.

Local Flood Risk Management Strategy

Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (PDF) sets out how we and others will work together to manage the risk of flooding. It has an Action Plan which sets out the work that the council and others plan to undertake in the short, medium and long term.

The following documents make up the strategy:

Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA)

Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment (PFRA) (PDF) is required by the Flood Risk Regulations 2009 and produced by the council to provide a summary of local flood risk for past and future flooding. The PFRA is to be refreshed every 6 years as required by the regulations.

Humber Flood Risk Management Plan (FRMP)

The Humber Flood Risk Management Plan (FRMP) is required by the Flood Risk Regulations 2009 and produced by the Environment Agency. It contains measures for managing the risk of flooding from main rivers, the sea and reservoirs for 2015 to 2021 and beyond for the whole of the Humber river basin district. Local flood risk issues are included through reference to our Local Flood Risk Management Strategy to avoid duplication.

North East Lincolnshire is included within the Louth Grimsby and Ancholme catchment.

The public consultation for this has closed with publication due in early 2016.

Flamborough Head to Gibraltar Point Shoreline Management Plan

An aspirational broad scale plan for managing flood and erosion risk for our coastline, looking at the short, medium and long term. The main aim is to develop a sustainable management approach for the coastline.

Humber Flood Risk Management Strategy (HFRMS)

The Humber Flood Risk Management Strategy (HFRMS) is the plan for managing flood risk in the Humber Estuary looking at the different ways that this can be achieved.

The strategy from 2008 is currently being reviewed and is due for completion in 2020 when it will form the main source of information for coastal flood risk in the borough.

Anglian Water ‘Keep it Clear’ campaign

Many sewer pipe blockages are caused by inappropriate objects being put down sinks and flushed down toilets. These blockages can lead to flooding but also other problems such as unpleasant smells and environmental damage.

Anglian Water have a campaign called ‘Keep it Clear’ which is aimed at educating people about the problems this causes and how it can be avoided.

The Keep it Clear website contains more information on how you can prevent blockages occurring.

Investigation reports

Immingham – June 2012 (PDF)

Grimsby and surrounding areas – July and August 2014 (PDF)

Cabinet working group on flooding (PDF)