School exclusions
Only the headteacher or the deputy headteacher (when acting in the headteacher’s absence) can exclude a pupil for disciplinary grounds.
A pupil can be suspended once or multiple times for a fixed period (up to a maximum of 45 school days in a single academic year), or permanently excluded.
The Local Authority supports headteachers using suspension and permanent exclusion as justified sanctions to create a calm, safe, and supportive school environments where pupils and staff can work securely and with respect.
Types of exclusions
- Fixed period exclusion – Barred from school temporarily
- Permanent exclusion – Permanently banned from school
- Lunchtime exclusion – Must stay off the school premises during lunch break period
Parents and carers
The head teacher must immediately contact you about the exclusion.
You should be informed of the:
- reasons for the exclusion
- period of a fixed-period exclusion, or for a permanent exclusion, the fact that it is permanent
- parents’ right to make representations about the exclusion to the governing board and how the pupil may be involved in this
- representations should any be made
- legal requirement for the governing board to consider the exclusion, that parents have a right to attend a meeting, to be represented at that meeting (at their own expense) and to bring a friend.
Any exclusion even for a short period must be recorded in the school register and on the pupil’s school record.
If a further fixed period or permanent exclusion is issued, the head teacher must write to the parents again and explain the reasons. The school must set work for your child to complete at home during the first five days of the permanent exclusion. An alternative education placement will be offered if the exclusion is for more than 5 consecutive days.
If a pupil has been excluded for 15 school days or more in one term, will miss a public examination or national curriculum test due to the exclusion, or been issued with a permanent exclusion, the governors’ must meet to consider the exclusion. You have the right to attend the meeting and be accompanied by a friend or representative, or to make written representation to be considered by the governors.
If your child has been permanently excluded, you will automatically be contacted by an officer from North East Lincolnshire Council who will explain the next steps and answer any questions you may have regarding the process.
Department for Education (DfE) statutory guidance on exclusion
If your child is excluded they must not be present in a public place during school hours without reasonable justification or you could receive a fixed penalty fine. Your child must not enter the school/academy site during a period of exclusion.
Parents are asked to ensure that they attend reintegration meetings in school following a period of exclusion to discuss and support the arrangements in place to ensure their child’s smooth transition back into education.
Parents have the right to request a copy of their child’s school record. To do so please write to the head teacher via the school/academy address. There may be a charge for photocopying.
Referral to other services
- Children’s Legal Centre
- North East Lincolnshire Council Exclusions Officer – 01472 324105
- Local Authority Special Educational Needs Assessment and Review Team – 01472 326291 option 2
- SENDIASS (formerly the Parent Partnership Service at Barnado’s) – 01472 355365
Current providers
- Western Resource Base Primary (Western Primary)
- My Space (Eastfield Primary Academy)
- Wellspring Trust
Information for parents and carers
The head teacher must immediately contact you about the exclusion.
You should be informed of the:
- reasons for the exclusion
- period of a fixed-period exclusion, or for a permanent exclusion, the fact that it is permanent
- parents’ right to make representations about the exclusion to the governing board and how the pupil may be involved in this
- representations should any be made
- legal requirement for the governing board to consider the exclusion, that parents have a right to attend a meeting, to be represented at that meeting (at their own expense) and to bring a friend.
Any exclusion even for a short period must be recorded in the school register and on the pupil’s school record.
If a further fixed period or permanent exclusion is issued, the head teacher must write to the parents again and explain the reasons. The school must set work for your child to complete at home during the first five days of the permanent exclusion. An alternative education placement will be offered if the exclusion is for more than 5 consecutive days.
If a pupil has been excluded for 15 school days or more in one term, will miss a public examination or national curriculum test due to the exclusion, or been issued with a permanent exclusion, the governors’ must meet to consider the exclusion. You have the right to attend the meeting and be accompanied by a friend or representative, or to make written representation to be considered by the governors.
If your child has been permanently excluded, you will automatically be contacted by an officer from North East Lincolnshire Council who will explain the next steps and answer any questions you may have regarding the process.
Department for Education (DfE) statutory guidance on exclusion
If your child is excluded they must not be present in a public place during school hours without reasonable justification or you could receive a fixed penalty fine. Your child must not enter the school/academy site during a period of exclusion.
Parents are asked to ensure that they attend reintegration meetings in school following a period of exclusion to discuss and support the arrangements in place to ensure their child’s smooth transition back into education.
Parents have the right to request a copy of their child’s school record. To do so please write to the head teacher via the school/academy address. There may be a charge for photocopying.
Information for Governors
There is a duty placed upon school governing bodies to consider representations by parents in relation to exclusions. The requirements to consider an exclusion will be dependent upon the circumstances of the excluded pupil.
A governing body in a maintained school may delegate its functions to a sub- committee consisting of a quorum of at least three governors.
In the case of an academy, the academy council may delegate its functions to a smaller sub-committee but only if the trust’s articles of association permit this.
Exemptions to membership of the Pupil Discipline Committee include any party who has prior knowledge of or involvement with the excluded pupil. Any staff governor working at the excluding school or academy may not participate in or vote upon a decision concerning pupil exclusion.
Governors must consider the reinstatement of an excluded pupil within fifteen school days (School days do not include dates upon which the school is closed) of notification if the exclusion is permanent or is a fixed period exclusion bringing the pupil’s total number of school days of exclusion to fifteen or more in a single term, or would result in the pupil missing a public examination or national curriculum test.
Information for Head teachers
Information on school exclusions for senior leadership in maintained schools, academy schools and pupil referral units. This guidance does not apply to 14-16 provision within colleges of further education.
A decision to exclude a pupil may only be taken by the head teacher of the school and must be upon the grounds of behaviour.
There is a legal process that must be followed when issuing an exclusion. For further advice and guidance please read the Statutory Guidance on School Exclusion published by the Department of Education on GOV.UK – School exclusion .
Related links
A guide for parents on school behaviour and exclusion – GOV.UK
Contact details
Exclusions Officer, New Oxford House, George Street, Grimsby, DN31 1HB
Telephone: 01472 324105
Opening times: Monday to Friday 9am to 3pm (term time only)