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Schools and education

School term dates

Local schools and academies term dates and training days.

Be school ready

Make sure you have everything you need to start the new school term.

School admissions

Apply for a school place, appeals advice, school admission arrangements and catchment list.

Find schools in my area

List of schools in North East Lincolnshire, find your nearest and pupil referral units and alternative education.

School transport

Transport for secondary school pupils, low income families, special education needs or disabilities (SEND) and independent travel training (ITT)

Specialist Advisory Service (Early Years – Child Development Centre)

This small team of experienced Early Years Teachers is based at the Child Development Centre (CDC) within the Diana, Princess of Wales Hospital site.


The Portage Service is a term-time home visiting educational service for pre-school children with additional support needs.

Education welfare

School attendance, penalty notices for missing school and education your child at home.

School exclusions

Fixed, permanent and lunchtime exclusions, behaviour and discipline and appeals.

Schools forum

Minutes and reports from the schools forum meetings.

Children missing from education

Report a child missing from education and the procedures for identifying, registering and tracking children missing from education.

Educational psychology

Support for young people, parents, carers, schools and education settings.

Virtual School for Children Looked After and Children in Need

Improving educational experiences and outcomes for children in care

Standing advisory council for religious education (SACRE)

SACRE’s meeting documents and annual reports.

New Special Free School

Contextual information for groups applying to open a new Special Free School.

School curriculum and assessments

Links and resources associated with moderation and statutory assessments.