School transport
Parents and carers are legally responsible for ensuring that a child attends school. However, in some cases the local authority has a duty to support parents and carers with transport to school.
Secondary school children from low income families
- the child is entitled to free school meals or the parent/carer is in receipt of the maximum level of Working Tax Credit
- the school is one of the three nearest schools to the home address
- the distance between home and school is more than 2 miles but less than 6 miles
Eligible children are entitled to a Stagecoach bus pass which will allow the child to travel to and from school, free of charge, on Stagecoach service bus routes (Subject to terms and conditions).
Free Stagecoach travel application form (Word, 44KB) .
Primary and secondary-aged children attending their catchment school
- the school is more than 3 miles from the home address or
- the route when walking (accompanied where necessary by a responsible person) is deemed to be hazardous
- there is no bus service route
This normally applies to rural areas.
Eligible children are entitled to a Statutory travel pass which allows children to travel to and from their catchment school, free of charge, on contracted bus routes.
To apply online complete our Statutory schools bus pass application.
To complete the paper version download the Statutory transport application form (Word, 42KB) .
Children with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND)
Children and young people who have either a statement of special education needs or an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), who are unable to walk to school, being accompanied by a responsible adult or not, may be entitled to free school transport.
They may qualify for support to a school other than the catchment school, for example to a special needs school and/or where the distance is less than the normal qualifying distance. Each case will be considered on the grounds of the individual child’s or young person’s needs and abilities.
An initial decision regarding the individual’s entitlement to transport support in principle will be made during the EHCP process and the transport application form sent to the parent/carer for completion.
Further information is available in the current Home to School Transport Policy.
Young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) in post-16 education
Young people in North East Lincolnshire who have an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP) or a medical/physical disability and are unable to travel independently may be considered for transport support up to the age of 25 years or until they have achieved their educational goals as identified in the EHCP, where appropriate.
In order to be considered for support the young person must be attending a full-time course of education. Post-16 transport applications are available from the Education Transport team from May/June each year. Further information is available in the Post-16 Transport Policy.
Independent travel training (ITT)
Independent travel trainers support and train young people to travel independently to and from their place of education. The training is primarily intended for young people currently in post-16 education, or in the final two years of their statutory school education (years 10 and 11) who are in receipt of local authority transport support to their school or college.
Referrals may be completed and submitted by any party involved with the young person, such as parent or carer, the school or college attended, transition workers and/or a careers adviser with the Young Peoples Support Services (YPSS).
Contact details
Education transport team, Doughty Road Depot, Grimsby, DN32 0LL
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01472 326291 option 3
Opening times: Monday to Friday 8:00am to 4:30pm, except bank holidays