Consultations archive
People were asked to comment on plans for the new Freshney Place Market Hall and Leisure Development, as it entered the formal planning process.
Public consultation closed on 16 October 2022.
The findings from the survey were used within our successful Grimsby Town Centre Levelling Up Fund bid.
For project updates or contact information, you can visit the Freshney Place Leisure and Top Town Market redevelopment page on the InvestNEL website.
The SEND Annual surveys help us collect feedback so we can continue to improve our services for children and families across the borough.
We use the results to shape a better offer for all young people with SEND and their families in the area.
You can find the results to the SEND surveys on SEND Local Offer – Have your say.
We wanted to know what you think our current and future priorities should be.
We wanted to hear from you about:
- The services you think we need the most
- What you think the Council should protect now and in the future
- Ideas or comments about how the financial pressure on services should be handled.
This consultation closed on 27 January 2022.
We wanted to hear about the thoughts and experiences of those families that currently use transport paid for by North East Lincolnshire Council as part of our review of Children’s Transport Services.
Survey closed 22 July 2022.
The outcome of the consultation highlighted that the main themes of what was working well, were around the child getting to school/college on time, friendly, reliable and understanding transport staff, with a good relationship being built up and being kept informed by the driver/escort on what is going on. The areas that parents/carers would like to see change included wanting the same driver, staff to be trained on simple medical needs (e.g., inhalers), more flexibility and some parents would like their child to go on the bus. The outcome of the consultation work was fed back to the service area for consideration and referenced in the cabinet report of 21 December 2022 (paragraph 1.3) on Post 16 SEND Transport.
Cabinet Report – Review of 16 Plus Education Transport Policy
Survey closed 12th December 2021.
HemingwayDesign and G L Hearn have been appointed by North East Lincolnshire Council to develop a visionary masterplan for Cleethorpes.
We have undertaken a detailed programme of engagement with the community and stakeholders that has underpinned the masterplan, providing a basis for the delivery of improvements to Cleethorpes.
Here are the results. Cleethorpes Final Survey Analysis (PDF)
The masterplan is now heading into the democratic process at the Council. You can view the masterplan on our democracy website Tourism and Visitor Economy Scrutiny Panel.
If you want to get in touch, you can email [email protected].
We wanted to hear your views on crime and which crimes you think we should focus on.
These questions are part of an annual exercise which combines crime data and public opinions to determine which crimes the Community Safety Partnership will prioritise to tackle. It’s also known as the Joint Strategic Intelligence Assessment (JSIA).
This survey closed in May 2022.
In April 2021, the Government said a grant of £125 million should be paid to local authorities, to enable delivery of the new statutory duty within the Domestic Abuse Act 2021.
It is important that a local strategy is developed, in partnership, to understand how we will meet this new duty, and to develop a plan of improvements for victims of domestic abuse and their children.
We asked for your views and comments to help inform this strategy and the next steps.
The results of this survey: Domestic Abuse – Safer Accommodation Strategy Consultation Survey Feedback (PowerPoint, 583KB)
Survey closed 13 December 2021.
Last autumn we asked people to tell us about how they use community pharmacies in North East Lincolnshire. Because of the ongoing pandemic, we also wanted to know if COVID restrictions and concerns about catching COVID had changed the way people were using pharmacy services.
More than 500 people took part and helped us to understand a lot about what people use pharmacies for, how they choose the pharmacies they use, when they visit and what the experience is like for them.
We used these results, along with a wide range of other information, to write a document called the Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA). This is still a draft document and we would like people to comment on it before it is published.
Documents like this are used by the NHS to help decide which NHS funded services need to be provided by local community pharmacies. The PNA will help make sure current services meet the needs of people living in the borough and what any future needs there might be.
We wanted to make sure the draft document makes sense to people and reflects their experiences of using pharmacies in North East Lincolnshire.
We also asked professionals who either work in pharmacies or work with patients, service users and members of the public to comment on the draft PNA.
Using the findings from this consultation, the engagement last autumn, and from other feedback, a final PNA for North East Lincolnshire will be published 1 October 2022.
Survey closed 11 September.
Survey closed 12 March 2022.
We asked you to tell us how you think the car park should look, about alternative sites for coaches and HGVs to park, and any improvements and additions you would like to see.
A single-storey extension to the existing car park will increase the number of spaces from 65 to 339, with bigger parking bays and electric vehicle charging points. It will also provide several other benefits to the resort:
- Ease congestion in the main resort of Cleethorpes, particularly around the seafront area during the summer months
- Provide a safer environment in and around Cleethorpes seafront, with fewer cars and buses driving through the centre
- Cleaner air with fewer vehicles travelling and waiting around as visitors try to find a parking bay
- Remove pressure from surrounding residential streets
Better lighting and CCTV will be introduced as part of the Park Mark Safer Parking Scheme, and improved, clearer signs to the car park will ensure it’s well-used by visitors.
Read the results in the Grant Street Car Park Response Summary (PDF, 253KB) .
We asked people to have their say on the draft design outlining improvements to a section of Great Coates Road and the A1136.
This project, which is part of the Active Travel Fund Tranche 2, aims to see the widening of the footpath to create a shared cycleway/footpath, an upgraded crossing point near St Michael’s Church and carriageway resurfacing.
The survey formed one of the first stages on the new scheme and is used to gauge initial feedback to help to influence the final design.
Survey closed on 8 August 2022.
Read the results in the ATF 2 Public Consultation Report (PDF, 107KB) .
We regularly run surveys about the town centre, and it helps to us keep up to date on public opinion about the area. It’s a space that is used by many people across the borough and your views are used to help us improve the physical environment through funding bids and develop strategies for reducing antisocial behaviour and designing out crime.
We re-launched a survey in partnership with Humberside Police, aiming to capture the views and feelings of people who live, work and visit Grimsby Town Centre.
The last time we ran the survey in 2018, more than 1,200 people took part.
Your responses were used to:
- Understand how people feel about the town centre at the time
- Work together with others to reduce crime and anti-social behaviour
- Improve community safety and resilience in the town centre
- Improve the street scene and physical environment
- Develop a vibrant offer which attracts and welcomes visitors
Survey closed 7 August 2022.
This consultation is closed.
We asked for your views on our Allocation Policy to ensure that we are still meeting the needs of our customers and that we explain how our homes are allocated in a fair and transparent way.
The results for this consultation will be published here when available.
We reviewed our Housing Assistance Policy. The policy provides information about grants and loans that the council can provide to help those most in need to adapt their home to live independently. The Council can also use the funds to support care needs and complete repairs to improve homes.
Read the Draft Housing Assistance Policy (PDF, 281KB) .
Survey closed on 11 January 2023.
North East Lincolnshire Council is reviewing and updating the Local Plan, the document which sets out how the borough will develop over the next 20 years.
The Local Plan provides the planning framework for development of the borough, setting out land for specific uses including housing, employment and retail as well as covering issues such as the environment, and access to education and healthcare. Importantly, it sets the basis for decisions on planning applications – achieving a blueprint to develop a borough where people will enjoy living and working.
The first informal public engagement closed on 4 November 2022.
We needed your help to shape the childcare on offer in North East Lincolnshire.
The answers to this short survey will help the early years and childcare team plan and make sure there is enough childcare for you to work or train.
We will use what you tell us, combined with information from other childcare providers, to assess the need for childcare and to determine the demand, supply and sufficiency of childcare provision in our area.
Survey closed on 3 October.
The findings from the survey and any the contact details for Families First Information Service should you have any further queries can be found at Become a childcare provider.
Residents in Scartho and Waltham were encouraged to take part in a public consultation on plans to build two new primary schools.
The schools, which would provide much-needed school places for children aged 4 to 11, will be built on land off Matthew Telford Park in Scartho and on the land known as ‘Sunningdale’ in Waltham.
The plans for the two new schools were approved by the Council’s Cabinet in March 2022 and are expected to go through the formal planning application process in the coming months. We will then be seeking permission to begin construction around spring and summer 2023.
The consultation closed on 12 October 2022.
We asked you about the renewal of public space protection orders (PSPOs) in key public areas. They allow us to put restrictions in specific areas such as town centres, parks and beaches.
We introduced PSPOs to target anti-social behaviour and irresponsible dog ownership in July 2019. These PSPOs expire after three years and we must consult on the renewal of them.
More details about our PSPOs are available on our PSPO page.
We hope to publish the results of the survey in December 2022.
Survey closed 10 June 2022
In 2022 as part of the ongoing work to provide alcohol and other drugs services that are useful and easily accessible to people living in North East Lincolnshire we carried out a survey. The reason for the survey was to find out what people knew and thought about the different support services in the area.
The survey closed in January 2022 with 131 responses.
In 2020, we did a survey about Grimsby town centre to feed into the development of the Masterplan. You told us that you liked the ideas put forward for the Riverhead at that time, and that you wanted a safe space to spend time in, meet others and have new experiences in.
Your final thoughts on the new designs which were drawn up following your input from recent consultations, and we checked that the aims of the space are still the same.
Survey closed 29 August 2022.
The findings from the survey were used as part of the design consultation process.
For project updates or contact information, you can visit the Riverhead Square page on the InvestNEL website.
Why we asked for your views.
We know that some of the current services don’t fully meet the needs of our children and young people, so we wanted to hear from families about what is good and what needs to be better.
It’s important that no child is left out or left behind because of any difficulties with speaking, understanding, or communicating.
Results will be published hear when they are ready.
Grimsby Town Centre is to see major re-invention in the decade ahead and we want to get views from local people across North East Lincolnshire to help inform and strengthen our funding bids for monies from the Government’s Levelling Up Fund 2.
One bid focusses on leisure, retail, and entertainment developments. The other relates directly to transport.
This survey closed on 4 July 2022.
The findings from the survey were used within our Levelling Up Fund bid centred around transport. Unfortunately we were unsuccessful with this bid. More information can be found on the Cabinet support for Levelling Up bids page.
The Covid-19 pandemic was an unprecedented time when isolation, health anxiety, grief and financial stress were experienced.
These issues were highlighted in North East Lincolnshire’s annual Director of Public Health Report, which was published last month. It detailed the impact of the pandemic and highlighted the support available for people who have, or are struggling, with their emotional or mental health. You can read the report by visiting the nelincs data.
Following these findings, the North East Lincolnshire Mental Health Alliance (a group of partners with an interest in Mental Wellbeing) wanted to hear about people’s views and experiences.
Results will be published here when they are ready.
Survey closed on 15 November 2022.
North East Lincolnshire Council has been awarded £346,000 to support the delivery of high-quality cycle and pedestrian infrastructure near Grimsby Town Centre.
We asked for you views about your experiences of using the Ainslie Street, Park Drive and Park Avenue route. Your comments on this route and the surrounding area will be used aid in the design and delivery of this project.
You can view the comments left about the area on the interactive map: North East Lincs Walking & Cycling | Commonplace
Survey closed June 2022.
A summary of the responses can be found in the ATF Tranche 3 – Survey Response Summary (PDF, 105KB) .
North East Lincolnshire Council and its regeneration partner, ENGIE wanted your views on the third and final phase of a multi-million-pound cycle superhighway.
The remaining part of the highway runs from the CATCH training facility leading across Kings Road and tying into the existing cycleway at Pelham Road junction in Immingham.
The three-phase project totals 3.8km of new off-road cycleway constructed to give cyclists a safe and sustainable route across the South Humber Bank to access work and training facilities and we would like to know your thoughts on this.
Survey closed 1 October 2021.
Survey closed 3 November 2021.
North East Lincolnshire Council and its regeneration partner, EQUANS, invited local residents and businesses to comment on the draft detailed design for the A46 Protected Cycle Lanes.
The survey formed one of the draft design stages of introducing a new scheme and is used to gauge initial feedback. Proposals developed will be reviewed by our Portfolio Holder for Environment and Transport.
This project will support sustainable access to key employment sites in the immediate vicinity of Clee Road and Weelsby Road, as well as support access to Cleethorpes.
In addition to improving accessibility, the project looks to address road safety concerns raised by local cyclists regarding parking in cycle lanes and the dangers that result from cyclists weaving around parked vehicles.
The survey closed on 1 August 2021.
We asked for your views about North East Lincolnshire Council’s Air Quality Strategy that aims to tackle air pollution in our area.
The SEND Annual surveys help us collect feedback so we can continue to improve our services for children and families across the borough.
We use the results to shape a better offer for all young people with SEND and their families in the area.
You can find the results to the SEND surveys on SEND Local Offer – Have your say.
The surveys closed on 28 April 2021.
North East Lincolnshire is home to thousands of current and ex-serving men and women and their families from across the armed forces.
As part of our commitment to the Armed Forces Covenant and together with other key public and private sector organisations, we are constantly seeking ways to strengthen those existing partnerships and help the local armed forces community.
The Armed Forces Covenant is a promise by the nation ensuring that those who serve or who have served in the Armed Forces, and their families, are treated fairly, and will not be disadvantaged in accessing public services due to their military service.
While good procedures and initiatives have been put in place by service providers, locally and nationally, we wish to be reassured that no member of the Armed Forces Community is suffering any disadvantage in accessing public services.
North East Lincolnshire Council is seeking to increase awareness of the Covenant in key areas, while retaining, and improving, the ability of local service providers to honour the Covenant in the best way to suit local needs.
This consultation closed on 29 January 2021
There were 470 responses to this consultation.
Bus Back Better 2021
The Government published its Bus Back Better, National Bus Strategy for England in March 2021. Within this document there was a requirement for local authorities within England to prepare and publish Bus Service Improvement Plans (BSIPs).
The Government are expecting BSIPs to cover bus priority infrastructure and other infrastructure, bus fares, bus service support, marketing and zero emission buses. A funding package of £3 billion for the bus sector was announced linked to the new National Bus Strategy. However, it is not yet clear how much new funding, if any, North East Lincolnshire Council may receive following submission of our BSIP to the Department for Transport.
We asked for your feedback so that the improvements proposed with the funding will address the issues and barriers that are most important to the community.
Survey closed 9 August 2021.
You can view the results of the survey in the Bus Service Improvement plan: North East Lincolnshire Council’s Bus Service Improvement Plan (PDF, 28MB) .
This survey closed on 21 April 2021.
We asked people about their experience of the Occupational Therapy Service before, during and after the coronavirus pandemic. We wanted to understand what was working well and what could be improved.
Occupational therapy aims to support children and young people to meet their daily physical, sensory, learning and self-care needs. Their aim is to help improve ability to live as independently as possible so that the young person can participate in the activities that are important to them. Occupational Therapists do this by identifying challenges in their everyday lives. We want to ensure the right support and services are in place to help understand, manage, reduce or resolve symptoms where possible.
We hope to publish the results of this survey here before December 2021.
This survey closed on 21 April 2021.
We asked people about their experience of the Speech and Language Services before, during and after the coronavirus pandemic. We wanted to understand what was working well and what could be improved.
Currently, support is available from various teams dependent on individual age and need such as; Family Hub staff, School staff and Hospital Therapists.
Many organisations are involved in speech and language services in North East Lincolnshire and they have agreed to come together to discuss and agree a shared vision to improve what children and young people speech and language services should look like. An important element of this is understanding the views of those using the service.
We hope to publish the results of this survey here before December 2021.
How do we make North East Lincolnshire a greener place to live, work, visit and invest in?
North East Lincolnshire Council declared a Climate Emergency in September 2019. A number of measures have been introduced, both before and after the declaration was made, to increase energy efficiency and reduce the Council’s carbon footprint.
The survey will help shape how we tackle climate change and improve biodiversity.
This is the start of a long-term collaborative effort to make North East Lincolnshire carbon neutral by 2050 and improve habitat for plants and wildlife.
The results will inform the steps we take to achieve Carbon Net Zero and how we manage the natural environment.
Survey closed on 22 September 2021.
View the response summary (PDF, 1MB)
We released the first look at design and traffic management proposals and asked for your views.
Works for the bridge are proposed to include several structural and aesthetic improvements.
The works are currently planned to start in January 2022 and will take up to 18 months to complete. As previously reported, due to the structural works required on the bridge a road closure will be required for the works.
Survey closed 1 October 2021
View the response summary (Word, 19KB) .
The survey closed on 12 February 2021. Results will be published here once available.
We asked for your experiences of using Clee Road, Weelsby Road & Laceby Road as part of exciting plans for new cycle routes in North East Lincolnshire.
We have been awarded £319,000 of Department for Transport funds to carry out cycling and walking improvements along this key route. You had the chance to tell us about your experiences of using this route and for ideas on how the route could be improved.
This survey closed on 1 August 2021.
We asked for your views about the future of Family Hubs and Early Help support.
A summary of the responses can be found in the Family Hubs review.
Your opinions about the food waste pilot are vital in helping us shape how the service might operate in the future.
About 4,500 homes are taking part in the pilot as part of our ongoing commitment to reduce household waste and increase recycling.
The pilot will help us determine the impact food waste recycling collections have on household waste and identify the viability of rolling out the service across the rest of the borough.
Read a summary of the feedback in Food Waste Pilot Response Summary (Word, 31KB) .
Survey closed on 10 September 2021.
The survey closed on 12 March 2021. Results will be published here once they are available.
The Health Visiting team wanted to understand the experience parents were having with the service during the Covid pandemic. We also wanted your views on the changes to the service that have been made due to the pandemic. These included offering virtual appointments, ChatHealth which is a secure text messaging system, the suspension of baby clinics and breastfeeding groups as well as the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
The Health Visiting service is available to all families in North East Lincolnshire who are expecting a baby, have a new born or a child up to the age of 5. A health visitor is a registered nurse or midwife and have been trained in public health; they provide advice and support at this important time for parents and their child.
We’re asked about pharmacy services in North East Lincolnshire to see if they meet the needs of the local residents.
The assessment aims to understand what pharmacy services are available in our area, what services local people need, and how things might change in the future.
NHS England use the assessment information to make decisions on where pharmacy services are needed most and can help identify where improvements are needed.
These results will be used to review our ‘pharmaceutical needs assessment’ which in turn will have a 60 day consultation in the coming months.
Pharmacies have an important role in providing quality healthcare. When we talk about community pharmacies we mean places you would use to get a prescription or buy medicines which you can only get from a pharmacy (this could be for yourself or for someone else, and includes online pharmacies). We don’t mean hospital pharmacies or the part of a pharmacy where you buy beauty or general products.
The survey closed on 31 August 2021.
We proposed the development of around 58 new homes and an extra care facility on the Former Matthew Humberstone Playing Field site.
This survey allowed people to have their say on the proposed layout.
Read the survey results: Housing Delivery Consultation – Matthew Humberstone Site (Word, 16KB)
Survey closed 10 October 2021
We asked for your views on how to make our parks a better outdoor play and exercise area for children.
The council is planning to spend £800,000 over the next 3 years on refurbishing and upgrading our play parks.
This is specifically the children’s play equipment, but we also wanted to understand which parks you use, how you use them and where we need to focus our attention in the future.
We’re hoping that revamping our play areas will provide children with a fun, safe space to exercise and play.
Survey closed 6 October 2021.
This survey closed on 26 March 2021.
Plans have been approved by North East Lincolnshire Council’s Cabinet for a new accessible footbridge over the railway at Suggitt’s Lane in Cleethorpes. The project will provide a new alternative access over the railway and due to the unique circumstances at Suggitt’s Lane, funding is being provided by Network Rail and the Department for Transport to build the bridge.
The formal planning process will now be undertaken. Images of the proposed footbridge as well as frequently asked questions can be found below. The results will be published here when available.
Suggitt’s Lane Footbridge Frequently Asked Questions (PDF, 180KB)
The SEND Annual surveys help us collect feedback so we can continue to improve our services for children and families across the borough.
We use the results to shape a better offer for all young people with SEND and their families in the area.
You can find the results to the SEND surveys on SEND Local Offer – Have your say.
This consultation closed on 26 January 2020.
There were 314 responses to this consultation. The results of the 2020 budget consultation are now available Budget Consultation Results 2020 (Word)
We looked to get the public opinion on some possible changes regarding car parks in North East Lincolnshire.
This consultation closed on Thursday 5th March 2020.
This consultation closed on 20 January 2020.
We want to make sure that CCTV continues to make a difference, that’s why we are looking into new CCTV technological advancements and different ways of working, so we can be more responsive in town centres.
We wanted to understand how you feel about CCTV in North East Lincolnshire and gather your views on these new initiatives.
You can read the Draft CCTV Strategy (PDF) with this survey.
To read about the results of this consultation download the CCTV Strategy Survey – Summary of Responses (PDF).
We proposed to make some changes to our charging policy for adult care and support (social care). We wanted to know what you think about those proposals.
This consultation closed on 1 April 2020.
View the consultation results .
We asked local residents for their views on air quality in the area. We wanted to know what you think we should be doing to improve air quality in the area.
This consultation closed on 8 April 2020.
Results will be published here once available.
We announced a £4.967m scheme to refurbish Corporation Road Bridge, with major structural works and features to bring the bridge back to its original design.
We wanted to know your views on how you think it should look.
This consultation closed on 25 September 2020.
View the response summary (Word, 16KB) .
Empty and derelict property present problems to communities and place a strain on public services. They can become a focal point for issues such as fly-tipping, anti-social behaviour and other criminal activities.
We asked you to have your say on our new strategy.
This consultation closed on 21st June 2020.
Results will be published here once available.
This consultation closed on Monday 3rd August 2020.
North East Lincolnshire Council and its regeneration partner, ENGIE, are moving forward with the second phase of carriageway and footway improvements on Estate Road 2, following Cabinet approval.
We asked you to have your say on improvements to be made to this key stretch of industrial road.
View the response summary (Word, 16KB) .
We asked for your view on the 1,2 and 20 subsidised bus service.
In 2018/2019 North East Lincolnshire Council’s budget for subsidised bus services was £162,500 and this included the delivery of the 1, 2 & 20 bus service. Subsidised bus services are bus services that could not be operated without a council subsidy. The Council also provides the following local bus services:
– 5M bus service (delivered by Stagecoach East Midlands) – This service is grant funded by the external Access Fund project,
– Phone n Ride (delivered by Stagecoach East Midlands) – The Phone n Ride service has already been reviewed in 2019/2020.
This consultation closed on 25th February 2020.
View the consultation results .
AMBITIONS to revitalise Grimsby Fishing Heritage Centre and restore and preserve the historic vessels the Ross Tiger and Esther are taking a step forward.
A survey has been launched, which asks for peoples’ views on the Centre, whether they have visited in the last year and how they think it could be improved.
This consultation closed on 18 May 2020.
Results will be published here once available.
This consultation closed on Sunday 26th July 2020.
Grimsby Town Centre is being offered another multi-million-pound opportunity to re-invent itself – we asked for your say on how we can do that.
Central Government monies totalling £25m have been ‘ring-fenced’ for projects in Grimsby’s central area as the next stage of the ‘Town Deal’ gathers pace. As reported, Grimsby is one of 101 urban areas across the country to be part of an expanded national Towns Fund programme.
View the results of the Grimsby’s future 2020 consultation here (PDF, 1MB) .
This consultation closed on 20 January 2020.
We wanted to understand your views on the environment, how to improve recycling rates, food waste, Community Recycling Centres (the tips) and how recycling is collected from people’s homes.
This consultation has closed.
We are aiming to create a clear and consistent approach to the fees and charges that, on some occasions, we need to apply when events are held in public spaces.
We used what you told us about the new fees and charges to make changes.
View the response summary (Word, 16KB) .
This partnership survey closed on 15th February 2021.
We asked you to help us to understand how it feels to live and work in our area. We will use what you told us will help us to measure where things are improving or getting worse, and understand how we can work better with you to tackle challenges and make the most of arising opportunities.
The results will be published here when available.
This consultation closed on Tuesday 4 February.
North East Lincolnshire Council is carrying out a project to improve the accessibility and affordability of our bereavement services.
We are looking at the options of a tearoom and pet crematorium. Any income generated by the pet crematorium and tearoom will be used to re-invest in the service.
The results of the survey will be published here.
This consultation is closed.
We wanted to to know about your views on crime, what crimes should be prioritised to tackle, people and industries at risk of modern slavery and whether the public space protection orders should continue.
This consultation closed on Monday 1st June.
The consultation was published to help us to check whether we have come to the right conclusions and have included the right actions. Your responses to this consultation helped us produce the final version of the rights of way improvement plan. The final draft of the plan will be finished in late 2020 and then adopted by the council.
View the ROWIP consultation results.
This consultation closed on 6 March 2020
Throughout the planning process community involvement and consultation plays an important role. Whether it is during the preparation of the Local Plan, other planning policy documents or when a planning application is submitted to the Council for approval.
The Council has prepared an updated Statement of Community Involvement which sets out how the Council intends to involve our communities in the planning process which influences the way development will take place in the future. It details the stages at which we carry out formal statutory public consultation and also when informal community engagement will take place as part of the preparation of planning policy documents as well as the planning application process.
View the Statement of Community Involvement.
We proposed the development of around 390 new homes on the former Western School and Playing field site and asked for your say.
Read the survey results: Housing Delivery Consultation – Western School Site (Word, 17KB)
This consultation closed on 15 November 2020.
We used your comments to inform the detailed design.
In 2018 we secured nearly £2.1m from the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership (HLEP) to improve and carry out essential maintenance to two key industrial roads directly linked to the A180.
The two roads; Moody and Woad Lane, are the main access routes to key employment sites in Grimsby and will link to the junction of the new Humber Link Road.
We asked for local residents and businesses to comment on the draft design for an A18 road safety scheme.
This consultation closed on Monday 25th November 2019.
View the response summary (Word, 19KB) .
The SEND Annual surveys help us collect feedback so we can continue to improve our services for children and families across the borough.
We use the results to shape a better offer for all young people with SEND and their families in the area.
You can find the results to the SEND surveys on SEND Local Offer – Have your say.
There were 248 responses to this consultation. The results of the 2019 budget consultation are now available
We asked for your views on the level of council tax support offered to households and how the system operates.
This survey closed on October 18th 2019.
The results of the survey will be published here when available.
This strategy set out the local picture on homelessness – how people become homeless in our area, what they can do to prevent becoming homeless, and what support the Council and partner organisations can offer to get people back on their feet.
The consultation asked for people’s views on what the aims and priorities of the Council’s homelessness strategy should be. You were also asked about whether you find the strategy informative and easy to read.
This consultation closed on October 13th 2019.
The results of the survey will be published here when available.
This consultation closed on August 18th 2019.
We asked for your views on our Housing Assistance and Disabled Adaptations Policy. Specifically, your thoughts on on the purpose of loans and grants such as, reducing fuel poverty and improving access in the home to enable independent living.
You can check out the policy here: Housing Assistance and Disabled Adaptions Policy (PDF)
You said | We did |
Means testing would block some people on the “borderline” for DFG works from getting help, and this isn’t fair | We removed means testing for all DFG works funded by the council |
The End of Life fast track scheme: The application time needs to be reduced | The application time from start to finish will be reviewed as part of the implementation |
The policy will only be effective if it backed up by innovative and efficient assessors & implementers. | The council, NLaG, Navigo and CCG are working in close partnership (i.e. regarding housing options and dementia friendly adaptations) to ensure that innovative options are available which will streamline the whole process, and make use of pre-existing assessors/implementers who are “on board” with changing the way the processes are run to achieve better and faster results. |
People living with dementia should receive sufficient support and care at home to meet their needs. | It is recognised that Dementia friendly home assistance would be most helpful to those with dementia if put in place earlier in the dementia journey, and therefore there is a focus on ensuring those in this position can access the benefits of this discretionary DFG element easily |
Get new property developers to include more disabled properties in their developments so less need to be adapted – this will build the stock of properties for disabled people to move to. | There are planned adaptation works to a selection of properties proposed in future housing development. This will ensure highly sort after, fully adapted properties are available within the market. This will provide flexibility and ensure higher need service users have improved housing options. In addition, innovative funding is being used to adapt social housing stock in line with a pilot for this policy. This is to ensure those who are most vulnerable on the home choice links register and have a need for an adapted property will have appropriate housing options available. |
This survey has now closed.
The introduction of a new public space to replace the existing surface car park, which will provide a unique gathering space at the highest point within the resort. A place in which to pause, meet friends and take in the views over the estuary or enjoy the impressive backdrop of historic buildings.
We’ll use your comments to prepare the final design, before work starts later this year.
This survey closed on 28 October 2019
We have been working with local stakeholder groups to develop a better way to talk, listen and work with the community.
We are using your views to help develop the best way we, North East Lincolnshire Council (NELC)’ and ‘North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group (NELCCG), achieve this.
View the results of the survey: Talking Listening and Working Together Engagement findings report (Word)
This project aims to create a vibrant community area that complements Grimsby Minster’s role as a heritage and arts centre.
There are two phases to the project and the first phase will focus on improving the public space and area in St James Square. Phase two will focus on the re-development of St James House.
The first phase of the project asked for people’s views on two proposed options which are based on the needs of existing and potential users of the square.
This survey has now closed. We will use your comments to influence the final design.
This consultation closed on 4 December 2019
We asked for your views on the transformation of the waterfront in Grimsby, around the Garth Lane area. We are using the results to offer guidance on the proposed ideas.
£3.5 million in grant and support funding for the project is through the Greater Grimsby Town Deal and Local Growth Fund.
The results are available here: Statement of Public Involvement, Garth lane Waterfront Inprovements (Word, 1MB)
This consultation is now closed.
We wanted you to let us know what it is like to live in the Immingham ward which includes Immingham, Stallingborough, Habrough and surrounding areas.
This consultation is now closed.
We wanted you to let us know what it is like to live in the South ward which includes Nunsthorpe, Grange, Bradley Park and surrounding areas.
This consultation closed on 19 February 2018.
North East Lincolnshire Council, the Police and NHS North East Lincolnshire Clinical Commissioning Group (the organisation that plans and buys NHS services for local people) launched Our Place Our Future, a survey for residents in North East Lincolnshire.
We asked residents to help us to understand how it feels to live and work in our area, the services that you use and the activities you undertake. This will help us to measure where you feel things are improving or getting worse, and understand how we can work better with you to tackle challenges and make the most of arising opportunities.
The core results of the consultation are below. We intend to feedback further when we can to comment on where we have used the results to inform decisions and change.