Public Space Protection Orders (PSPO)
What is a Public Space Protection Order?
There are seven Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPOs) in place across North East Lincolnshire. Public consultation in 2023 identified anti-social behaviour as the public’s number one concern and as having the largest negative impact on a community or neighbourhood if left unaddressed and there was overwhelming support for the existing and amended PSPOs.
These PSPOs are intended to support a wider intelligence-led place-based problem-solving approach to address ASB in defined geographical locations. During 2024, after a public consultation exercise conditions to control alcohol-related ASB were incorporated into the PSPOs covering Grimsby Town Centre, Peoples Park and Cleethorpes Town Centre & Seafront.
Public Spaces Protection Orders (PSPO) are intended to deal with persistent anti-social behaviour in a local area that is detrimental to the community’s quality of life. They do so by imposing conditions on the use of that area to ensure everyone can use and enjoy public spaces without experiencing nuisance and annoyance. Given the wide-ranging scope of a PSPO, they are used sparingly and only after every other option has been exhausted. Breach of a PSPO is a criminal offence subject to a fine on conviction of up to £1,000 however, you may be offered a fixed penalty notice (FPN) as an alternative to prosecution. Payment of the FPN discharges liability to conviction of the offence. The council works in partnership with the police to ensure the effective enforcement of PSPOs.
These PSPO’s were renewed on the 14 July 2022 for a period of 3 years and varied on the 30 January 2024. If not renewed, or discharged, they would be due to expire on the 13 July 2025. The anti-social behaviour that these PSPO’s are intended to address is persistent, long term and recurrent and these PSPO’s are intended to improve the lives of those residents of, and visitors to, North East Lincolnshire using the areas concerned. There are no plans to discharge early and it is anticipated that an application will be made during 2025 to extend these PSPO’s for a further 3 years due to their effectiveness.
There are also two dog control PSPO’s. If a Police Constable or authorised person witnesses somebody behaving or displaying any behaviour that is prohibited then they can ask them to leave that area and not return within 24 hours. The details of the incident will be recorded and sent to the appropriate department within the council. They will then look into the evidence provided and, if appropriate, a Fixed Penalty Notice (FPN) of £150 for littering or £100 for other offences will be issued. Failure to make payment could result in a fine of up to £1,000 at the Magistrates Court.
Our Public Space Protection Orders
- Anti-social behaviour and nuisance driving
- Highways
- Dog fouling and dog control
- Resort, parks and open spaces
CPW – Community Protection Warnings
CPN – Community Protection Notices
FPN – Fixed Penalty Notices
The Community Protection Warning and Notice are just one of the tools that are used to address a pattern of unacceptable behaviour. Low numbers are not an indication that nothing is being done to address a problem more that a perpetrator is taking notice from an earlier informal warning or is being dealt with by other means.
Enforcement in relation to cycling, littering and dog fouling in Grimsby Town Centre is now carried out by WISE on behalf of North East Lincolnshire Council, in order to make contact with WISE to make payment, or appeal the issuing of a penalty charge notice you should use the following links:
Report a PSPO breach
You can report a Public Space Protection Order breach on the MyNelincs portal.