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Houses in multiple occupation (HMO)

What is a HMO?

The Housing Act (2004) clarifies the definition of HMO as a building, or part thereof, that falls within one of the following categories:

  • a building or flat in which two or more households share a basic amenity, such as bathroom, toilet or cooking facilities: this is known as the ‘standard test’ or the ‘self-contained flat test’,
  • a building that has been converted and does not entirely comprise of self-contained flats: this is known as the ‘converted building test’,
  • a building that is declared an HMO by the local authority,
  • a converted block of flats where the standard of the conversion does not meet the relevant building standards and fewer than two-thirds of the flats are owner-occupied: this is known as a section 257 HMO.


Houses are occupied on a shared basis. These are normally occupied by members of a social group, for example students or a group of young adults. The occupiers have use of a bedroom but share other facilities including a communal living space.


Houses are occupied as individual rooms, where there is some exclusive occupation. Usually, there are bedrooms or living rooms and some sharing of amenities such as a bathroom or toilet and kitchen. Each occupant lives otherwise independently of all others.

Mandatory licensing

A property must meet all the criteria in order to require a license. A property with an existing mandatory licence cannot be transferred to a new owner.

Planning permission

If you use a building as a house in multiple occupation  you may need planning permission.

Find out about applying for planning permission or building regulations approval.

Application process

Please be advised for all new HMO licence applications and HMO renewals that your application will not be reviewed and processed until all required documents have been submitted as part of this application.

Documents required


  • Planning Application Certificate (with a tick box to confirm that the individual is aware that Planning must confirm in writing that planning guidance has been sought and they confirm that planning IS / IS NOT required).
  • Building Control Certificate


  • Simple floor plan (This MUST Include floor sizes)
  • Number of occupants per licence request.
  • Up to date Landlord’s Gas Safety Certificate
  • Current electrical installation and condition report
  • Portable appliance test (PAT) certificate
  • Current Fire Detection and Alarm System Inspection and Servicing Report
  • Emergency lighting testing certificate
  • Energy Performance Certificate (EPC)
  • Copy of the tenancy agreement (AST)
  • Contracts with managing agent (if used) (Self-management box)
  • Fire risk assessment and details of person responsible for completing monthly inspection checks
  • Confirmation of meters – Pre pay or not?

From 1 April 2024

  • Basic new licence (for a maximum of 6 occupants) £850
  • For additional occupants (no maximum) +£115 each
  • Basic renewal licence (for a maximum of 6 occupants) £850
  • For additional occupants (no maximum) +£115 each
  • Basic variation to your licence £160
  • For additional occupants (no maximum) +£115

Apply for a licence

Have you read the terms and conditions of applying for a HMO license?

Please read over the terms and conditions before applying for a HMO license. Your application will not be reviewed and processed until all required documents have been submitted as part of this application.

Public register

Contact details

Home Improvement Team, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU.

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01472 326296

Opening times: Monday to Thursday from 9am to 5pm and Friday 9am to 4:30 pm, except bank holidays