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Council workforce

North East Lincolnshire Council was formed in 1996 and provides a wide range of different services to the citizens of the borough.

Council leadership and structure

The Council is run by the Leadership Team, who work alongside political leadership, which includes the Leader of the Council, Deputy Leader and Cabinet. The decisions of leadership are all overseen by a number of scrutiny committees and full council.

Organisational Structure (PDF, 461KB)

NELC Top Tier Structure (XLS, 38KB)

Register of Interests (PDF, 107KB)

There may be some accessibility issues with the structure documents published on this page. If you need an accessible alternative then please contact [email protected].

Council workforce information

The Workforce profile report provides information on the profile of the Council’s workforce, including by age, gender, ethnic origin, religion and employment status, recruitment, turnover and the use of agency workers.

As part of the Transparency Code 2014, we publish information on trade union facility time. The figure for the number of Union representatives is made up of convenors, branch secretaries, general, learning and health and safety officers from the trade unions that are representing staff in North East Lincolnshire Council and maintained schools. A large proportion of the representatives are not released for a significant amount of facilities time apart from in their own service areas, this accounts for why the figure for the number of Union representatives (FTE) is significantly less.

We do not hold a profile of the workforce of schools and academies within North East Lincolnshire, or details of the number of teachers teaching particular subjects. To get this information you will need to contact each individual school or academy.


Workforce Profile 2022-23 (PDF, 444KB)

Workforce Profile 2021-22 (PDF, 493KB)

Workforce Profile 2020-21 (PDF, 516KB)

Workforce Profile 2019-20 (PDF, 465KB)

Workforce Profile 2018-19 (PDF, 1MB)

Workforce Profile 2017-18 (PDF, 716KB)

Workforce Profile 2016-17 (PDF, 343KB)

Workforce Profile 2015-16 (PDF, 375KB)

Workforce Profile 2014-15 (PDF, 876KB)

Workforce Profile 2013-14 (PDF, 327KB)

Workforce Profile 2012-13 (PDF, 296KB)

Trade Union Facility Time (XLS, 14KB)

Facilities Time Agreement (PDF, 324KB)

Teachers Facilities Time Agreement (PDF, 318KB)

As part of the requirements of the Localism Act we publish annually our Pay Policy Statement, which provides details of the pay of council staff including Chief and Senior Officers.

The council is a large organisation, with a demanding role and we need the best people in place to deliver our services. We have to balance fair rewards for responsibilities undertaken and the need to be able to recruit and retain skilled senior managers, with the need to obtain good value for money for taxpayers. The posts of our senior managers are locally determined. However, salaries are reviewed annually in accordance with the national pay award for Chief Executives, Chief Officers and those on NJC rates.

Our annual accounts provides details of the individual remuneration of senior employees and figures for the number of officers whose remuneration was £50,000 or more, grouped in £5,000 bands (Remuneration in this Note is consistent with the definition included in the Accounts and Audit Regulations 2011).

Zero hour contracts

We do not and have never employed any staff employees on zero hours contracts. We hold a pool of ‘casual’ workers who can be offered work on an as-and-when basis, but these staff are not employees contracted on the basis of zero hours with the Local Authority, they will be asked to work as and when required and are not under any obligation to accept the work when it is offered to them.

All directly employed council employees have their salaries paid through the council’s payroll system. Whilst all agency workers and/or consultants are paid through an agency agreement or an approved contract for the provision of services.

Pay multiple

The pay multiple is the ratio between the highest paid taxable earnings for the given year (including base salary, variable pay, bonuses, allowances and the cash value of any benefits-in-kind) and the median earnings figure of the whole of our workforce.

Pay Multiple (PDF, 103KB)

Pay Policy Statement

Pay Policy Statement 2024-25 (PDF, 164KB)

Pay Policy Statement 2023-24 (PDF, 157KB)

Pay Policy Statement 2022-23 (PDF, 165KB)

Pay Policy Statement 2021-22 (PDF, 170KB)

Pay Policy Statement 2020-21 (PDF, 170KB)

Pay Policy Statement 2019-20 (PDF, 162KB)

Pay Policy Statement 2018-19 (PDF, 231KB)

Pay Policy Statement 2017-18 (PDF, 109KB)

Pay Policy Statement 2016-17 (PDF, 111KB)

Senior salaries

Senior Salaries (XLS, 109KB)

Gender pay report

Gender Pay Report 2023 (PDF, 883KB)

Gender Pay Report 2022 (PDF, 444KB)

Gender Pay Report 2021 (PDF, 388KB)

Gender Pay Report 2019 (PDF, 1MB)

Gender Pay Report 2018 (PDF, 1MB)

Gender Pay Report 2017 (PDF, 609KB)

The acceptance of gifts and hospitality by employees of North East Lincolnshire Council is an important issue. It reflects directly upon the perception of the probity of the authority.

The Code of Conduct for employees in the Council’s Constitution (part 3) sets out the procedure in relation to;

  • Deciding whether it would be proper to accept any gift or hospitality
  • Obtaining consent to accept a gift or hospitality where it would be proper and
  • The procedure for declaring any gift or hospitality received

Acceptance of a gift or hospitality in breach of the Code of Conduct could amount to a disciplinary matter and in certain circumstances it can be a criminal offence.

The gifts and hospitality register forms part of the annual accounts and is made available as part of the inspection process. A Register of the gifts and hospitality exceeding £25 accepted by employees can be found in the download section of this page.

Our How decisions are made page allows you to find out more about the Constitution.

Download our Gifts and hospitality declarations (XLS, 18KB) .

North East Lincolnshire Council has a duty as an employer towards the health, safety and welfare of its employees while they carry out their duties. The procedure explains how incidents of violence or aggression towards employees will be dealt with, including what employees themselves should do.

As a local authority North East Lincolnshire Council recognises that a safe and healthy working environment is central to the quality of working life and that it is the right of all of its employees to be treated with dignity and respect at work.

North East Lincolnshire Council will not tolerate any instance of work related violence and aggression directed towards their staff and will ensure that processes are implemented to prevent, manage and respond to any incident in which an employee is abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances relating to their work.

The authority will where deemed appropriate apply a recorded Risk Alert Hazard Warning Marker (a “Cautionary Contact”) identifying any individual who may pose a threat to the health and safety of its employees.

Download our Violence at Work Procedure (PDF, 157KB)

Working for North East Lincolnshire Council

Finances, spending and contracts

Privacy notice – Includes notices for employment, employment next of kin and references

Contact details

People and Culture, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01472 313131

For violence at work related enquiries contact Health and safety, Municipal offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01472 313131