Street trading and markets
This page is for anyone looking to trade on a short-term basis in the street. For anyone looking to become a market trader in council-owned markets (Grimsby Top Town Market, Cleethorpes Seasonal Market or the Grimsby Farmers & Craft Market) go to Markets.
Applicants will be required to apply in writing, giving at least two months notice of any proposed start date to allow for consultation and possible committee meetings.
It is an offence for anyone to trade in the street (selling or offering for sale of any items or living thing in) in a designated area without a licence.
North East Lincolnshire has a number of consent streets these are:
- Bull Ring Lane, Brewery Street
- East St Mary’s Gate
- Haven Walk
- Old Market Place
- Riverhead
- Riverhead bus stand
- Silver Street
- St James Square
- Station Approach
- Victoria Street West
- West St Mary’s Gate
- Service Roads off West St Mary’s Gate (North and South)
Anyone wishing to trade in these areas is required to apply to the licensing team for street trading.
The following activities do not require street trading consent:
- Street musicians, (unless selling goods – CD’s etc)
- Periodical sales, (e.g. the Grimsby Telegraph stall)
- Pedlars
- Rounds men
- Street collections
- Statutory markets granted by charter
We will normally only allow one trader to hold a consent in a specific location.
Planning permission
Any street trader operating for more than 14 days a year may require planning permission.
Stalls, vehicles or trailers
Applicants will be asked to provide proof of their stalls. Details of the vehicle or structures are required together with external dimensions. Items and the type of goods to be sold if food whether hot or cold, and proposed location in respect of proximity to any permanent shops selling similar goods.
Stalls with reasonable level of good taste, appropriateness and look is preferred, and to avoid unnecessary A-boards, banners and similar advertising clutter.
Street trading times
Trading times for consents will normally start at 9am, traders are required to have cleaned up and left the site by 10pm.
Fee type | Cost |
Application Fee | £123 |
Market Stalls – Per Stall, Per Day | £39 |
Individual Stall – Per Stall, Per Day | £61 |
Once an application has been accepted the licensing section will circulate the application to all relevant consultees for a consultation period of 14 days.
Unopposed applications for known market organisers are delegated to the executive director of community services.
Any unknown market organiser’s applications will be determined by community protection committee.
Regardless of any comments being received all individual applications will be determined by the community protection committee.
All consents will be subject to any conditions that the council thinks appropriate, including relevant conditions requested by consultees.
The council further reserves the right to revoke any consent at any time.
There is no legal requirement to provide reasons for refusing an application and there in no right of appeal.
A licence would be needed if the entertainment provided was classed as a concert or performance. If the busking has been advertised or there is a specific invitation for people to gather in one place and watch, it is likely that a premises licence or temporary event notice will be needed.
Busking in the streets or open spaces of North East Lincolnshire will not require the issue of a permit or licence from the licensing team. It is usually incidental to other activities such as shopping when in the town centre and so can be classed as background music rather than regulated entertainment.
Illegal street trading
If you believe that anyone is illegally trading in the streets you should contact the licensing team.
Contact details
Licensing, Doughty road depot, Doughty road, North East Lincolnshire, DN32 0LL
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01472 326299
- Option 1 – Environmental Enforcement including waste in gardens and stray dogs, Licensing enquiries or Trading Standard related enquiries or to arrange Clinical/Sharps Collections.
- Option 2 – Taxi related enquiries
- Option 3 – Consumer advice enquiries
Opening times: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5pm, except bank holidays