Councillor conduct
Information on the governance of the council including the local complaints process in relation to elected members and parish Councillors.
This section gives information on the standards the council work to, to ensure we provide quality services to our residents, businesses and visitors.
Code of conduct
Details of the code of conduct adopted by North East Lincolnshire Council and town and parish councils within the Borough.
The council has adopted a code of conduct which applies to all elected and co-opted members of the Council, as required by section 27 of the Localism Act 2011. The code sets out rules which must be complied with by all members. The rules are there to ensure members act properly and lawfully at all times.
Town and parish Councillors in the Borough are also required to observe a code of conduct. All town and parish councils within North East Lincolnshire have adopted the same code of conduct as North East Lincolnshire Council.
The standards committee is responsible for considering complaints that an elected member has breached the code of conduct. Further information on the complaints process is below.
Download the Code of conduct (PDF, 207KB) .
Dealing with standards allegations
Details of the complaints process for elected members of North East Lincolnshire Council and town and parish Councillors within the Borough.
These arrangements set out how to make a complaint that an elected or co-opted member of this council or of a parish or town council in the area has failed to comply with the code of conduct, and sets out how the council will deal with allegations of a failure to comply with the code of conduct.
Under Sections 28(6) and (7) of the Localism Act 2011, the council must have in place arrangements under which allegations that a member or co-opted member of the council or of a parish or town council in the area has failed to comply with the code of conduct can be investigated and decisions made on such allegations.
Such arrangements must provide for the council to appoint at least one independent person whose views must be sought by the council before it takes a decision on an allegation which it has decided shall be investigated, and whose views can be sought by the council at any other stage, or by a member or co-opted member of a parish or town council in the area against whom an allegation has been made.
Related documents
Councillor conduct complaint form
Councillor conduct complaint form – Printable (PDF, 227KB) – Print and return by post
Standards Procedure for Investigations (PDF, 66KB)
Standards Assessment Criteria (PDF, 109KB)
Standards Procedure for Hearings Panel – Uncontested (PDF, 14KB)
Standards Procedure for Hearings Panel – Contested (PDF, 16KB)
Standards Protocol between Monitoring Officers and Humberside Police (PDF, 19KB)
Council Tax Reminders for Elected Members (XLS, 24KB)
Standards Committee Annual Report 2017-18 (PDF, 136KB)
Standards Committee Annual Report 2018-19 (PDF, 137KB)
Standards Committee Annual Report 2019-20 (PDF, 139KB)
Standards Committee Annual Report 2020-21 (PDF, 136KB)
Standards Committee Annual Report 2021-22 (PDF, 93KB)
Standards Committee Annual Report 2022-23 (PDF, 90KB)
Contact details
Democratic Services, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01472 324121
Opening times: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, except bank holidays