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How decisions are made

Details of emergency officer decisions taken during the COVID-19 pandemic can be found on Emergency officer decisions.

The Constitution

As required by the Local Government Act 2000, the Council has a Constitution, based on a leader and cabinet model of executive. The Constitution explains:

  • how the Council operates
  • how decisions are made
  • who makes decisions
  • the procedures and processes followed in making decisions


The ultimate decision-making body for North East Lincolnshire Council business is the full Council which is made up of all 42 elected Councillors.

Decisions on the setting of the Council’s budget and adoption of key strategies (as contained within the Council’s ‘policy framework’) are taken by the full Council. However, if it is not practical for Full Council to meet to determine every single decision that needs to be made, so the Council has scheme of delegation of decision-making.

Full Council meets every eight weeks at either Grimsby or Cleethorpes Town Hall.


Key decisions which are those with a significant impact are made by the Council’s Cabinet.

The Cabinet is made up of between three and ten Elected Members appointed by the Leader of the Council. Each cabinet member has responsibility and individual decision making powers for a ‘portfolio’ of particular services.

The forward plan of key decisions

Decisions to be taken by Cabinet and the ‘portfolio holders’ are published, in advance, with the forward plan of key decisions.


There is a process of overview and scrutiny to make sure that Councillors are fully accountable for their decisions. This process allows Elected Members who are not on the Cabinet to act as a check and balance to the council’s decision makers and to contribute to the development of future policies and strategies that will help improve services for local people.

Regulatory and other Committees

Decisions about certain entertainment licensing and planning functions are determined by the Council’s Licensing and Community Protection Committee and the Planning Committee respectively.

The Standards and Adjudication Committee has responsibility for decisions relating to the conduct of Elected Members and to consider appeals against dismissal and grievances by employees of the Council.

The Audit and Governance Committee has responsibility to monitor the Council’s financial controls as well as its risk management, anti-fraud and partnership governance arrangements.

The Appointments Committee takes decisions relating to the recruitment, pay and terms and conditions of Chief Officers of the Council. It also determines staff pensions and redundancy matters.

Health and wellbeing board

This Board has been established to join-up commissioning and services across the NHS, social care, public health and voluntary sector to benefit the health and wellbeing of local people.

Officer decisions

Details of decisions taken by Officers of the Council which must be published in accordance with legislation.

Under the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012, a written statement of officer decisions made in connection with the discharge of executive functions must be published as soon as reasonably practicable after they are made.

This statement must include, in respect of every decision:

  • a record of the decision including the date it was made
  • a record of the reasons for the decision;
  • details of any alternative options considered and rejected by the officer when making the decision;
  • a record of any conflict of interest declared by any Executive Member (Cabinet Member) who is consulted by the officer which relates to the decision; and
  • in respect of any declared conflict of interest, a note of dispensation granted by the Council’s Chief Executive (the “head of paid service”).

In the case of “key decisions” (as defined in those regulations) taken on the grounds of urgency, the agreement of the Chairman of the relevant Scrutiny Panel has been obtained that the making of the decision is urgent and cannot be deferred.

Associated documents relating to any executive decisions which contain “exempt information” as defined in Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 (as amended), cannot be made available for public inspection and are therefore not published on the website in accordance with Regulation 20(3) of the Local Authorities (Executive Arrangements) (Meetings and Access to Information) (England) Regulations 2012.

Details of decisions taken by officers to grant licences are published below, as required under the Openness of Local Government Bodies Regulations 2014.

Officer decision records

MonthOfficer decision recordAppendices
DecemberMicrosoft Enterprise Agreement (PDF, 97KB) N/A
DecemberArmstrong Street Safety Improvement Scheme (PDF, 104KB) N/A
DecemberFairfield Primary Academy (PDF, 162KB) N/A
DecemberNew Waltham Primary (PDF, 131KB) N/A
DecemberDUNE project (PDF, 87KB) N/A
DecemberIncome Management System extension (PDF, 109KB) N/A
NovemberFM+HC Framework (PDF, 146KB) N/A
NovemberGreen Spaces Fund Lighting (PDF, 109KB) N/A
NovemberMarket Place Professional Services Appointment (PDF, 116KB) N/A
OctoberHealing Secondary Academy RSP project (PDF, 130KB) N/A
OctoberTendered Local Bus Services (PDF, 132KB) N/A
OctoberJemBuild – 97 Central Promenade Works (PDF, 132KB) N/A
OctoberCamb Park Tender Report (PDF, 126KB) N/A
OctoberAlexandra Dock Development Partner (PDF, 106KB) N/A
OctoberOperational MO1 – Unit 5 Moss Road – REDACTED (PDF, 132KB) N/A
October42-43 Alexandra Road Cleethorpes REDACTED (PDF, 235KB) N/A
OctoberGrimsby Town Hall – Phase 1 – Officer Decision Notice Operational – REDACTED (PDF, 125KB) N/A
OctoberTowns Fund – St James House – Officer Decision Record REDACTED (PDF, 137KB) N/A
OctoberHigh Street Accelerator Fund (PDF, 83KB) N/A
OctoberGreen Spaces Fund – Planting (PDF, 85KB) N/A
OctoberCamb Park Tender Report (PDF, 126KB) N/A
SeptemberOperational Pier Gardens Civila (PDF, 85KB) N/A
SeptemberWater wastewater and ancillory services (PDF, 127KB) N/A
SeptemberRiverside transfer (PDF, 146KB) N/A
SeptemberStreet Lighting Term Maintenance Contract (PDF, 77KB) N/A
SeptemberFunding for new primary free schools (PDF, 148KB) N/A
SeptemberKiln Lane (PDF, 131KB) N/A
SeptemberCarriageway Surface treatment programme (PDF, 83KB) N/A
SeptemberSocial Emotional Mental Health (SEMH) Free School (PDF, 142KB) N/A
AugustNLHF acceptance for Heritage Place Scoping (PDF, 88KB) N/A
JulyJemBuild – Retaining Wall Works (PDF, 134KB) N/A
JulyToll Bar Car Park (PDF, 95KB) N/A
JulySalix Low Carbon Skills Fund (PDF, 127KB) N/A
JulyIT Asset Destruction and Disposal (PDF, 30KB) N/A
JunePlayZone – Grant Thorold Contract Award (PDF, 86KB) N/A
JunePSPO Orders (PDF, 2MB) N/A
JuneStallingborough Primary (PDF, 77KB) N/A
MayLand at the rear of former Lindsey Lower School (PDF, 507KB) N/A
MayGrimsby Business Centre (PDF, 127KB) N/A
MayFormer Weelsby Avenue Depot Site (PDF, 171KB) N/A
MayTaylors Avenue and Chichester Road (PDF, 127KB) N/A
MayCleethorpes Academy school expansion (PDF, 130KB) N/A
MayClee Fields (PDF, 136KB) N/A
MayCarriageway patching works (PDF, 81KB) N/A
MayAgency recruitment (PDF, 137KB) N/A
MayDoughty Road Depot (PDF, 130KB) N/A
MayPlayZone at Grant Thorold Park (PDF, 86KB) N/A
MayAQMA (PDF, 174KB) N/A
MayTennis Operator (PDF, 86KB) N/A
MayPlot Q Kiln lane Industrial Estate (PDF, 213KB) N/A
AprilFreshney Place Evaluation (PDF, 95KB) N/A
JanuaryCrematorium Maintenance Contract (PDF, 33KB) N/A
JanuaryPublic and statutory Notices Advertising Service (PDF, 34KB) N/A
February Cleethorpes Academy (PDF, 135KB) N/A
MarchFramework Agreement for ICT Hardware and Mobile Devices (PDF, 68KB) N/A
MarchProperty Agent Services (PDF, 31KB) N/A
MarchSwan House Adaptions (PDF, 126KB) N/A
MarchWaltham (PDF, 126KB) N/A
MarchScartho (PDF, 127KB) N/A
MarchHolme Hill Clock Tower (PDF, 148KB) N/A
MarchConcessionary Fares (PDF, 129KB) icon name=”paperclip” prefix=”fa”]N/A
MarchTowns Fund – St James House (PDF, 131KB) N/A
AprilDBV Outreach Contract (PDF, 135KB) N/A
AprilLong Term Plan – Our Future (PDF, 181KB) N/A
AprilEarly Years Financial Incentives Grant (PDF, 143KB) N/A
AprilOperational-Property Rationalisation – Phase One (PDF, 125KB) (PDF, 358KB) N/A
AprilOperational-Property Rationalisation – Phase Two (PDF, 125KB) N/A
AprilSea Road – Principal Contract Award (PDF, 127KB) icon name=”paperclip” prefix=”fa”] N/A
AprilDUNE Project (PDF, 81KB) N/A

MonthOfficer decision recordAppendices
JanuaryMobile Voice and Data Contract Award (PDF, 106KB) N/A
FebruaryRiverhead Square Procurement (PDF, 140KB) N/A
FebruaryNEC Revenues and Benefits Exception (PDF, 36KB) N/A
FebruaryOperational Exploratorium (PDF, 95KB) N/A
FebruaryPeaks Parkway Investigations (PDF, 85KB) N/A
FebruaryConcessionary Fares (PDF, 146KB) N/A
MarchDoughty Depot Garage Equipment (PDF, 88KB) N/A
MarchFreehold Disposal South View (PDF, 434KB) N/A
MarchTobacco Programme Quit Smoking (PDF, 84KB) N/A
MarchDisposal of Kent Street MUGA and Skate Park (PDF, 323KB) N/A
MarchFreshney Place Leisure Scheme Contractor Appointment (PDF, 134KB) N/A
MayLaceby Stanford (PDF, 137KB) N/A
MayEnfield Primary (PDF, 128KB) N/A
MayFamily Hub Realignment (PDF, 195KB) N/A
MayCentral Office Roofing (PDF, 87KB) N/A
MayDoughty Depot Weighbridge (PDF, 86KB) N/A
MayPublic and Statutory Notices Advertising Services (PDF, 78KB) N/A
JuneGrant Street Public House Leasehold Disposal (PDF, 291KB) N/A
JuneUK Shared Prosperity Fund (PDF, 149KB) N/A
JuneDoughty Depot Grounds Maintenance Building Construction (PDF, 131KB) N/A
JuneMendip Avenue – Resurfacing (PDF, 77KB) N/A
JuneA18 Carriageway Resurfacing (PDF, 77KB) N/A
JuneCromwell Road -Resurfacing (PDF, 80KB) N/A
JuneHome Hill Asbestos Tender (PDF, 126KB) N/A
JuneCrematorium flat roof replacement (PDF, 124KB) N/A
JuneGrimsby Auditorium stage lighting (PDF, 125KB) N/A
JulyReport on Heat Networks (PDF, 137KB) N/A
JulyCrematoria Equipment Contract (PDF, 78KB) N/A
JulyChildren’s Social Care Case Management system extension (PDF, 81KB) N/A
July Queen Mary Infant School expansion (PDF, 133KB) N/A
JulyFormer Western Secondary School Development (PDF, 130KB) N/A
JulyPlace Partnership (PDF, 137KB) N/A
JulyReal Time Bus Information Tender Award (PDF, 148KB) N/A
JulyFormer Matthew Humberstone School Playing Field (PDF, 131KB) N/A
JulyTravel Management Services (PDF, 33KB) N/A
JulyIT Asset Destruction Contract (PDF, 80KB) N/A
August5-7 Osborne Street Grimsby (PDF, 90KB) N/A
AugustLTA Funding Award (PDF, 149KB) N/A
AugustPelham Road (PDF, 85KB) N/A
AugustLand Disposal Plot C (PDF, 145KB) N/A
SeptemberSea Road (PDF, 143KB) N/A
SeptemberTrinity Street (PDF, 143KB) N/A
SeptemberDoughty Depot internal roadways (PDF, 131KB) N/A
SeptemberSupply of Electricity and Gas (PDF, 130KB) N/A
OctoberKasbah Partnership Scheme (PDF, 89KB)
OctoberGovernments Energy Company Obligation (ECO)(PDF, 88KB) N/A
OctoberDepartment for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHV) (PDF, 300KB) N/A
NovemberCoastal Mitigation ERDP grant approval (PDF, 152KB) N/A
NovemberWave 9 (PDF, 96KB) N/A
November42-43 Alexandra Road, Cleethorpes (PDF, 231KB) N/A
NovemberUnit 5 Moss Road (PDF, 129KB) N/A
NovemberGrimsby Town Hall – Phase 1 (PDF, 123KB) N/A
DecemberHeritage Fund £250k (PDF, 124KB) N/A
DecemberProcurement of Childrens Service Case Management Platform (PDF, 133KB) N/A
DecemberKOOTH extension (PDF, 93KB) N/A
DecemberProjekt Renewable Phase 2 (PDF, 117KB) N/A
DecemberLittle Coates Road (PDF, 84KB) N/A
DecemberMarket Place Design Architect (PDF, 130KB) N/A

MonthOfficer decision recordAppendices
JanuaryDelivery of the Access and Spine Roads – Former Matthew
Humberstone School (PDF, 53KB)
JanuaryAdult Social Care – Omicron Support Fund (PDF, 91KB N/A
JanuaryHumber Freeport FBC Submission (PDF, 143KB) N/A
JanuaryProcurement of Unattended CCTV Enforcement Solution (PDF, 90KB) N/A
FebruaryBradley Pitches replacement 3G carpet (PDF, 89KB) N/A
FebruaryGully Vehicle Procurement (PDF, 82KB) N/A
FebruaryFHSF Architectural Services (PDF, 126KB) N/A
February257 Humberston Fitties Chalet (PDF, 173KB) N/A
FebruaryDoughty Depot New Access (PDF, 87KB) N/A
FebruaryHeat Networks Grant Funding Acceptance (PDF, 135KB) N/A
FebruaryCemetery Lodge Chapel (PDF, 143KB) N/A
MarchLittlefield Lane (PDF, 136KB) N/A
MarchPre-patching 2022 (PDF, 107KB) N/A
MarchFHSF Cost Consultant Project Manager and Employers Agent (PDF, 129KB) N/A
MarchCorporation Bridge Refurbishment (PDF, 130KB) N/A
MarchMO1 – Land Disposal Plot D PPN (PDF, 134KB) N/A
MarchHighways Framework 2022 – 2026 (PDF, 108KB) N/A
AprilMO1 refuge HRS arrangement (PDF, 109KB) N/A
AprilLouth Road Carriageway Resurfacing (PDF, 82KB) N/A
AprilBradley Hall Farm (PDF, 143KB) N/A
AprilCCTV Strategy (PDF, 125KB) N/A
MayConcessionary Fares (PDF, 167KB) N/A
MaySt James House (PDF, 133KB) N/A
JuneOperational Gully Vehicle (PDF, 109KB) N/A
JuneCorporate Cleaning Contract 2022 (PDF, 131KB) N/A
JuneFuture High Streets Fund Structural Engineer and Mechanical Electrical Plumbing (PDF, 110KB) N/A
JuneSubstance Misuse Treatment and Recovery Funding 2022/2023 (PDF, 140KB) N/A
JuneOverseas Recruitment (PDF, 107KB) N/A
JuneMFDs and Associated Services (PDF, 88KB) N/A
JulyCashless Parking Revenue Generating Contract (PDF, 111KB) N/A
JulyMobile Voice and Data (PDF, 100KB) N/A
JulyEnergy Scheme (PDF, 115KB) N/A
JulyWellowgate carriageway and footway reconstruction and resurfacing works (PDF, 98KB) N/A
JulyTaylor Avenue resurfacing (PDF, 99KB) N/A
July2 x 7.5t Tippers (PDF, 83KB) N/A
JulySustainable Warmth (PDF, 120KB) N/A
AugustFreehold Disposal 98-100 Garibaldi Street (PDF, 123KB) N/A
AugustFreshney Place Acquisition (PDF, 165KB) N/A
AugustHumberston Park Academy Award of HAF Grant (PDF, 124KB) N/A
AugustIndividual Placement Support Section 31 Grant (PDF, 154KB) N/A
AugustQueensberry (PDF, 87KB) N/A
AugustSubsidised Bus Services (PDF, 146KB) N/A
AugustGreat Coates Road (PDF, 125KB) N/A
SeptemberPhone n Ride contract award (PDF, 145KB) N/A
SeptemberFreshney Parkway Local Nature Reserve designation (PDF, 223KB) N/A
SeptemberInsurance Services (PDF, 135KB) N/A
SeptemberImpower (PDF, 105KB) N/A
SeptemberSalix completion and grant return (PDF, 135KB) N/A
OctoberSafer Streets 4 (PDF, 85KB) N/A
OctoberCarelink Digital Switchover (PDF, 103KB) N/A
OctoberDoughty Depot Garage Renovation (PDF, 130KB) N/A
OctoberCustomer and Service Management Platform (PDF, 182KB) N/A
OctoberProperty Management of Freshney Place (PDF, 97KB) N/A
November18 Tonne Truck Mounted MVC Gully Emptier (PDF, 86KB) N/A
NovemberComensura extension (PDF, 128KB) N/A
NovemberStreet Lighting Term Maintenance Contract (PDF, 129KB) N/A
NovemberPublic Realm Works in High Street and Alexandra Road (PDF, 117KB) N/A
NovemberS278 and S38 fees (PDF, 116KB) N/A
NovemberClee Fields Contract Awards (PDF, 130KB) N/A
NovemberPioneer Park Phase 2 Land Disposal (PDF, 166KB) N/A

MonthOfficer decison recordAppendices
JanuaryHumberston Fitties Study (PDF, 131KB) N/A
JanuaryHumberston Fitties Water Refunds (PDF, 184KB) N/A
JanuaryPPE and Corporate Workwear (PDF, 78KB) N/A
JanuaryBuss Pass Issuing Equipment (PDF, 138KB) N/A
January5M Bus Service (PDF, 137KB) N/A
JanuaryVoucher for Free School Meals (PDF, 29KB) N/A
JanuaryGrange School Roof (PDF, 82KB) N/A
JanuarySt James Square Public Art Design (PDF, 102KB) Bench Layout Map (PDF, 644KB)
Seating images (PDF, 29KB)
Seating 3D image (JPG, 107KB)
FebruaryE Cycle Extension Fund (PDF, 178KB) N/A
FebruaryThe Elms freehold disposal (PDF, 512KB) N/A
FebruaryWillingham Street Property level flood resilience works (PDF, 80KB) N/A
FebruaryGarth Lane Waterfront (PDF, 1MB) N/A
FebruaryRiverhead Square Public Realm Phase 1 (PDF, 3MB) N/A
FebruaryRenaming of the Stallingborough Industrial Development Site (PDF, 78KB) N/A
FebruaryNational Bus Strategy Part 2 (PDF, 155KB) N/A
MarchSmart Energy Phase 3 Alexandra Dock Business Centre (PDF, 87KB) N/A
MarchTelephony and Audio Conferencing Upgrade and Support (PDF, 83KB) N/A
MarchWillows Academy Refurbishment (PDF, 82KB) N/A
MarchImmingham cycle highway project Hobson Way (PDF, 105KB) N/A
MarchStallingborough Industrial Development Site Land Sale (PDF, 87KB) N/A
MarchImmingham cycle highway project A180 Westgate (PDF, 803KB) N/A
MarchBeacon Academy SEN Refurbishment (PDF, 82KB) N/A
MarchPre-patching carriageway surface treatment ODR (PDF, 86KB) N/A
MarchStaying Close Eco Dwellings (PDF, 284KB) N/A
MarchTravel Development Management Fund (PDF, 92KB) N/A
MarchAccelerated Construction Funding Matthew Humberstone Playing Fields (PDF, 109KB) N/A
MarchGrimsby Creates Artwork on Wilkinson’s Wall (PDF, 87KB) N/A
AprilDelivery of Second Access and Spine Roads, Former Western School and Playing Field (PDF, 86KB) N/A
AprilPostal Framework (PDF, 42KB) N/A
AprilLocal Taxation and Benefits Printing and Postage Service (PDF, 83KB) N/A
AprilGreen Homes Grant Funding (PDF, 84KB) N/A
AprilStreet Works Permit Scheme (PDF, 143KB) N/A
AprilWater wastewater and ancillary services (PDF, 80KB) N/A
AprilPurchase of Sweepers (PDF, 34KB) N/A
AprilNational Bus Strategy (PDF, 155KB) N/A
AprilPothole Action Fund 2021 (PDF, 133KB) N/A
MayOfficer Decision Notice SHIIP CPO (PDF, 118KB) N/A
MayPurchase of Narrow Track Rear Steer RCV (PDF, 83KB) N/A
MayBeacon Academy Roof Replacement (PDF, 85KB) N/A
MayBeacon Academy Replacement Windows (PDF, 83KB) N/A
JuneDrug treatment crime and harm reduction grant (PDF, 77KB) N/A
JuneKick Start (PDF, 125KB) N/A
JuneCDF Planning Application for the Kasbah Creative Workspace (PDF, 94KB) N/A
JuneSalix Grant Beacon Academy Re-profiling (PDF, 142KB) N/A
JuneSalix Grant Innovation Centre Award (PDF, 143KB) N/A
JuneFuture High Street Fund Grant Acceptance (PDF, 139KB) N/A
JuneThe White Palm (PDF, 151KB) N/A
JulyCOVID Support Grant (PDF, 202KB) N/A
JulyLand Disposal Plot A Pioneer Park (PDF, 1MB) N/A
JulyGreen Home Grant Funding DPS (PDF, 137KB) N/A
JulyPurchase of Low Level Rear End Loading Compaction RCVs (PDF, 80KB) N/A
AugustBereavement Services Tearoom (PDF, 135KB) N/A
AugustResourced Specialist Provision (PDF, 121KB) N/A
AugustPurchase of Low Level Rear End Loading Compaction RCVs ODR (PDF, 76KB) N/A
AugustFestival of the Sky The Witching Hour (PDF, 87KB) N/A
AugustCreative Programme Contracts Award (PDF, 138KB) N/A
AugustBeacon Academy Replacement Ceilings and Lighting (PDF, 83KB) N/A
AugustTarget Hardening (PDF, 86KB) N/A
AugustAsset Disposal (PDF, 78KB) N/A
AugustPurchase of RCVs (PDF, 87KB) N/A
AugustHeritage Starter Fund (PDF, 93KB) N/A
AugustGrange Primary School Works (PDF, 84KB) N/A
AugustCreative Workspace (PDF, 149KB) N/A
AugustElectronic Payment Services (PDF, 81KB) N/A
SeptemberBeacon Academy Solar Works (PDF, 87KB) N/A
SeptemberCoastal Mitigation Contract Award redacted (PDF, 129KB) N/A
SeptemberLand Disposal Plot A Amendment redacted (PDF, 144KB) N/A
September Welcome Back Fund (PDF, 141KB) N/A
SeptemberExtension of Agency Worker Contract (PDF, 131KB) N/A
OctoberLaptops, Desktops and Monitors (PDF, 150KB) N/A
OctoberRecovery Community Contract Extension (PDF, 128KB) N/A
October18 tonne salting vehicles (PDF, 84KB) N/A
OctoberWelholme Galleries Freehold Disposal (PDF, 333KB) N/A
NovemberCoomb Briggs Roof redacted (PDF, 199KB) N/A
NovemberPartnership Scheme in Conservation Areas – Kasbah Creative Workspace (PDF, 145KB) N/A
NovemberFuture High Street Fund Development Manager (PDF, 126KB) N/A
NovemberDoughty Road Depot Phase 1 Asbestos Removal and Demolition (PDF, 87KB) N/A
NovemberDredging of the River Freshney (PDF, 209KB) N/A
NovemberMicrosoft Enterprise Agreement (PDF, 130KB) N/A
NovemberEnvironmental Services Management System (PDF, 129KB) N/A
DecemberCleethorpes Cemetary (PDF, 94KB) N/A
DecemberOperational Lot 2 Regulatory Services Management System (PDF, 86KB) N/A
DecemberGrimsby and Immingham Flood Resilience Innovation project (PDF, 84KB) N/A
DecemberPurchase of Two New 18 Tonne Fixed Body Road Salting Vehicles (PDF, 89KB) N/A
DecemberGrimsby Immingham Cycle Highway A1173 (PDF, 153KB) N/A
DecemberDomestic Abuse with Complex Needs (PDF, 129KB) N/A


Parts of these older documents and reports produced by third parties may be inaccessible. If you would like an alternative version providing then you can request this by email at [email protected] or by phone on 01472 324121.

Contact details

Democratic Services, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01472 324121

Opening times: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, except bank holidays