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Key decisions which are those with a significant impact are made by the Council’s Cabinet. The Cabinet is made up of between three and ten Elected Members appointed by the Leader of the Council.

Each cabinet member has responsibility and individual decision making powers for a ‘portfolio’ of particular services.

About Cabinet

The Cabinet is made up of eight members from the Conservative group, including the Leader and Deputy Leader of the Council. The Cabinet is the key decision making body of the Council, and provides political leadership and direction across the whole range of council services.

Cabinet also advises full council on policies, plans and strategies, including the fixing of the budget and council tax levels, which remains the responsibility of all members of the Council.

Meetings are chaired by the Leader of the Council, and are usually attended by senior council officers including the Chief Executive.

Cabinet membership

Each cabinet member has responsibility and individual decision making powers for a ‘portfolio’ of particular services. Portfolio executive meetings have similar rules to cabinet regarding public access.

  • Cllr P Jackson – Leader and Portfolio Holder for Economy, Regeneration, Devolution and Skills
  • Cllr S Shreeve – Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Health, Wellbeing and Adult Social Care
  • Cllr M Cracknell – Portfolio Holder for Children and Education
  • Cllr H Dawkins– Portfolio Holder for Culture, Heritage and the Visitor Economy
  • Cllr S Harness – Portfolio Holder for Finance, Resources and Assets
  • Cllr R Shepherd – Portfolio Holder for Safer and Stronger Communities
  • Cllr S Swinburn – Portfolio Holder for Housing, Infrastructure and Transport
  • Cllr H Hudson – Portfolio Holder for Environment and Net Zero

Get involved in meetings

The public are welcome to attend Cabinet meetings which are normally held every four weeks. The agenda and reports for each meeting are published online in the Meetings section.

These are usually available five working days prior to the meeting. The papers are also available for public inspection at the Municipal Offices customer access point, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, DN31 1HU.

Decisions to be taken by Cabinet are published, in advance, within the forward plan of key decisions.

Cabinet meetings

Find details of Cabinet meetings including the schedule, agenda, papers and minutes of meetings on our Cabinet meetings

Contact details

Democratic Services, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01472 324121

Opening times: Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, except bank holidays