Housing grants and loans
Home energy help
For all home energy and housing enquiries, including heating, insulation improvements and housing repairs complete the Home energy enquiry.
Mandatory disabled facilities grant
The applicant must be disabled and meet the definition of a disabled person (includes disabilities due to older age) and must be a resident in North East Lincolnshire.
The grant will fund works to an applicant’s home to enable independent living and accessing cooking, bathing and sleeping facilities.
The amount of grant is a maximum of £30,000 per individual applicant. Costs include services and charges, means test (if undertaken) and exemptions.
Currently, the Council do not “means” test grants; however, this is funding dependent and the Council reserves the right to re-introduce means testing, should funding be restricted.
Approval of an application
In approving a grant, the Council will need the following:
- Completed application form
- Certificate of occupation (including certificate of ownership)
- Where appropriate, a copy of the landlord’s permission to carry out works
- Referral from a Trusted Assessor or Occupational Therapist detailing the recommended works
- Schedule of works with estimated costs
- Where appropriate, a copy of a completed means test.
Once an application is approved, works to carry out the adaptation can start. On receipt of a valid grant application, works must be completed within twelve months.
The grant will be land charged on owner occupier applications for a 10-year period for costs over £5,000. For example, an adaptation costing £7,000 will mean £2,000 is held as a land charge.
Minor Adaptations
Minor adaptations will provide minor works up to the value of £2,500. Typical works are as follows; stair bannisters, ramps, half steps, replacement ergonomic taps, door widening, level threshold access. Works must be compliant with the Chronically Sick and Disabled Persons Act.
Registered Providers who self-fund minor adaptations up to £1,000 for tenants can recover costs over and above £1,000 up to £2,500 with prior approval, and upon receipt of evidence of costs.
Eligible costs can include transport to the Assisted Living Centre to try out equipment, where a visit to try out equipment is required. This must be arranged through the Council’s Dial a Ride service, where no other suitable transport arrangements are available.
This grant will not be means tested.
Fast Track Adaptation Grants
Where the applicants need is not progressive and can be met through a simple adaptation, the Council will carry out an assessment through an appointed Trusted Assessor.
The maximum grant is £15,000.
Applicants must be eligible for a mandatory Disabled Facilities Grant (see above). Eligible works will include works to ensure the property is safe warm and dry, free from Category One hazards for homeowners and, in some cases, private sector landlords where works exceed those identified within the Housing Act 2004.
Fast track Grants include existing adaptation replacement for example:
- Stairlifts
- Through floor lifts
- Step lifts
- Ceiling Track hoists
- Level access showers
- Ramps
Eligible costs can include transport to the Assisted Living Centre to try out equipment, where a visit to try out equipment is required. This must be arranged through the Council’s Dial a Ride service, where no other suitable transport arrangements are available.
This grant will not be means tested.
The grant will be land charged on owner occupier applications for a 10-year period for costs over £5,000. For example, an adaptation costing £7,000 will mean £2,000 is held as a land charge.
Relocation Grant
A relocation grant is available up to a maximum of £5,000 to anyone who has an OT/Trusted Assessor referral recommending they relocate to a more suitable property that can be adapted to meet their need. The grant is open to owner occupiers and those living in rented accommodation.
Applicants must be resident within North East Lincolnshire and move to a property within the borough.
Eligible costs include deposits, removal charges, solicitor fees, redecoration, and floor coverings.
The Grant is not means tested and will not be placed as a charge on the property.
Discretionary Top-Up Grant
Discretionary top-up grants are available to homeowner applicants who are eligible for a mandatory DFG and the suitable scheme cannot be achieved within the £30,000 grant maximum.
The grant maximum of £45,000 (total grant could be in the region of £75,000) for the Discretionary Grant will be fully land charged on owner occupier applications for a 10-year period.
In exceptional circumstances, the grant can be made available to applicants living in rented accommodation. Examples include where the applicant has exhausted all avenues to move home. The landlord will be required to provide a long-term tenancy, to maintain security of tenure for the tenants.
Hospital Discharge Grant
This is a non means tested grant to assist anyone who is unable to be discharged from hospital due to their home conditions, up to the value of £7,500. These grants are not intended to replace a mandatory disabled facilities grant and will only provide support to release hospital beds for patients who have a condition that is likely to improve.
Referrals can be received through the Hospital Discharge Team and an assessment made by the Trusted Assessor where appropriate.
An example of when this grant could be applied for is as follows: A resident who cannot be discharged until the property is free from clutter and cleansed amongst other works that enable independent living.
The grant is not means tested and will not require a land charge.
Assistive Technology Grant
According to the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA), the term ‘assistive technology’ refers to ‘products or systems that support and assist individuals with disabilities, restricted mobility, or other impairments to perform functions that might otherwise be difficult or impossible.
Assistive technology can be included as part of a DFG to maximise the benefits of home adaptations. In some circumstances, assisted technology will be required as a stand-alone adaptation. This grant will support the appropriate smart technology up to the value of £7,500.
The grant can enhance the health, wellbeing and independence of groups including people who are autistic or have a condition that means they require monitoring to ensure they are maintaining a daily routine.
Assistive technology can include remote heating controls, remote lighting, and video doorbell technology.
The grant will not be means tested and will not require a land charge. The grant can be used in addition to a DFG or Fast Track grant.
Children in Foster Care/Joint Residency
Where a child has parents who are separated and the child lives for part of the time with each parent, a statutory DFG is only available at the address which is the main residence. However, where it is in the best interests of the child to provide adaptations at both locations, the Council will use their discretionary powers to consider applications to adapt the homes of both parents.
Children and young people who are placed in foster care and have a wide range of needs, will be able to access a DFG, where the foster carers are eligible for a DFG.
Where appropriate, the grant can be used to support a child living in local authority care. Each case will be referred on merit and longevity of residence.
Grants for Children are not means tested and the grant will not require a land charge.
Palliative Care Grant
The grant will provide assistance up to the value of £7,500 for applicants who are reaching end of life, providing temporary adaptations to support independence and provide dignity during end of life.
Eligible costs can include (but not limited to) renting a stairlift, renting a shower cubicle, or modular ramping to allow the patient to have easy access in and out of their home.
The scheme provides a fast-track service, is not means tested and will not require a land charge.
Dementia Friendly Homes Grant
The grant is not means tested and will provide assistance up to the value of £7,500.
Not all dementia sufferers have limited mobility. This grant supports people with dementia to manage their surroundings, retain independence and reduce feelings of confusion and anxiety. Works can include coloured flooring, signage and safety features within the kitchen and bathroom. It can also include adaptive technology, for example sensors and video doorbells that can be monitored by carers.
Eligible applicants must have a clinical diagnosis of dementia. An assessment will be completed by the Trusted Assessor and fellow clinicians who are caring for the applicant.
There will be no land charge and the grant is not means tested.
Stay Warm Scheme
Available to owner occupiers, to fund works to eligible applicants who have received a referral from a medical clinician, and who have a medical condition made worse by living in a cold home.
The grant maximum of £10,000 will be fully land charged on owner occupier applications for a 10-year period.
The grant is not means tested.
Eligible works can include heating repair/installation, condensation control, damp proofing, replacement windows, insulation, draft proofing, and repairs to prevent damp ingress.
Grant and Loans for homeowners
Assistance is provided to eligible households to improve living conditions and ensure they live safely in their own home.
Safe, Warm and Dry Emergency Repair Grant
A grant of up to £10,000 for eligible homeowners, to carry out emergency repairs to their home that could be prejudicial to the health of the occupants and be classed as a Category One Hazard (Housing Health and Safety Rating System) or Category 2 D or E in the case of damp and mould.
The grant can be used as a top up with grants available to improve the energy efficiency of housing, where the EPC is D and above.
Repairs can include heating repairs/replacement, replacement windows and doors, damp proofing, roofing repairs, bathroom, and kitchen repairs/replacement where there are significant hazards.
Eligible applicants must be in receipt of:
- Income Support
- Housing Benefit
- Universal Credit
- Guaranteed Pension Credit
- Income-Based Job-Seekers Allowance
- Working Tax Credit with an annual income of less than £15,050
- Child Tax Credit with an annual income of less than £15,050; and
- Income Related Employment and Support Allowance.
The grant maximum of £10,000 will be fully land charged on owner occupier applications for a 10-year period, and they must have owned their home for a minimum of 2 years.
There is a limit of no more than 2 applications within 5 years.
Home Appreciation Loan
The equity release loan is available to eligible homeowners to carry out essential repairs, removing Category 1 and 2 hazards.
A loan of up to £30,000 is available to fund works identified.
The applicant must have owned the property for a minimum of 2 years, and.
- Intend to continue to live in the property
- Aged 60+ or disabled or in receipt of a means tested benefit, or otherwise vulnerable
- Ineligible for a DFG
- Unable to access mainstream lenders
- Have sufficient equity. The total amount of borrowing (secured loan/mortgage + home appreciation loan) must not exceed 70% of the value of the property
Energy Repayment Loan
Loan funding can be used to finance energy efficiency improvements or top up other assistance for example Local Authority Delivery Schemes (LAD) or similar.
Available to owner occupiers who have owned their home for over 2 years, providing funding from £300 – £7,000.
Loans are subject to a satisfactory credit check and financial plan to demonstrate they can repay the loan through monthly instalments, within a reasonable timeframe to be agreed (no more than 10 years).
A legal charge will be placed on the property until the loan is repaid in full.
Financial assistance for landlords
Private Sector Leasing
Funding is available to owners of empty homes, who are unable to finance repairs to bring the property back to a lettable standard.
Property owners will be required to lease the property to the Council for a between 5 and 7 years. Rental income (minus costs/service charges) will be used to repay the loan.
The Council will provide housing for homeless households during the lease term.
Landlord Energy Repayment Loan
Loan funding can be used to finance energy efficiency improvements or top up other assistance for example Local Authority Delivery Schemes (LAD) or similar.
Available to owner’s rental properties where the EPC is lower than a C. The amount of the loan will be between £300 – £7,000.
Loans are subject to a satisfactory credit check and financial plan to demonstrate the loan can be repaid through monthly instalments, within a reasonable timeframe to be agreed (no more than 10 years).
A legal charge will be placed on the property until the loan is repaid in full.
Sanctuary scheme
The sanctuary scheme is a range of practical support options to support households at risk of domestic abuse to remain in their own home. Measures include –
- A panic alarm – the panic alarm can used to contact support services
- A mobile phone or new sim card – to replace an old phone or sim card
- Home safety measures – for example fitted window locks, increased security for doors, spy holes in doors or an intercom system
- A personal alarm – for when families need to leave the home and for use in the community
Works can extend up to a safe room to protect families at risk, to prevent the perpetrator from entering the home, and allowing emergency services time to arrive.
Referrals can only be provided by the relevant Council department.
Oil bulk buying
We work with the Humber and Wolds Rural Community Council to offer an oil bulk buying scheme. For further information or to join visit Humber and Wolds Rural Community Council.