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Surplus land and buildings

Our approach to disposal of surplus land and property

We advertise any potential vacant land or property assets that are surplus to requirements on this page.  If there are no current advertisements, please check back again in the future.

In most cases we will also engage the services of our external property agent to market and arrange viewings of current vacant or surplus assets which will include details of how we plan to dispose of the asset. Please contact PPH Commercial for further details .

There may be other assets which are not listed here or on the open market and certain sites could be subject to wider regeneration opportunities.  In addition, there may be assets which have yet to be declared surplus or assets which we continue to hold that could be of interest to the community.

Community Asset Transfer of land or property

If you are an eligible group looking for a property by way of a Community Asset Transfer, full details of this approach can be found on the Localism page.

Our land and property disposal process

Our disposal process happens in line with legislation and our own constitution and is managed through our adopted Property Policy.

The council has a requirement to receive the best price for all its assets. Disposals which are less than market value will require a business case to demonstrate the social, economic and environmental benefits of a “less than best consideration” which will require Cabinet approval, as the key decision-making body of the council.

It is our intention that all surplus assets will be taken to the open market for disposal unless the circumstances provide reasons for an alternative route. Neither the council nor its partner enters into any exclusive deals with any individual or organisations which do not follow this process.

If, however, an approach is made to the council in respect of a specific asset then the appropriate procedure is applied. Only details relevant to the purchase of an asset are considered in the negotiation process.

Assets which are both council and non-council owned, that are subject to open marketing, are also advertised through our Economy and Growth Team on the website Invest North East Lincolnshire – Properties .

Contact details

Estates and Business Development Team, Municipal Offices, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01472 324983

Office opening times: By appointment only