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Street lighting

Street lighting

We manage around 19,000 lampposts and nearly 3,500 illuminated traffic signs and bollards. We are responsible for the maintenance of street lights and traffic signs and make sure new installations are designed to the current standards.

Our main responsibilities include:

  • repairing street lights and traffic sign faults
  • designing and installing new and replacement street lights
  • testing and inspecting electrical and structural equipment to maintain safety
  • maintain an inventory of street lights and illuminated signs
  • install and maintain Christmas and summer illuminations

An annual testing programme of approximately 400 lampposts (2.1% of the street lights and signs) is carried out by a specialist contractor, based on national and local intelligence. Our street lighting renewal programme is then formed from the information gathered.

Our priorities are to:

  • improve community safety and confidence
  • reduce crime and the fear of crime
  • help to reduce road traffic accidents
  • repair street light faults within 5 working days
  • provide better colour rendition on new lighting schemes using “white lighting”
  • use more environmentally friendly and energy efficient equipment

Report an issue with street lights

To report a problem with one of our street lights, complete the Street lighting and traffic signals form.

You can also report a fault by phone on 01472 324500 between 8:30am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday and 01472 313131 for out of hours reports.

When making a report you need to provide as much of the following information as possible:

  • the location and identification number on the lamppost or sign
  • the address and number of the adjacent property
  • your contact information
  • the nature of the fault or damage, for example the light is off or the door is missing on the lamppost

Types of fault

Faults and damage to street lights and illuminated traffic signs can be caused by any of the following:

  • component failure i.e. if the light bulb has failed
  • electricity failure; for example a loss of power due to underground cable faults
  • adverse weather conditions ; High winds can cause a lamp to break or lantern shade to open
  • vehicle impact from a road traffic accident; if a car hits a lamppost or traffic sign
  • vandalism; if someone cause deliberate damage to a lamppost

How we manage our street lights

Our street lights are powered by Northern Powergrid (NPg) cable network. It is NPg’s responsibility to maintain power to the street lights and rectify any loss of supply due to a fault, in line with Ofgen’s guaranteed standards.

The street lights are inspected during the night throughout the year and also during repairs and maintenance. The faults are recorded, reported and repaired in line with priority timescales.

Inspections are carried out once every 3 months throughout the year. Faults are also reported by members of the public and recorded for repairs to be carried out.

Faults are generally rectified within 5 working days of being reported with over 90% repaired first time. Others that require more major works or involve an electricity supply fault are passed over to Regional Electricity Company.

We replace street lighting columns which have passed their serviceable life and install new white lights which will meet the current lighting standards.

New lighting schemes

Street lighting columns are generally placed where they will provide the best lighting levels for the whole of the street. The positions of driveways, and utility services below the ground (for example, water pipes), will influence where the lampposts are to be placed. Current practice is to position lighting columns at the rear of the footpaths, this reduces the risk of damage by motor vehicles and gives the perception of less clutter on the street.

Summer illuminations

North East Lincolnshire Council are responsible for the installation and maintenance of new and existing illuminations. Our aim is to provide low maintenance, energy efficient displays. To achieve this we are now using new low wattage Light Emitting Diode (L.E.D.) technology.

We have recently installed new L.E.D lights from Cleethorpes Leisure Centre to Chichester Road Junction, and new L.E.D Festoon Features on Alexandra Road, Cleethorpes.

Cleethorpes sea front usual switch-on times

  • Summer – July to September (9pm to midnight)
  • Half Term/Bonfire Night – October to November (4:30 pm to 11pm)
  • Christmas – December to January (4pm to 11pm)
  • Easter – March to April (7:30pm to midnight)

Contact details

Street Lighting, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU

Telephone: 01472 326300 option 5

Opening times: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 4:30pm, except bank holidays