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Report an issue on our streets

Highway enforcement

We have a duty to protect and assert the rights of the public to use and enjoy our roads and paths.

Our highways enforcement team deal with all highway obstructions (except for parking) and offences relating to temporary structures and other items on the highway including:

  • tree branches and vegetation overhanging the public highway (obstructing the passage of traffic, vehicular or pedestrian, or obstructing visibility)
  • unauthorised vehicular accesses
  • vehicles causing an obstruction of footpaths or grass verges
  • damage to the highway (roads, paths and verges, including highway signs and apparatus)
  • advertising boards on the highway (including posters and banners on street furniture)
  • caravans or trailers obstructing the highway
  • skips and scaffolding
  • unfenced land adjacent to the highway (for example private forecourts of shops) causing a danger to highway users
  • unauthorised excavation of the highway
  • materials deposited on the highway (for example building or horticultural supplies)
  • mud or other debris on the highway

Report a highway enforcement issue

To report a highway enforcement problem complete Highway obstructions.

Report a problem with a skip

Complete the skips form to report problems with skips such as:

  • no lights on the skip
  • no cones around the skip
  • issues with the siting of the skip
  • full and overflowing skips

We can only deal with skips on public land.

Search enforcement cases

To search for a specific enforcement case go to Planning applications, where open enforcement investigations can be monitored.