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Cllr Beasant, Stephen (Liberal Democrat)

Liberal Democrat Councillor for the East Marsh ward

Cllr Stephen Beasant – Mayor of North East Lincolnshire

Liberal Democrat

Term of Office until 2026

Ward: East Marsh

Committee membership


Audit & Governance (substitute)

Licensing & Community Protection (substitute)

Outside bodies

Corporate Parenting Board

Fostering Panel


I have lived in the East Marsh Ward for over 30 years and have represented the ward since 2003. I am married to my wife Carol and we have three grown up sons, and two smashing grandchildren (Nathan and James).I was born and bred in Grimsby and have lived here all my life except for 9 months while I was working in Canada. I know many people call my home town, but I would not want to live anywhere else, and don’t forget even the great Elton John actually sang a song called “Grimsby”. Prior to being an active member of the Liberal Democrat Party I used to work for Birds Eye as maintenance fitter until I developed epilepsy in 1988.

I then went onto University and studied a degree in Politics and Sociology at York University gaining a 2:1 Degree, and recently I completed a Post-Graduate Certificate in Public Sector Modernisation. After leaving University I supported a local epilepsy charity, and spoke at a number of national conferences. Now back to politics, previously I have held the positions of Chair of the Children and Young People’s Scrutiny Panel and Cabinet Member with Portfolio Holder for Communities and the Neighbourhoods.

I still have a great interest in all matters relating to children’s services. I am school governor at Queen Mary Infant School and the Chair of the Local Authority Pupil Referral Unit. At present I am Chair of the Safer and Stronger Communities Scrutiny Panel. I am actively involved in all community groups and hold regular ward surgeries.

The East Marsh Involve Community meeting is held on the last Tuesday of every month, and are held at the Grimsby Neighbourhood Centre, starting at 6pm.

More information about me, visit my personal web site Steve Beasant

Register of interests

Register of Interests – Councillor Beasant (PDF, 101KB)

Contact details

Councillor Steve Beasant, 51 Columbia Road, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN32 8EA

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01472 314183 or 07941858395