Policies and strategies
What are policies and strategies?
Policies clarify and communicate the position taken by us on a particular issue, ensuring compliance with legislation, a focus on service development, improved service delivery and efficiency and safeguard the council, employees and service users.
Strategies, or plans, focus on the medium to long-term priorities of the council, or council and its partners. They look to the future, define outcomes, take a long-term view and outward look. They take into consideration local, regional, national and global factors.
Our policies and strategies
Our key policies and strategies are listed below. The links provided will take you to the host web page where the document and further background information will be available.
If you require further information please contact the Strategy, Policy and performance team by email at [email protected] or by phone on 01472 313131.
Select a category to find our key policies and strategies:
Access to Information Policy
This policy covers the rights under the Freedom of Information act 2000 and the Environmental Regulations 2004 to access recorded information held by public authorities such as north east Lincolnshire council.
Freedom of information | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Anti-Bribery Policy
This policy provides a coherent and consistent framework to enable the council’s employees to understand and implement arrangements enabling compliance.
Fraud and corruption | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Anti-Fraud Strategy
The council uses this strategy to advise and guide Members and staff on its approach to the serious issues of fraud and corruption.
Fraud and corruption – NELC | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Anti-Money Laundering Policy
The council’s money laundering policy explains what money laundering is and the legal and regulative framework that is in place to govern it.
Fraud and corruption | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Confidentiality Policy
The purpose of this policy is to introduce the concept of confidentiality for the processing of information by North East Lincolnshire Council.
Data Protection and privacy | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Cookie Policy
Cookies are also placed by third parties we have engaged. In the document below we inform you about the use of cookies on our website.
Cookie Policy | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Data Protection Policy
This policy sets out our commitment to protecting personal data and how we implement that commitment with regards to the collection and use of personal data.
Data Protection and privacy | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Feedback Policy
We are committed to giving everyone we deal with or who are affected by our services, the opportunity to express satisfaction or dissatisfaction. We are committed to changing our policies, systems, or procedures, where appropriate, in order to improve our services.
Complaints, compliments and suggestions | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
ICT Strategy
ICT Strategy for North East Lincolnshire Council.
IT service and infrastructure | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Property Policy
Property is North East Lincolnshire Council’s most important non-people resource and property costs are the second largest cost after staffing costs. Property provides the means by which the Council delivers its services and manages its business.
Net Zero Carbon Roadmap | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Records Management Policy and IG Framework
This high-level Records Management Policy sets out our commitment and holistic approach to achieving high standards in the management of our records and information.
Data Protection and information governance | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Risk and Opportunities Management Policy
Risk management involves adopting a planned and systematic approach to the identification, evaluation and control of the risks facing the Council and is a means of minimising the impact of undesired events.
Insurance and risk management | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Talking, Listening and Working Together Strategy
This strategy is a first step towards a clear and more consistently applied approach to developing an ‘on the ground’ understanding of North East Lincolnshire and its communities.
Adult Social Care Charging Policy
For charging and financial assessment for all service users that receive care and support services, following an assessment of their individual needs and their individual financial circumstances.
Adult social care | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
NELCCG Deferred Policy
The purpose of the Deferred Payment Policy is to explain the parameters and process applied when the Council allows Adult Social Care customers the opportunity to defer charges against the value of their property.
Adult social care | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
NEL Carers Strategy
The Carers Strategy lays out the vision and agreed actions of partnership organisations across NEL in support of informal carers of all ages over the next 3 years.
An informal carer is someone of any age who looks after a child, relative, partner or friend in need of help because they have an illness, disability, frailty, mental health condition or substance misuse problem. The care provided may be personal, practical, emotional, financial, or supervisory and is unpaid.
Child Sexual Exploitation Strategy
This strategy sets out to address such issues and ensures that all children and young people in North East Lincolnshire live in a safe environment away from risk and harm.
SaferNEL | Safeguarding children advice for professionals – SaferNEL
Children Looked After Strategy
This strategy for Children Looked After and Care Leavers in North East Lincolnshire.
Children’s social care strategies and policies | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Children Looked After Sufficiency Strategy
This strategy sets out how we intend to meet its Sufficiency Duty for the children we look after, improve the quality and choice of placements, ensure value for money, and minimise the likelihood of suitable placements being unavailable locally.
Children’s social care strategies and policies | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Children Missing from Education Policy
This policy and guidance provides an outline of North East Lincolnshire Local Authority’s system and procedures for identifying, registering and tracking Children Missing from Education.
Children missing from education | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Children, Young People and Families Development Strategy
This strategy outlines how we will equip those who are leading, working, and volunteering with children, young people, their families, and carers to achieve change and to provide the effective support that will improve people’s lives.
Children and young people’s workforce training | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Corporate Parenting Strategy
The strategy demonstrates the council’s commitment to ensuring that the life chances of every child and young person in its care are improved in line with their peers through the provision of effective support that addresses disadvantage and enables them to reach their full potential.
Corporate parenting | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Education and Inclusion Strategy
This document sets out North East Lincolnshire Council’s strategic vision for learning and education in the context of a changing educational landscape.
North East Lincolnshire Council’s Education & Inclusion Strategy 2022-25 (PDF, KB)
Education and Inclusion Strategy Action Plan – September 2022 (PDF, 223KB)
Home to School Transport Policy
This policy document describes how the local authority interprets its duty and applies its powers in respect of home to school transport. The arrangements apply only to pupil’s resident in North East Lincolnshire or deemed by legislation to be the responsibility of the local authority.
School transport | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
NELC & ICB Joint Commissioning Strategy for SENDAP
The purpose of these documents is to formalise and reinforce our approach to joint commissioning for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) with NELC, ICB and other partner agencies to meet our strategic requests in line with SEND code of practice 2014.
NELC SEND Local Offer | Our vision and key documents (nelincs.gov.uk)
Northern Lincolnshire Child Death Review Arrangements
When a child dies, in any circumstances, it is important for parents, families and professionals involved in the child’s care to understand what has happened and whether there are any lessons to be learned.
SaferNEL | Child death reviews – SaferNEL
Post 16 Education Transport Policy
The policy statement includes details of the access to local transport provision and support the local authority considers necessary to ensure that full-time students of sixth form age have access to education, learning or training.
School transport | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Prevention and Early Help Strategy
The development of prevention and early help, aiming to improve outcomes for vulnerable children, young people and families and ensuring that the right support is given at the right times.
North East Lincolnshire Children’s Services Procedures Manual (proceduresonline.com)
Working Together to Safeguard Children
A guide to inter-agency working to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.
Working Together to Safeguard Children (workingtogetheronline.co.uk)
NEL Carers Strategy
The Carers Strategy lays out the vision and agreed actions of partnership organisations across NEL in support of informal carers of all ages over the next 3 years.
An informal carer is someone of any age who looks after a child, relative, partner or friend in need of help because they have an illness, disability, frailty, mental health condition or substance misuse problem. The care provided may be personal, practical, emotional, financial, or supervisory and is unpaid.
ASB Case Review/ Community Trigger Policy
The Community Trigger, also known as the ASB case review, is a statutory provision introduced in the Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014. It is a safety net for victims of persistent anti-social behaviour to request a review of their case to determine if further action can be taken to resolve the ongoing ASB.
Anti-social behaviour case review / Community Trigger | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
CCTV Strategy
This strategy has been developed in consultation with our partners, wider stakeholders and community and sets out our vision for a dynamic, responsive, and future proof CCTV capability that is able to respond to the needs of our local businesses and communities.
SaferNEL | Closed Circuit Television CCTV – SaferNEL
Community Safety and Partnership Plan 2022-25
The Community Safety Partnership is a statutory community safety partnership (required as part of the Crime & Disorder Act 1998) established to join up the work of partners across the borough to tackle crime and disorder and improve community safety.
SaferNEL | Community Safety Partnership (CSP) – SaferNEL
Caught On Camera – Operational Policy
The objectives of this policy are to define the circumstances when images or video clips will be published and the associated decision-making processes.
Caught on camera | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Domestic Abuse Strategy
This plan outlines how are we going to tackle domestic violence and abuse within North East Lincolnshire.
Air Quality Strategy
How we aim to improve the air quality in North East Lincolnshire.
Air quality | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Carbon Roadmap
The Carbon Roadmap sets out how the Council plans to achieve its aim to cut its carbon emissions to net zero by 2040 and for North East Lincolnshire to be carbon net zero by 2050.
Net Zero Carbon Roadmap | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Contaminated Land Strategy
The Contaminated Land Strategy sets out how the local authority manages its responsibility to regulate land where contamination is causing unacceptable risks to human health or the environment.
Contaminated land | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Council Owned Land and Open Spaces Policy
The development of an exciting events programme is a vital element of our agreed culture framework; it will enable the borough to promote the best locations and activities, showcasing local talent, tapping into artistic and sporting excellence whilst celebrating cultural heritage and diversity. The programme should result in enhancing the area’s tourism profile and support and sustain economic growth.
Event Safety Advisory Group | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Enforcement Policy
This policy applies to all enforcement activity undertaken by or on behalf the Council that affects members of the public, the business community, and the environment. For many of our enforcement services, detailed policies and procedures relating specifically to that service area are also in place, which complement the ethos of this policy statement.
Health and safety inspector | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Green Space Strategy
The Green Spaces Strategy establishes the role the council and its partners play in directing the management of green spaces in North East Lincolnshire and guides the future development of its parks and open spaces, making sure they continue to evolve to meet the changing needs of the community.
Parks and open spaces | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Litter Strategy
The NELC Waste Strategy highlights the role the authority plays in and the importance of collecting litter, not only to keep streets tidy but also as part of our environmental responsibility.
Bins and recycling | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Local Flood Risk Management Strategy
The strategy aims to build resilience with the community to be better prepared for flooding before it happens.
Flood strategies and investigations | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Sandbag Policy
This Policy is required to give clarity to residents, elected members and Council officers on the Councils priority for the use of sandbags in flood events.
How do I prepare for flooding? | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Waste and Recycling Collection Services Policy
This policy outlines North East Lincolnshire Councils commitment to provide a good waste and recycling service, which represents value for money and meets the needs of our residents and public.
Bins and recycling | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Waste Management Strategy
Within the 2018 National Waste Strategy (Our Waste, Our Resources: A Strategy for England) the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) set new national targets that are to be implemented over the course of 15 years: starting in 2020 and ending in 2035.
Skills strategy and action plan
How we plan to improve the link between local business needs and our education and training opportunities.
Corporate Asset Management Plan
The Corporate Asset Management Plan (CAMP), production and implementation, is essential in supporting North East Lincolnshire Council to achieve its corporate vision and outcomes. The CAMP seeks to demonstrate to all stakeholders the aims and objectives of the Council in owning and managing its property and land assets.
Council owned land and property | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Economic Strategy
Direction of travel for our economy and our approach to local economic development for a wide range of stakeholders, coordinating their actions and investment to help secure its objectives, whilst setting the foundations for future investment for the next 3-5 years.
North East Lincolnshire Economic Recovery Plan | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Finance Strategy
Covers up to 2030 and includes current financial position and performance of the council.
Budgets and finance strategy | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Medium Term Financial Plan
In order to set our revenue budget and build the Medium-Term Financial Plan (MTFP) a number of factors are considered to ensure a balanced position can be achieved whilst working within defined budget envelopes for each area. Such factors include changes to funding levels, national and local intelligence, inflation rates, pay agreements and local demographics.
Budgets and finance strategy | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Procurement Strategy
This Procurement Strategy sets out the direction which will help to ensure that together our procurement continues to deliver excellent value.
Contracts and tenders | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Social Value
Social value involves looking beyond making decisions based on financial cost and instead at the wider benefit to a community.
Social value | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Treasury Strategy and Policy
The management of the council’s investments and cash flows, its banking, money market and capital market transactions; the effective control of the risks associated with those activities; and the pursuit of optimum performance consistent with those risks.
Blue Badge Enforcement Policy
The Blue Badge (Disabled Parking) Scheme provides a national arrangement of parking concessions for those people who have an enduring or sustainable disability condition. NELC and its partners are responsible for the administration and enforcement of the scheme within the borough on behalf of the Department for Transport.
Blue badge misuse | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Concessionary Parking Procedures Policy
This document outlines the procedures relating to any requests for the renewal of existing concessionary parking permits and for any new requests which may be received, as well as outlining some of the conditions surrounding the concession.
Concessionary parking permits | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Highway Asset Management Strategy
North East Lincolnshire Council recognises the importance of the highway infrastructure in the context of the well-being of all who use it. The Council as Highway Authority is committed to the good management of the highway asset not only for now but also, for future generations, and recognises that effective asset management is essential to deliver clarity around standards and levels of service, and to make best use of available resources.
Streets, travel and parking | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Highway Inspection and Maintenance Policy
The purpose of this policy is primarily to establish the framework for delivery of the Council’s requirements for inspection and maintenance of those roads, footways and cycle routes which form part of the public highway network 3 infrastructure. Other elements of network infrastructure may be referred to within this policy and these will be covered in more detail elsewhere.
Roadworks and road repairs | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Highway Winter Service Policy
The Highway Authority, EQUANS (formerly ENGIE), is under a statutory duty to maintain the highway, to facilitate safe movement, as far as reasonably practicable, during bad weather, the Highway Authority will undertake prioritised pre-treatment (“precautionary” treatment) and, subject to available resources, snow clearing operations on the adopted highway network (Highways Act 1980 S41[1]).
Gritting and cold weather | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Local Transport Plan
The Local Transport Plan sets out the vision, policies, strategies, and priorities for the improvement of highways, access and connectivity of the local transport system.
Streets, travel and parking | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Traffic Regulation Order Policy
How North East Lincolnshire Council (NELC) will deal with requests for new parking restrictions received from any organisations.
Traffic Regulation Orders | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Empty Property Strategy
The Empty Property Strategy outlines our ambition to bring empty properties back into use, working with our partners to provide the right housing in the right place.
Empty homes | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Housing Assistance policy
The Housing Assistance Policy sets out how the council will provide grants and loans to vulnerable residents in the borough, to enable independent living for all eligible residents and improve housing conditions for vulnerable owner occupiers.
Housing grants and loans | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Housing Assistance and Disabled Adaptions Policy
This policy sets out how North East Lincolnshire Council intends to use its powers under the Regulatory Reform Order (2002) to introduce a wider range of housing interventions to promote independent living and well-being.
Creativity Strategy
The Creativity Strategy outlines a five-year framework setting out the key ambitions and strategic aims for creativity under the themes ‘creativity for all’, ‘creative economy’ and ‘creative working.
The creativity strategy is published as part of our Economic recovery plan: Reshape | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Playing Pitch Strategy
North East Lincolnshire work to create a carefully planned network of playing pitch facilities that are well managed and maintained and which through community participation contribute to enhancing the quality of life and sense of well-being of all sections of the community.
The playing pitch strategy is published as part of our Natural Assets Plan | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Gambling Act Statement of Licensing Policy
The statement of principles aims to ensure all gambling activities are conducted in accordance with the law.
Gambling and gaming machines | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
General Statement of Enforcement Policy
This document contains the council’s statement of policy in respect of all forms of enforcement, legislative or otherwise, carried out by council officers and the framework upon which any action should be based.
Health and safety inspector | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Hackney Carriage and Private Vehicle Hire Policy
The main aim of the licensing regime is to protect public safety through monitoring and checks of licensed vehicles, drivers, private hire operators and new applicants for licences to ensure their suitability.
Hackney carriage and private hire vehicle licence | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Statement of Licensing Policy
Section 5 of the Act requires a Licensing Authority to prepare and publish a statement of its licensing policy every five years. The policy must be published before the authority carries out any licensing function in relation to applications made under the Act.
Council Tax Reduction Scheme Sanction Policy
To support consistent and robust decision making in applying sanctions to instances of Council Tax rebate fraud.
Council Tax support | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Discretionary Rate Relief Policy
This policy outlines the Council’s intentions for dealing with discretionary rate relief applications from organisations located within North East Lincolnshire area. The council is empowered to award discretionary relief from National Non-Domestic Rates (NNDR) in certain circumstances under Section 47 of the Local Government Finance Act 1988.
Local Plan
North East Lincolnshire Council is focused on creating opportunity for people: opportunity to get a job; to have a home; and to be part of a strong community. This Local Plan shows where we will be helping to create new jobs, where homes will be built and how we are going to protect and enhance those features of our Borough which are special.
Health and Wellbeing Strategy Framework
Sets out our approach to health and wellbeing.
Pay Policy Statement
A policy statement that covers a number of matters concerning the pay of the council’s senior staff.
Council workforce | NELC (nelincs.gov.uk)
Reporting a Concern (Whistleblowing)
This policy document seeks to cover both disclosures and allegations of wrongdoing made by employees and members of the public.
Related websites
NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB)
Contact details
Strategy, Policy and performance team, Municipal Offices, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01472 313131
Opening times: Monday to Friday 9am to 4:30pm, except bank holidays