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Budgets and finance strategy

Finance strategy

We have two clear strategic priorities, stronger economies and stronger communities. In order to achieve those priorities the council must have a clear and robust financial strategy which focuses on our long term financial sustainability.

A financial strategy refers to the practice adopted by an organisation or business in order to pursue its economic goals and objectives. A financial strategy is especially important when it comes to setting the short-term operating framework needed to achieve long-term results.

Read our Finance Strategy (PDF)

Budget summary

The council maintains a rolling 3 year budget used for assessing its income and expenditure requirements.

Read our Budget Summary 2023/24 (PDF, 917KB) .


Some organisations that provide important services across North East Lincolnshire and its neighbouring authorities make a charge on each local authority based on its Council Tax Base.

This charge (called a Levy) forms part of the calculation North East Lincolnshire Council makes when arriving at its Council Tax figure each year.

The organisations which make these Levies are:

For more information about each organisations levy please visit their websites.

Spend for each levy for the last 6 financial years

North East Lindsey Drainage Board391,487397,438413,692425,788452,212526,687615,469
Environment Agency124,600123,982126,173127,551128,821131,178135,981
Lindsey Marsh Drainage Borad7,9029,1449,3959,6779,96512,71512,811
North Eastern Sea Fisheries133,354136,022142,823144,251148,579153,036170,635
Total Levies Charged657,343666,586692,083707,268739,577823,616934,895