Air Quality
Everyone should be able to enjoy good health and wellbeing!
The council has a duty under the Environmental Act 1995, to carry out regular assessments of local air quality.
The government sets objectives relating to common pollutants found in towns and cities, and these are levels we must aim to meet. To make sure we achieve this, we are continually monitoring air quality within our borough.
Current levels of aur quality in the UK is available on Defra.
How we monitor air quality
Automatic monitoring
The council have 2 real-time monitoring stations that monitor 24/7, 365 days a year, monitoring for the pollutant nitrogen dioxide (NO2). These units provide high quality data which is analysed for trends and patterns of pollution as it varies over time.
Diffusion Tube Monitoring
Diffusion tubes are a type of passive sampler; they absorb the pollutant to be monitored directly from the surrounding air and need no power supply. Passive samplers are easy to use and relatively inexpensive, so they can be deployed in large numbers over a wide area, giving good spatial coverage.
There are 37 Diffusion Tubes located across the authority monitoring for nitrogen dioxide, the tubes are changed monthly and sent off for analysis.
Annual status report
Local Air Quality Management involves an annual assessment of local air quality in which an Annual Status Report is submitted to Defra for approval. We use the data collected from the real-time monitor and the diffusion tubes to assess if the objectives are being met.
The assessment follows Defra’s Policy, and technical guidance documents, which provide a framework for local authorities to carry out their statutory duties.
View the latest Annual Status Report 2024 (PDF, 2MB) .
Air Quality Management Area (AQMA)
If an area in North East Lincolnshire is not meeting the objectives set by the government, an Air Quality Management Area (AQMA) has to be put in place. North East Lincolnshire Council must then put together a Local Air Quality Action Plan.
Cleethorpe Road AQMA
In September 2010, North East Lincolnshire Council declared an AQMA on Cleethorpe Road (numbers 100-176 and 103-177) Grimsby, for a breach in the nitrogen dioxide objective.
An Action Plan was published in 2012 setting out measures to reduce nitrogen dioxide levels. In 2015, junction changes were made at Riby Square to help improve traffic flow and bring pollution levels down. The Action Plan was revised in 2020 and a new Air Quality Action Plan was adopted with additional measures to reduce the nitrogen dioxide levels further.
Data from the Cleethorpe Road monitoring station has shown an improvement in pollution levels within the AQMA and the objective for nitrogen dioxide has been met for 5 consecutive years.
North East Lincolnshire Council revoked the AQMA in May 2024.
View the signed AQMA revocation- Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby (PDF, 242KB)
This is a scanned copy of a sealed legal document. It is not accessible. Please contact the Environmental Team to request an accessible copy.
Our strategy
Our Air Quality Strategy (PDF, 2MB) makes sure issues are considered in the wider decision making framework. The strategy supports the achievement of Air Quality Objectives and sets out the areas where the council can deliver local air quality improvements. The strategy provides the agenda to achieve the overall ambition of maintaining and achieving good quality within North East Lincolnshire.
Pollution and health
Pollutants in the air we breathe come from vehicles, industry, heating systems and natural sources. The main air pollutants of concern in North East Lincolnshire are nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5). These can cause an irritation of the airways resulting in increased secretions and narrowing, which makes it difficult to get enough air into our lungs.
Read more about health effects of air pollution on the Office for Health Improvement and Disparities website Air pollution: applying All Our Health – GOV.UK.
The planning system is an important part to protecting people’s health from the effects caused by air pollution. Air quality is a material consideration in the planning process that must be included in the planning application decision making.
The Environmental Protection Team is consulted by the Planning Department on applications for new developments. We consider environmental issues, including air quality, before making a recommendation to the Planning department.
We follow the Land-Use Planning & Development Control: Planning for Air Quality.
Developers should refer to this document to:
- Assess the potential for air quality impacts from development and transport-related emissions.
- Provide a consistent approach to mitigating those impacts.
The Local Planning Authority expects developments to follow this guidance.
We require an air quality assessment where the impact from the development may be detrimental to the environment or people’s health.
Domestic Burning
Open fireplaces, wood-burning stoves or outdoor chimineas have risen in popularity. This means domestic burning has become the largest source of harmful small particle air pollution.
People who have an open fire or stove and burn for aesthetic reasons are encouraged to double-check their burning practices and reduce the risks associated with burning in their homes.
Many people do not realise that there are cleaner alternatives, such as dry wood instead of wet, or low-sulphur smokeless fuel. When purchasing fuel from retailers ensure what you are buying is carrying the ‘Ready to Burn’ logo.
For further information of domestic burning and awareness of the health harms associated with burning please visit the Defra Website Burn Better, Breathe Better
Indoor Air Quality
Anyone can be affected by indoor air pollution. If you live with a lung condition, you’re more likely to be affected by poor air quality as your lungs are more sensitive. Not everyone has the same reactions to indoor air pollution.
Children are more at risk from poor indoor air quality, as their lungs are still developing. Children’s airways are smaller, so inflammation caused by indoor and outdoor air pollution can cause them to narrow more easily than adults.
For further information on air pollution within the home please visit Air pollution at home | Asthma + Lung UK
Related documents
Air Quality Strategy (PDF, 2MB)
Air Quality Action Plan 2020 (PDF, 674KB)
Air Quality Action Plan 2012 (PDF)
Annual Status Report 2023 (PDF, 2MB)
Annual Status Report 2024 (PDF, 2MB)
Related websites
Reducing air pollution from outdoor burning
Local Air Quality Management – Policy Guidance
Local Air Quality Management – Technical Guidance
DEFRA Air Quality Management Areas
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Contact details
Environmental Team, Doughty Road Depot, Doughty Road, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN32 OLL
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01472 324833
Opening times: By appointment only