Council owned land and property
The council’s land and property information is managed by our regeneration partner EQUANS.
The information is held on a digitised mapping system and database, and has details of all council acquisitions, disposals, leases, lettings, licences, easements and rights of way.
We are able to identify council land provided that the precise location of the land or property concerned can be accurately described. A sketched plan of the location in question can be useful. We can also advise which council department is responsible for the land or property and, where possible, provide a contact for that department.
Response times are dependent upon demand and also upon the possible need for a more detailed plan to be submitted to us. Provided all necessary details have been given to us a telephone response can normally be given within one working day. In certain cases, depending on the complexity of land ownership in the area, reference to the council’s deeds may be required in which case the enquiry may take longer.
Ownership of non-council land and property
Ownership of registered land and property not owned by the council may be traced via the Land Registry website.
Derelict property and land
The council has developed an action plan to deal with derelict commercial property and land. For further information, or to report derelict commercial property or land, please visit the Empty property and derelict land page.
The information we publish
The Local Government Transparency Code 2014 requires Local Authorities to publish details of all land and building assets including:
- all service and office properties occupied or controlled by user bodies, both freehold and leasehold;
- any properties occupied or run under Private Finance Initiative contracts;
- all other properties they own or use, for example, hostels, laboratories, investment properties and depots;
- garages unless rented as part of a housing tenancy agreement;
- surplus, sublet or vacant properties;
- undeveloped land;
- serviced or temporary offices where contractual or action occupation exceeds three months; and
- all future commitments, for example under an agreement for lease, from when the contractual commitment is made.
The following land and building assets are however excluded from publication:
- social housing;
- rent free properties provided by traders (such as information booths in public places or ports);
- operational railway and canals;
- operational public highways (but any adjoining land not subject to public rights should be included);
- assets of national security; and
- information deemed appropriate for public access as a result of data protection and/or disclosure controls (such as refuge houses)
Land and building asset data can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
A full dataset version including the GeoX and GeoY (map references) and UPRN (unique property reference number) derived from Ordnance Survey (OS) data can only be released for “using the data to respond to, or interact with the Licensor to deliver or support the delivery of the Licensor’s Core Business” due to OS licensing restrictions under a Public Sector Mapping Agreement end user licence.
If you wish to use this data for any other purpose other than supporting the delivery of the Licensor’s Core Business, then you should contact Ordnance Survey to discuss how they can help you with your requirements.
Corporate Asset Management Plan
The Corporate Asset Management Plan considers our strategic position with regard to property. The process includes the analysis of reports on the condition, suitability, sufficiency and accessibility of property. Also considered are the cost in use, directorate or unit business plans, the community strategy, the redefinition of the council’s priorities and objectives, the outcome of best value reviews, and external inspection reports. It then identifies the changes necessary to support council service providers and their partners to meet the corporate priorities of the council and community.
Read our Capital Investment Strategy and Corporate Asset Management Plan 2018 – 2021.
Related document
Land and Building Assets (XLS, 118KB)
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Contact details
Property Data Unit, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01472 324664
Office opening times: By appointment only