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Asked to leave by a friend or family

If you leave with nowhere to go and nothing prepared, you may find yourself in a worse situation.

Find somewhere to stay for a couple of nights until everyone has calmed down can help.

  1. Talk to your friend or relative and try work out the problems calmly.
  2. Try agree on some changes so you’ll be able to stay, even if only temporary until you find somewhere to go, if you need some support we can offer mediation.
  3. If you can’t sort out the issues, tell someone close to you about the issues you’re having at home and ask for help.

If you need our help you can fill in the service request form to the Homeless Prevention team.

Under the age of 18?

If you have become homeless we will need to involve children’s social services so they can check your situation, even if you have no support needs and have lived independently.

Leaving home with nowhere to go and nothing prepared, you may find yourself in a worse situation. If we can help you return to your family home this would be the best outcome, however we wouldn’t want you to go back if you’re at risk of violence or abuse. We will look for alternative accommodation with organisations such as Doorstep, Humber YMCA and the YMCA Foyer.

You can fill in the service referral form to the Homelessness Prevention team and we will agree a personal housing plan to help you find somewhere new to live. The housing options available to you will depend on your finances, we will help you fill in a referral for supported housing or help you to apply for social or private rented housing.

Between 18 to 35?

If you’re under 35, you will be required to consider shared housing options due to affordability, we can discuss suitable options with you once a service referral form has been completed.

  • Doorstep – If you’re aged between 16 and 25, Doorstep have supported and non-supported accommodation available. When applying you may want to ask a professional to complete a gateway referral for you, alternatively you a drop in is available Monday to Friday 1pm to 4pm.
  • Private renting – You can try searching on Rightmove for available properties, Care Rent is a charitable organisation who work with private landlords or looking on social media, notice boards or shop window displays.
  • Social housing –Application for social housing is available through Home Choice Lincs .