Support for new and existing businesses
Start a business
Starting a business or becoming self-employed can be an exciting and rewarding experience. However, it can also be risky and challenging. Those who research their business idea and seek support are more likely to survive and grow.
Entrepreneurs looking to take the leap into starting a business can receive support from E-Factor. Information and guidance are available including: ‘Be Your Own’ Boss Workshops, and the Business Start-Up Academy, alongside new business advice and guidance.
If you’re inspired to start your own business in North East Lincolnshire, tap into these resources to help you on the path to success.
Grow your business
North East Lincolnshire is a great location for businesses of all sizes and types. Find out why at Invest North East Lincolnshire .
There are a number of initiatives and support programmes available to help you expand your business, ranging from financial support to expert advice.
The Economic Development Team for North East Lincolnshire Council supports businesses and provides assistance with the following services:
- Commercial property, premises and land search service
- Access to information on grants, funding and finance
- Helping with workforce recruitment and skills development
- Providing familiarisation tours to help you make the most of North East Lincolnshire’s offer – organise a fact-finding visit
- Working as a strategic partner and consultant with your project team
- Help to manage the relationship between businesses and council departments e.g. planning, environmental considerations and access to initiatives and grants
- Providing local market intelligence through up-to-date information.
- Business relocation and market information
- Listings of relevant local suppliers
Business support
In addition to the support available from the Economic Development Team at North East Lincolnshire Council, there are some great associated organisations offering business support in North East Lincolnshire:
Skills, jobs, training and recruitment
We are committed to the development and growth of our local economy and in supporting employers to recruit, retain and develop their workforce.
August 2023, North East Lincolnshire Council approves Skills Acton Plan for North East Lincolnshire. The Plan, which identifies some of the key challenges facing people in our area, looks to identify and take advantage of opportunities to improve the awareness of high-skilled careers and the educational attainment of adults.
If you would like to discuss your companies workforce requirements and challenges or to learn more about the skills and training provision in the region, please contact Amy Gresham –[email protected].
Support from your local Jobcentre Plus
Jobcentre Plus (JCP) provides free and efficient services that effectively fill vacancies with well-prepared and motivated employees.
Grimsby JCP can help employers:
- Register on GOV.UK to advertise vacancies on the internet
- Take advantage of recruitment grants to help your business grow
- With sifting applications, interviewing and testing – they can even fund their candidates through a trial, so employers can thoroughly assess their skills cost-free
- By preparing JCP candidates by arranging training, utilising our close relationship with a large network of training providers
- By providing advice and support to staff being made redundant
- By providing impartial advice on HR services
Employer Adviser team
Lisa Billard, Tracey Dennis or Lesley Richardson
Telephone: 01472 622276 or 01472 622291
Email: [email protected]
Website: – Jobcentre Plus Help for Recruiters Overview
Related content
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills – For help with business set up, finance and more
E-factor business -Fully comprehensive business support in North East Lincolnshire
Starting up a Business (GOV.UK) – Provides a wide range of information and advice on setting up your business
Business advice request – Request paid for business advice from our Trading Standards service