Temporary accommodation
The homeless team may need to use temporary accommodation while we help you look for more permanent housing options. Temporary accommodation could be a local housing unit, or a B&B or guesthouse. They do ask for you to pay towards your temporary accommodation and you can find out how to pay here. They aim to find you permanent options as soon as possible so the time spent in temporary accommodation is minimal. Temporary accommodation may be used in the following circumstances, if any of these apply to you, please fill in a homeless prevention service form request as soon as possible.
Left the armed forces
You may be a ‘priority need’ for temporary accommodation, however, however it depends on certain circumstances. We will arrange an interview to talk about your options.
Left hospital or a care setting
If you are or will be homeless after being discharged from the hospital due to your current home being unsuitable or having no place to stay, you should let the hospital staff know as soon as possible.
The hospital staff must refer you to the homeless prevention service. They will interview you, and speak with the hospital discharge team to plan the best course of action for your housing.
Been discharged from prison
The homeless team may be able to help you find somewhere to stay on your release if you are a “priority need” candidate. They will assess you on an individual basis to assess your need level.
If you need help preventing your homelessness please fill in the service request form as early as possible.
Related content
Homelessness prevention service request form
Temporary accommodation charges – Pay for your stay