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Tree planting

'Greening up our place' logo

Help us increase our tree canopy coverage in North East Lincolnshire.

Tree Strategy

The North East Lincolnshire Tree Strategy provides a framework to help manage and enhance the local tree population, benefiting everyone who visits, works and lives in the borough. The tree strategy addresses how trees provide multiple benefits. This is North East Lincolnshire’s first tree strategy and has helped the council secure two successful funding bids – the Local Authority Treescapes Fund (LATF) and the Urban Tree Challenge Fund (UTCF). The LATF and UTCF will be used to help our tree-planting efforts in 2023/24 and 2024/25. This funding has enabled North East Lincolnshire Council to launch the ‘Greening Up Our Place’ tree planting programme, which aims to increase tree canopy coverage across the borough in our streets, parks and open spaces.

Greening up your community

We know that trees are good for the environment, but they also make people feel good. Get involved and help green up your community, and make it a space you’re proud to call home.

We have started a series of conversations and are working with volunteers and community organisations to organise tree-planting events, with a goal to

  • Develop relationships
  • Deliver planting activities in target areas in partnership
  • Support those groups delivering their planting activities
  • Help to build a sense of ownership and custodianship of the area’s natural assets

Community projects


On Friday 23rd February, community volunteers and children from Signhills Academy joined North East Lincolnshire Council, Equans, Friends of Haverstoe and All Things Good and Nice CIC to plant 12 new trees in Haverstoe Park and on Taylor’s Avenue in Cleethorpes.

The second tree planting event took place on Tuesday 27th February in the West Marsh Ward. With the help of community volunteers and children from Macaulay Primary, Littlecoates Primary, and Ormiston South Parade, with support from West Marsh Community Centre, Grimsby in Bloom, All Things Good and Nice, Equans, North East Lincolnshire Council and Together for Childhood Grimsby, 25 new trees were planted in the Duke of York Gardens.

On Thursday 29th February, a tree planting event took place with some of the children and staff from Springfield Lodge Montessori Day Nursery and Pre School, with support from North East Lincolnshire Council and Equans. The nursery runs a forest school as part of its education programme, and during the event, they helped plant and water six new trees on the land opposite their nursery off Springfield Road, Scartho.

The community came together with staff and children from Littlecoates School in West Marsh Country Park on Tuesday 5th March, successfully planting 12 trees with the support of North East Lincolnshire Council, All Things Good and Nice and Equans.

On Wednesday 6th March community volunteers joined North East Lincolnshire Council, All Things Good and Nice, We Are Fish and Equans to plant 25 new trees in Sidney Park.

There was a tree planting event in Barrett’s Rec on Thursday 7th March. Volunteers from North East Lincolnshire Council and Equans helped plant 16 trees.

On Wednesday 13th March, a tree planting event took place with staff and children from Queen Mary Avenue School and community volunteers planting 27 trees in Sussex Rec, supported by North East Lincolnshire Council, All Things Good and Nice, We Are Fish and Equans.

To celebrate Grimsby Institute’s 80th anniversary and support the tree strategy, staff and students had their very own tree-planting event. Supported by Equans and North East Lincolnshire Council, 13 trees were planted on the grounds surrounding Grimsby Institute.

Community volunteers joined staff and children from Canon Peter Hall School and Oasis Academy, North East Lincolnshire Council, Immingham Town Council, Immingham in Bloom and Equans on Tuesday 19th March, planting 32 trees across Pelham Avenue and Worsley Road in Immingham.

A huge 60 trees were planted on Wednesday 20th March in Weelsby Woods, in Heneage ward. Community volunteers and young people from both Linkage and Welhome School were joined by Friends of Weelsby Woods and the Bearded Birders, with support from Equans and North East Lincolnshire Council.

Children from Lisle Marsden School were joined by community volunteers on Friday 22nd March, at Ainslie Rec. With the support of Equans and North East Lincolnshire Council, six trees were successfully planted.


Staff from North East Lincolnshire Council and Equans planted 7 trees at Frederick Ward Way on 22nd Oct.

On the 26th November community volunteers came together from Lincolnshire Housing Partnership, Oasis Family Hub South, Flourish and Woodlands school came together to plant trees across Nunsthorpe. Planting 29 trees in total on two locations on Sutcliffe Avenue,  and at Nunnys Farm.

Our next community planting event took place at Quantock Recreation Ground on 28th November. Volunteers from Scartho in Bloom, the Scartho Wombles group, and Lincolnshire Co-op’s Community Development coordinator got together. We were also joined by Fairfield and Springfield School and in total we planted 22 Trees together.

Students from Oasis Academy Nunsthorpe helped to plant trees on their school grounds on the 3RD of December.

Later that week on the 5th of December 18 trees were planted with the help from Macaulay students.

Staff from North East Lincolnshire Council planted 8 trees on the 21st January, 2025.

On the 22nd January we were joined by students from Welholme School, who worked hard to help is to plant 5 more trees along these streets.

Five more trees were planted at the Blue Cross Animal Centre by North East Lincolnshire Council staff on the 28th January. We were delighted to green up the entry to blue cross’s car park and hope the trees will be enjoyed by both staff and visitors in years to come.

Then on the 29th January North East Lincolnshire Council staff planted another 5 trees in the existing garden area surrounding Park Congregational Church. The church is on a busy road, and so the new trees are a welcome addition in helping to clean the air.

Both Grange Primary School’s Eco Group & Cambridge Park Schools Eco Group braved the rain to assist us in helping to plant by their schools. In total 11 trees were planted on the 11th February 2025 at Cambridge Road.

Trees from an upward view

”Greening the Marshes”

East Marsh United | West Marsh Development Trust | Grimsby in Bloom

The West Marsh Development Trust has partnered up with East Marsh United and Grimsby in Bloom as part of the Royal Horticultural Society’s “Greening the Marshes” project. To find out more or volunteer to help with the project please contact any of the individuals below:

Get involved at home

We are doing our bit to help tackle climate change, by recycling what we can, choosing more sustainable products and trying to save energy at home. Find out what you can do at home to get involved in greening up our place.

How to plant a tree

Watch Barcham Trees Planting Video.

The benefits of trees

Field with trees

Environmental benefits

  • Urban trees reduce the ‘urban heat island effect’ of localised temperature extremes
  • They capture and store carbon from the atmosphere
  • They provide shade, making streets and buildings cooler in summer
  • They help remove dust and particulates from the air
  • They help to reduce traffic noise by absorbing and deflecting sound
  • They help improve the quality of polluted ground
  • They help increase biodiversity by providing food and shelter for wildlife
  • They help to reduce wind speeds
  • They reduce the effects of flash flooding by slowing the rate at which rainfall reaches the ground

Aerial shot of trees

Social benefits

  • Trees help create a sense of place and local identity
  • They have a positive impact on crime reduction
  • They have a positive impact on people’s mental and physical health
  • They create focal points and landmarks
  • They benefit communities by increasing pride in the local area

Trees in a field

Economic benefits

  • Trees can increase property values by 7-15%
  • As trees grow larger, the lift they give to property values grows proportionately
  • They can improve the environmental performance of buildings by reducing heating and cooling costs, thereby cutting bills
  • Mature landscapes with trees can be worth more as development sites
  • Trees can enhance the prospect of securing planning permission
  • Urban trees improve the health of local populations, reducing healthcare costs
  • Trees create a positive perception of a place for potential property buyers

Next steps

  • ArrowContinue to work with our partners, local businesses and community groups to increase tree canopy cover across North East Lincolnshire.
  • Provide technical guidance and support to others in their tree-planting efforts.
  • Continue to protect our existing tree stock and identify opportunities for further planting.