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Heritage and conservation

North East Lincolnshire has a rich and diverse historic environment.  Evidence of this can be seen through both the built and buried landscape but it is also visible in local culture and tradition.

Historic Environment Record (HER)

The principal source of information about our local historic environment is the Historic Environment Record (HER). This is a computerised inventory of known archaeological sites, historic buildings, monuments and other local historic assets.

The record covers the unitary authority of North East Lincolnshire which contains the towns of Grimsby, Cleethorpes and Immingham as well as the surrounding villages. There is no period cut-off, assets of any period can be added to the record, although most post 1946 records relate to buildings of particular historic or architectural interest and memorials to historic events. The main use of the record is for heritage management, through the National Planning Policy Frameworks and various planning and heritage acts, however it is also used by private and academic researchers and members of the public.

Information from the record can be accessed by contacting the Planning Service who will usually send information out by email or by post, however desk space for research can be arranged onsite if it is necessary. There is no charge for information or searches of the record for any of its users. In addition some mapping can be found on the Council’s interactive mapping service Find My Nearest .

As well as sites recorded on the HER, some archaeological sites are of national significance. These are commonly referred to as Scheduled Ancient Monuments (SAM’s); and are protected from damage, development and alteration under the Ancient Monuments and Areas Act 1979.

The HER also contains information on nationally Listed Buildings and Registered Parks in our area. Alternatively, information on these designated sites can be found through English Heritage’s searchable database on the Historic England  website.


Part of the core duties of the Archaeological Officer is to advise on planning applications and pre-application discussions.

If you are planning on submitting a planning application in one of North East Lincolnshire’s historic settlements or are planning a major development anywhere in the area then please contact the Archaeological Officer for advice on dealing with archaeological issues.

There are currently 28 archaeological areas based upon the historic cores of settlements within North East Lincolnshire. These areas represent medieval and post medieval nucleated settlements, often with earlier origins, that are likely to be effected by development and construction. In addition to these there are areas related to the Borough’s numerous farmsteads, archaeological sites in rural, agricultural and horticultural areas and large designed landscapes such as landscape parks.

The main purpose of the areas is to ensure planners and developers understand which developments may require some form of input from the Archaeological Officer, with a secondary role in the settlement cores of describing the expected nature of archaeological deposits and the most likely mitigation required for certain developments.

North East Lincolnshire Historic Settlement Archaeological Consultation Areas (PDF)

Archaeological Reports

Listed Buildings, Scheduled Monuments, Registered Park and Gardens

Some heritage assets, be they archaeological sites, historic buildings, shipwrecks, parks, formal gardens or battlefields, are considered to be of national importance. Therefore there is tight control over alterations or destruction of these sites.

In North East Lincolnshire we have:

  • Listed Buildings (222)
  • Scheduled Monuments (11)
  • Registered Park and Garden (1)

The statutory, or legal, descriptions and information about these sites can be found on Historic England’s National Heritage list .

Conservation Areas and Article 4 Directions

Conservation areas are declared by the Local Authority for those areas which possess ‘special interest’, the ‘character and appearance’ of which is desirable to ‘preserve and enhance’. They represent a familiar and often cherished local scene thus have greater protection against undesirable changes. In North East Lincolnshire we have 17 Conservation Areas.

An Article 4 Direction is a tool used by the Local Authority to restrict permitted development rights for selected properties. They are used to control works that could threaten the character of an area of acknowledged importance, such as a conservation area. In North East Lincolnshire we have six Article 4 Directions, five of these are with conservation areas, the sixth is on a Local List Asset.

Bradford Avenue Conservation Area, Cleethorpes

Declared: 1976
Area: 3.2 hectares

The following buildings are covered by an article 4 direction:
10-38 (evens), 11-33 (odds), 48-80 (evens), 90-98 (evens), 53-75 (odds).

Map of the Bradford Avenue conservation area (PDF)

Article 4 direction – Bradford Avenue (PDF)

Central Grimsby Conservation area, Grimsby

Declared: 1990, extended in 1993 and 2016
Area: 16.21 hectares

ADOPTED Central Grimsby Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan (PDF)

Article 4 direction – Abbey Road (PDF)

Cleethorpes Central Seafront Conservation Area

Declared: 1976, extended in 1998 and 2014
Area: 18.7 hectares

Central Cleethorpes Seafront Conservation Area Appraisal management plan for public consultation (PDF)

ADOPTED Cleethorpes Central Seafront Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan (PDF)

Cottagers Plot Conservation Area, Laceby

Declared: 1977
Area: 7.4 hectares

Map of the Cottagers Plot conservation area (PDF)

Great Coates Conservation Area, Grimsby

Declared: 1972, extended in 1993
Area: 50.3 hectares

The following buildings are covered by an article 4 direction:
3-17 (odd) The Avenue, 6-10 (even) The Avenue, 15-22 (consecutive) Cooks Lane, Manor House Cooks Lane, Midfield House Cooks Lane.

Map of the Great Coates conservation area (PDF)

Article 4 direction – Great Coates (PDF)

Holme Hill Conservation Area, Grimsby

Declared: 2009
Area: 5.8 hectares

Map of the Holme Hill conservation area (PDF)

Humberston Conservation Area

Declared: 1976
Area: 12.18 hectares

Map of the Humberston conservation area (PDF)

Humberston Fitties Conservation Area

Declared: 1996
Area: 25.8 hectares

The following buildings are covered by an article 4 direction:
All buildings with the exception of Chalets: 1, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 163, 179, 227b, 228a, 228b, 229a, 229b, 260, 302, 304, 305, 306, 307, 308, 310, 312, 313, 314, 315, 316, 318, 319, 321, 323, 323b, 325

Chalet Design Guide (PDF)

Map of the Humberston Fitties conservation area (PDF)

Article 4 direction – Humberston Fitties (PDF)

Irby upon Humber Conservation Area

Declared: 2009
Area: 25.5 hectares

Map of the Irby upon Humber conservation area (PDF)

The Kasbah Conservation Area, Grimsby

Declared: 2017
Area: 2.44 hectares

ADOPTED – Kasbah Conservation Area Statement (PDF)

Laceby Conservation Area

Declared: 1977
Area: 5.6 hectares

Map of the Laceby conservation area (PDF)

Mill Road Conservation Area, Cleethorpes

Declared: 1976
Area: 4.5 hectares

The following buildings are covered by an article 4 direction:
Mill Road, Cleethorpes: 76-90 (even), 95 & 97, 112, 118-124 (even), 123 & 125, 130-136 (even), 131, 135, 143-153 (odd), 161-165 (odd), 175, The Mount, The Rookery.

Map of the Mill Road conservation area (PDF)

Article 4 direction – Mill Road (PDF)

Old Clee Conservation Area, Grimsby

Declared: 1972, extended in 1984
Area: 13.3 hectares

Map of the Old Clee conservation area (PDF)

Scartho Conservation Area, Grimsby

Declared: 1972, extended in 1993 & 2009
Area: 43.8 hectares

Map of the Scartho conservation area (PDF)

Victoria Mills Conservation Area, Grimsby

Declared: 1990
Area: 5.1 hectares

Map of the Victoria Mills conservation area (PDF)

Waltham Conservation Area

Declared: 1976, altered in 2015.
Area: 10.23 hectares

ADOPTED Waltham Conservation Area Appraisal and Management Plan (PDF)

Wellow Conservation Area, Grimsby

Declared: 1972, extended in 1993, 2009 and 2016
Area: 84.78 hectares.

Map of the Wellow conservation area (PDF)

46 St Peter’s Avenue

Subject to an Article 4 Direction which removes the right to demolish the building without planning permission.

Article 4 direction – 46 St Peter’s Avenue (PDF)

By law, planning applications affecting a heritage asset or its setting must be accompanied by a heritage assessment. The level of detail included should be proportionate to the asset’s importance and no more than is sufficient to understand the impact of the proposal on its significance. As a minimum, the Historic Environment Record (HER), held by North East Lincolnshire Council, must be consulted.

Heritage assets include, but are not exclusive to:

  • Listed Buildings
  • Conservation Areas
  • Registered Parks and Gardens
  • Scheduled Monuments
  • Undesignated Archaeological Monuments, Sites and Areas
  • Locally Listed Buildings, Structures and Sites
  • Historic farm buildings and complexes
  • Historic shop fronts
  • Undesignated heritage assets (buildings of historic interest but not included in any of the above)

A Heritage Statement should include:

  • Introduction
  • Brief description of the site and its context (informed by the HER)
  • Assessment of significance
  • Brief description of the proposal and any justification
  • Assessment of Impact
  • Conclusion

Heritage assessment guidance (PDF)

Local List of Historic Assets of Special Interest

Local Lists differ from National Designations in that they act simply as points of reference, and usually cover assets of lesser importance. Local Listing does not impose any restrictions upon a historic asset, nor does it give additional protection from harm.

The intention behind compiling Local Lists is to raise awareness of the importance of the assets covered and provide information to developers, planners and the public. The Local Lists provide an important middle ground between the extensive Historic Environment Record, which attempts to record all historic assets whether of special interest or not, and the National Designations which have strict criteria and must be of national interest.

Local Lists are adopted by the Council through the Cabinet and are a material planning consideration.

At present Local Lists exist for:

Historic Landscape Characterisation

Heritage Lottery Funding for Cleethorpes

Discover Cleethorpes Heritage is a four year Townscape Heritage (TH) programme launched in 2018. The scheme is supported by £1.9m from the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF) and £1m from North East Lincolnshire Council (NELC). This investment will help to breathe new life into historic buildings and public realm within the Cleethorpes Central Seafront Conservation Area by offering;

  • An opportunity for historic building owners/occupiers to apply for generous grants to repair their properties, allowing historic details, like shop front, iron balconies and windows to be repaired or reinstated
  • Improvements to some public areas
  • An opportunity for students, building owners and contractors to learn traditional building conservation skills
  • A chance to learn about the history of the area, through local exhibitions, guided tours and volunteering opportunities

National Lottery Heritage Starter Fund

The National Lottery Heritage Starter Fund has now closed with 15 projects being funded in total, with awards of between £500 and £10,000.  The following have received National Lottery Heritage Starter Fund money:

  • Visitor, Economy, Services and Retail Group CIC (VESR): ‘The Vikings are Coming!’
  • Foresight in Partnership with WEA: ‘Documenting my Ability’
  • Historic Motor and Sail (HMS): Tea with Spider T
  • Our Big Picture: Great British Fish and Chips – Grimsby Chapter
  • Capacity Buildings Limited: ‘Capturing Cleethorpes Culture’
  • Steve Thornton Photography with Pastures Development Company Ltd.: FISH TOWN 1990 to 2022.  The EU Years
  • Linkage Community Trust: Exploring Weelsby Hall’s Heritage and Environment
  • Grimsby Town Sports and Education Trust: History of Grimsby Town
  • Heritage Trust of Lincolnshire: The Remarkable Legacy of Edward Watkin, ‘Mr Grimsby’
  • The Fitties CIC: Highlighting Humberston Fitties Heritage
  • East Marsh CIC: Street Name Stories
  • Lincolnshire Bird Club: Survey of birds of North East Lincolnshire from the earliest times to the present (development work)
  • West Marsh Development Trust: The Untold Stories and Memories of The West Marsh
  • The Culture House: Local Legends – Rod Temperton
  • Welholme Works: Restoring Our Street Pride
  • Grimbarians CIC: Grimbarians x RNLI
  • Freeman Street Market with Pastures Development Company Ltd.: We are the Docks.

You can find out more about these projects in our press releases:

Following this, 3 projects have gone onto successful National Lottery Heritage Fund totalling £590,000+ . You can read more about these projects.

Additionally NELC is working in partnership with Heritage Lincolnshire to o build a strong, diverse and vibrant heritage network for the region. Find out more on Heritage Lincolnshire – North East Lincolnshire Heritage Network.

Heritage fund logo

Humberston Fitties archive information

This section contains information from before the management handover on 4 October 2017. For current information go to the Humberston Fitties Chalet Park.

The day to day management of the Humberston Fitties is carried out by Tingdene Holiday Parks.

Service charge



Bourne Leisure

Meetings about the Humberston Fitties since 2010

  • Portfolio Holder Resources – 26 October 2010
  •  Cabinet – 6 December 2010
  • Regeneration, Housing and Environment Scrutiny Panel – 5 July 2011
  • Cabinet – 5 September 2011
  • Policy, Performance and Resources Scrutiny Panel – 10 August 2012
  • Select Committee – 23 October 2012
  • Select Committee – 25 October 2012
  • Policy, Performance and Resources Scrutiny Panel – 19 December 2012
  • Cabinet – 14 January 2013: (The findings report from the Humberston Fitties select committee was submitted to Cabinet at this meeting)
  • Regeneration, Environment and Housing Scrutiny Panel – 3 September 2013
  • Cabinet – 13 October 2014: (A report entitled Humberston Fitties – Future Management and Disposal was submitted to Cabinet at this meeting)
  • Joint meeting of the Tourism, Leisure and Culture and Regeneration, Environment and Housing Scrutiny Panel – 10 December 2014: Humberston Fitties Flood Risk Assessment report.
  • Joint meeting of the Regeneration, Environment and Housing and Tourism, Leisure and Culture and Scrutiny Panels – 1 September 2015: Humberston Fitties – Findings of the independent Flood Risk Assessment.
  • Cabinet – 17 December 2015
  • Cabinet – 8 June 2016
  • Joint Regeneration, Environment and Housing & Tourism, Leisure and Culture Scrutiny Panel – 12 July 2016
  • Special Cabinet – 17 October 2016
  • Cabinet – 18 January 2017 – to approve the offer from the preferred bidder and refer to full council.
  • Council – 8 February 2017 – to discuss the preferred bidder and recommend a scrutiny panel.
  • Joint Regeneration, Housing and Environment, and Tourism, Leisure and Culture Scrutiny Panels – 21 February 2017 – recommend the preferred bidder to Cabinet.
  • Cabinet – 15 March 2017 – approved the offer from the preferred bidder.

Copies of agendas and minutes can be found in our Committee meetings calendar.

During the closed season period, when the site is not open and in the interest of security, we suggest that chalet owners remove any valuables from their chalet and make sure it is adequately secured. Due to the risk of flooding chalet owners should also consider taking the following precautions should a flooding event occur:

  • Sign up for flood warnings and know where to find the most up to date flooding information for your area. Telephone Floodline on 0845 988 1188 or visit the Environment Agency  website.
  • Know who to contact and how. Agree with relatives and friends where to go and how to contact each other.
  • Know how to turn off your gas, electricity and mains water supply, and mark taps and switches to help you remember.
  • Think about which items you can move now. Where possible move items of personal value to a safe place.
  • Think about what you could move safely during a flood, including pets, furniture, electrical equipment, garden ornaments etc.
  • Prepare a flood kit. Include important contact numbers, bottled water, non-perishable food, a battery-operated radio, warm clothing, medication, torch etc.

The Flood Risk Assessment and Evacuation Plan completed by Black and Veatch has been reviewed against the Environment Agency’s new water profiles data. The plan will go to scrutiny in September 2015 for their consideration.

Flooding documents

Humberston Fitties Flood Risk Assessment 2014 (PDF, 23MB)

Humberston Fitties Analysis of Flood Risk 2007 (PDF, 12MB)

2014 Humber Interim Water Level Profile – Best Estimate (PDF, 145KB)

Environment Agency Standard Notice (PDF, 30KB)

Related websites

Black and Veatch

Environment Agency – Sign up for flood warnings

‘Fitties’ is a local word meaning ‘salt marsh’. The Humberston Fitties were originally one of a number of fitties along this part of the coastline.

The Humberston Fitties developed when the area was divided up into plots of different sizes during the 1920’s. These areas became known as plot lands. During the First World War the coastal area was used for billeting soldiers who were stationed in the nearby Haile Sands Fort.

After the war a local family set up a tent so they could have access to fresh air to combat ill health. The following year they erected a chalet and after the soldiers were demobbed other people moved in with tents or into the original camp huts used by the soldiers.

More holidaymakers arrived bringing their own accommodation in the form of caravans, buses and old railway carriages. As the area developed holiday chalets were built on stilts and wheels because the area was prone to flooding.

In 1938 the land ownership was passed to the local authority. This has allowed us to preserve this unique area when other similar private plot lands have been gradually sold off for development over the years. During World War II the chalets were again returned to military duty, and it is believed that a decoy representing Grimsby Docks was erected nearby.

In 1947 the Planning laws were changed and became much more stringent in respect of holiday chalets. As a result, caravans became more popular because they were subject to fewer restrictions.

In 1953 many of the chalets were destroyed by the disastrous floods, which breached the Lincolnshire Coastline. Others had to be recovered from neighbouring plots. The sea defences were then improved which meant that many chalets lost their sea views.

Modern conveniences such as roads, water and sewage systems have been added by the authority over the years and in 1996 the area was declared a conservation area following requests from the tenants. This was followed by an Article 4 Direction in 1998, which allows the authority greater control over development in the area to preserve the character of the area to everyone’s benefit.

There are over 300 chalet plots held on leases from the council. The Humberston Fitties has a closed season which prohibits the overnight occupation during the months of January and February. This is a strict clause contained in the leases held by the chalet owners.

If you require any further information or details regarding the closed season please contact the Valuation team.

For more information about attractions and activities in the area visit the Tourist information page.

Related content

Council for British Archaeology

Conservation Register – Finding an appropriately qualified and experienced conservation accredited professional

Heritage Gateway

Historic England

Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC)

Institute of field Archaeologists

Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings (SPAB) -Technical Questions and Answers – The repair of historic buildings

Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)

Contact details

Historic Development, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01472 326289 option 1

Opening times: Monday to Friday 10am to 4pm except bank holidays