Street cleaning
Street cleaning
Street sweeping is done every day in our highest priority areas, know as our ‘zone one’ areas. These are:
- Victoria Street, Grimsby
- Freeman Street, Grimsby
- Cleethorpes Sea Front
- St Peters Avenue, Cleethorpes
Download our maps for more details:
In the high density housing areas we try and sweep these areas every 4 to 6 weeks. In the lower density areas we do this every 12 weeks.
Bin emptying
The bins are emptied daily in the zone one areas and weekly in the rest of North East Lincolnshire.
This will be more frequent when we have events.
Report a problem
To request litter to be cleared, or streets and beaches to be cleaned complete the online form for Littering, street and beach cleaning.
We can only deal with issues on Council maintained land. If you wish to report an issue on privately owned land you should contact the landowner.
To report any issues with fly-tipping complete the Fly tipping form.
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Contact details
Littering, street and beach cleaning
Doughty Depot, Doughty Road, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN32 0LL
Telephone: 01472 326300