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Review of Polling Districts and Polling Places 2023

The Electoral Registration and Administration Act 2013 requires North East Lincolnshire Council to carry out a review of its polling districts and polling places every five years. The last formal review was held in 2019. Under section 18C of the Representation of the People Act 1983, the next compulsory review must now be undertaken within a 16-month window between 1st October 2023 and 31st January 2025.

The Boundary Commission for England has recently undertaken a review of parliamentary constituency boundaries and has now published its final recommendations. For North East Lincolnshire our new Parliamentary Boundaries will be known as ‘Great Grimsby and Cleethorpes Borough Constituency’ and ‘Brigg and Immingham County Constituency’; maps can be found at the bottom of the page. The Orders for the new boundaries will be made by 1st November 2023. Once the Orders for the new parliamentary boundaries have been made, the new boundaries will be used for the next general election. If a parliamentary election is called in the meantime, it would run on existing boundaries.

This Polling Districts and Polling Places Review will pick up the changes to the Parliamentary boundaries to ensure North East Lincolnshire Council polling districts are ready for the next General Election. 

What does a Polling District and Polling Place Review Cover? 

The aim of the review is to ensure that electors have reasonable facilities for voting and that the polling places are accessible to all electors. In an ideal world, there would be a choice of fully accessible buildings conveniently located for the electors in the area. However, in practice, this is not always the case. In some instances, there is little or no choice available. 

The Council cannot insist on buildings which are not in its ownership being made available for us as polling stations. Portacabins are used as a last resort – they are very expensive and far from ideal, both for the electors and staff who work within them.

Your views are sought as to whether the current arrangements are appropriate. The intention of this review is to make changes that would be of benefit to the electors in the Ward. We would welcome your views on how these arrangements can be improved.

Find the following documents to assist you:

In addition, maps showing the current electoral wards with polling districts are shown below:

Wards and polling districts

Parliamentary boundary maps

Please send any comments on the proposals to Electoral Services, North East Lincolnshire Council, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU or email [email protected] by no later than 5pm 31st October 2023. 

Alternatively, you can have your say on the review by submitting your comments on our engagement, consultation and involvement page.


At the meeting of the Council on 28 September 2023, Elected Members agreed to adopt a consultation process for the review of polling districts and polling places in North East Lincolnshire. 

The consultation period which ran through October 2023 was aimed at seeking views and suggested changes on the current arrangements.  These views were subsequently considered and a number of changes to the polling place arrangements were point forward for Council consideration and subsequently agreed on 14th December 2023. These are set out in the notice of conclusion of the review (PDF, 97KB) .

The polling arrangements will now be kept under review.  The next full review of Polling Districts and Polling Places will take place upon completion of the Ward Boundary Review in November 2025.


Notice is hereby given of the Electoral Registration Officers intent to republish the Electoral Register in accordance with legislation.

Notice of intention (PDF, 15KB)