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Community Spotlight

Welcome to Community Spotlight…

Whether you are someone in North East Lincs looking for something new to do this week, a local organisation wishing to shout about the amazing work you do, a group seeking advice about funding, or even wishing to take part in the fabulous NE Lincs Winsby Community Lottery Community Spotlight is for you.

Community Spotlight is a ‘one-stop-shop’ for our communities to share events, groups, clubs and good work being done in our area.

It’s a place to ‘shine a light’ on and support the fantastic community groups and organisations out there, as well as providing some great informative content for the groups themselves.

Quick links

Community Spotlight on…

Having problems getting to your library?  Don’t want to rely on family or friends to bring you to the library or collect books for you.

If yes, then the Home Library Service could be for you.

Lincs Inspire Libraries provides a free monthly home library service to housebound people who are unable to get to the library, whether it’s temporary or long-term, due to illness, frailty or disability, or even if you just find carrying books too difficult. The service is also available to carers who find themselves equally housebound.

The service includes:

  • Monthly visits arranged in advance
  • Approved, dedicated volunteers
  • Friendly chats
  • A range of books in a variety of formats, including Large Print and Talking Books, even jigsaws
  • Favourite authors can be requested

…All for free and only a phone call away!

Our readers enjoy their Home Library visits and their volunteers often become friends who enjoy a chat and maybe even a cup of tea.

“The Home Library service means everything to me”

”The volunteers are the kindest people in the world, they put themselves out every time. They get me whatever I want to read and choose books that I like.  They won’t let me down and they always ring to let me know when they are coming to see me. I can’t fault them.”
Words from one of the Home Library service-users.

What’s on in NE Lincs

Pop on our fabulous ‘What’s On’ calendar and see what events, groups or clubs our local groups and organisations have got going on, including craft groups, kids clubs, wellbeing sessions and sports activities.

If you would like to add your groups, activities and events to the calendar, please contact Ross at [email protected].

In the Spotlight

Would you like to be in the spotlight? Let us know if you have upcoming community events for our calender, have amazing photos to share or want us to visit your group for a chat.

To get in touch about any of this please email Ross at [email protected]. 

Support for groups and organisations

For groups and organisations to find links to useful advice, guidance or support organisations. For example guidance on putting on public events locally, links into funding streams or local organisations who can simply offer support and advice to you.

If you are planning any public events, including litter picks, beach cleans, etc. this link is for you. It gives you advice and guidance that is important for any person, group or organisation looking to put on an event in North East Lincolnshire.

Go to our Organising an event page.

Sector Support

Sector Support  offer a range of help and advice on issues like funding, governance, safeguarding and volunteering as well as training courses and events. They can support anyone working in the voluntary and community sector, including social enterprises, from start-ups and small groups to large charities and its all free!


TakePartNEL is North East Lincolnshire Councils volunteering group which looks to support local projects, organisations, groups and events through promoting voluntary roles and posts to our collection of local people who have shown in interest in volunteering locally.

Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise (VCSE) Alliance

The North East Lincolnshire Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Alliance  was founded by local VCSE organisations to support the growth and sustainability of the VCSE sector in North East Lincolnshire. From supporting organisations in finding volunteers to promoting an ethos of collaborative working, bringing together local communities to effect change as well as sharing information throughout the VCSE network.


Voluntary Action North East Lincolnshire (VANEL) develops, promotes, informs and supports the local voluntary, not-for-profit and charitable sector.


ConnectNEL is a helpful and friendly signposting service created to help you get in front of the services and activities you need faster.

Our FREE service is available to everyone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, helping you to get advice when you need it most.

Our team is on hand to help you find support, information and guidance with a range of things including weight management, anxiety, debt and employment.

Visit the connectNEL website.

Local and national funding support

Funding is so important to you and the work you do. So being able to find the right funding opportunities can make a massive difference.

To see what funding opportunities are available go to the Sector Support and North Bank Forum websites:

If you require advice on funding bids, Sector Support  can help.

Winsby Community Lottery logo

Winsby Community Lottery

Winsby Community Lottery is an exciting weekly lottery that raises money for good causes in North East Lincolnshire. You will be able to read all about the local groups and organisations in our communities who are looking for your support and choose exactly who will benefit from your ticket donation. All good causes supported by the lottery will benefit North East Lincolnshire and its residents.
Play the lottery, and support a good cause in North East Lincolnshire – it’s that simple!
Sign up and play now

Get in touch…

To our local groups and organisations, we hope to get a chance to meet and help build strong connections between us all. Thank you so much for all your continued work in our community and please enjoy your time in the Spotlight.

We look forward to hearing and seeing all that you are doing around North East Lincolnshire.

In the meantime if you wish your organisation to be featured on our page or an activity or club promoted on the calendar, simply contact us  at [email protected]