Cllr Jackson, Philip (Conservative)
Conservative Councillor for the Waltham ward
Cllr Philip Jackson
Term of office until 2027
Ward: Waltham
Committee membership
Cabinet – Leader of the Council and Portfolio Holder for Economy, Regeneration, Devolution and Skills
Appointments (Chair)
Health and Wellbeing Board
Executive Liaison Scrutiny Board
Outside bodies
Waltham Windmill Trust
EQUANS Partnership Board
Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership ]
Humber Leadership Board
Local Government Association – Assembly
Rail North Association Leaders’ Committee
Register of interests
Register of Interests – Councillor Jackson (PDF, 108KB)
Contact details
Councillor Philip Jackson, 7 Kingsfield Farm, Barnoldby-le-Beck, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN37 0SB
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 01472 823740