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Household Support Fund

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Household Support Fund extension (HSF6)

1 October 2024 to 31 March 2025

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The Government has confirmed an extension of the Household Support Fund to March 2025.

This is to continue helping the most vulnerable households with the cost of bills and essentials. The maximum payment available to each household is £250.

Application by referral will open on Friday 1 November 

This scheme is available to North East Lincolnshire residents over 16 years of age.

To receive a payment a household must be able to prove that it does not have sufficient income to afford the essentials. This includes food, housing costs, utility bills such as broadband or phone bills, clothing, and essential transport related costs.

For a single person household the income must be less than £20,000. For a couple the household income must be less than £25,000 with savings of less than £500.

Applications can be made through the following referral partners:

Referral partners will also be able to signpost applicants to other help and support that may be available to them.

This funding is only a short-term solution. It’s important that anyone who is struggling gets in touch with local services so they can access longer-term support. This could include help with budgeting, debt management, home energy efficiencies and other support to help maximise income and reduce bills.

The scheme will run to 31 March 2025, or until funding has been fully spent.

About the Household Support Fund

The Household Support Fund has been allocated to Councils by the Department for Work and Pensions. It is to help provide financial support to those most in need because of significant cost of living pressures.

The council is committed to ensuring that as much of the funding as possible is spent in our community supporting those who need it the most.

Funding has been allocated for 6 months and is planned to be spent over this time in the following areas:

  • Support for families with children eligible for free school meals – The scheme will help around 8,000 children. A £60 payment for each eligible child for Christmas break 2024. Please contact your school reception with any queries.
  • Foodbanks – To support local foodbank providers who issue emergency food and household essentials.
  • Direct Payments – To households in receipt of Council Tax Support that may include pensioners, disabled persons, or carers.
    • December 2024 – £100 payment issued over 1,600 pensioners receiving Council Tax Support (not in receipt of pension credit).
  • Warm Spaces – To contribute towards the costs of opening up community venues, extending opening hours and/or extending existing activities to provide a ‘Warm Space’ for local residents.
  • Direct grants to VCS organisations – Grants will also be made to support specific help to individuals and groups who are helping to alleviate hardship.

Warm Spaces details

Warm Spaces details (PDF, 49KB)