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Planning Portal

You can view current and historic planning applications, appeals or enforcement cases.

The online planning portal allows members of the public to:

  • check the progress of current applications (application tracker).
  • comment on undecided applications,
  • view all related plans, documents and comments (application register).
  • look at determined applications and any conditions/reasons for refusal attached to them (conditions and reasons register).
  • locate the site of applications via a web-based interactive map.
  • view information relating to appeals (appeals register).
  • view weekly and monthly lists of applications and decisions.
  • set up search profiles, and be automatically notified by email.

Terms and conditions

The plans, drawings and material have been submitted to North East Lincolnshire Council in order to apply for planning permission. They are protected by the Copyright Acts (Section 47, Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988), and are being made available to be viewed for consultation purposes only. Copies must not be made without prior permission of the copyright owner (the applicants or their agents).

North East Lincolnshire Council makes every effort to maintain the accuracy of the information on this website, but cannot accept responsibility and disclaims all responsibility for any loss or damage which may arise from the use of the information provided.

All comments received in relation to planning applications may be viewed on the planning website.

Before accessing the planning portal, you must have read and agree to the terms and conditions.

Commenting on a planning application

You can submit comments by:

  • submitting online via the planning portal
  • emailing [email protected]
  • sending a letter to Development Management Services – Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU

The statutory time given to neighbours to comment on an application is 21 days. Due to the volume we receive, it is not possible to respond or acknowledge you comments or questions.

Only material planning considerations can be taken into account. The planning portal has further information on what constitutes a material planning consideration. When commenting on an application you should be aware that the following areas are not considerations:

  • Nobody has a right to a view from their property. The local planning authority cannot control the effects of new development on the outlook from existing property except in the general case of residential amenity.
  • Impact on the valuation of property
  • The cost of a development is not a material consideration, and the local planning authority has no jurisdiction to protect developers from expensive projects. Loss of trade or increased competition
  • A personal interest or a civil dispute
  • Generally speaking, personal circumstances are not a material planning consideration

How will your comments be used?

All comments will be published and may be included in
committee reports or read at public meetings. However, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), signatures, telephone numbers and email addresses attached to representations will not be shown on the Council’s website but your name and address will be displayed. Anonymous comments will not be taken into account.

Objections and statements of third parties are published as received, and the content is the responsibility of the objector. The Council does not edit the responses to ensure openness and transparency in the planning process, and that all can see the unedited views of those that wish to comment. As a result those posting are asked to show due deference to others involved and restrict comments to material planning considerations.

Application updates

Planning decisions are delegated for approval unless they raise issues which are significant or contentious.

You can monitor the progress of an application online. You will first need to register your details in the system which will then allow you to receive email notifications about any updates on the application, including the final decision and any subsequent appeals which are lodged.

Which issues are relevant to a planning application?

Try to view the submitted plans and forms before you write to the case officer, to ensure you understand the development under consideration. The council can only take certain issues into account when considering an application for planning permission. You should concentrate on these issues when commenting on an application.

Issues that can be considered include:

  • Whether a proposed use is suitable for the area
  • Whether the appearance and size of a new building/structure is in keeping with its neighbours and the surrounding area
  • Whether external alterations to an existing building are in character
  • Whether adjoining residents will suffer any overshadowing, overlooking or loss of privacy
  • Whether there will be any increase in noise and disturbance, for example from the comings and goings of extra traffic
  • Whether new public buildings have satisfactory access for the disabled
  • Whether there is adequate parking or the development would be dangerous for road users and pedestrians
  • Whether a public footpath is affected
  • Whether there is any visual effect upon the landscape, i.e. loss of trees and hedgerows
  • Whether the proposal conflicts with this council’s planning policies

Issues that cannot be considered include:

  • Loss of view
  • Loss of property value
  • Boundary or other disputes between neighbours, e.g. private rights of way, covenants
  • Loss of trade from competing business
  • The alleged character or behaviour of an applicant
  • The individual circumstances of the applicant
  • Moral objections
  • The belief that an applicant intends to profit from a development
  • Other consents/licences that may be required

Other application types have different issues to consider

Listed buildings

The only factors that can be considered are:

  • The impact of the proposal on the character or appearance of the listed building
  • The impact of the proposal on the historic fabric of the building
  • The impact of the proposal on the setting of the listed building

They do not include:

  • All other normal planning considerations e.g. traffic issues or impact on residential amenities (listed building applications are often considered at the same time as a planning application, if required and the planning issues would be considered then.)


These include:

  • Whether a proposed advertisement is too large or unsightly
  • Whether the proposal conflicts with this council’s policies for advertisements
  • Whether any illumination will unduly affect residential amenity
  • Whether the location of any advertisement will have a detrimental impact on highway safety

Certificate of lawful use

The only factors that can be considered are:

  • Factual information about the length of time a building/structure/use has been constructed or taken place
  • Any other evidence to support/refute the claims being made in the application

They do not include:

  • The Planning merits of any particular application or planning policies
  • Other consents/licenses that may be required

Modification or removal of conditions

  • Specific issues relevant to the original reasons for imposing the planning  obligation e.g. highways issues
  • Agricultural justification for development
  • Any changes in circumstances since the planning obligation was originally completed

They do not include:

  • General or new planning considerations that are not relevant to the original reasons for imposing the planning obligation in question

Contact details

Development Management Services, Municipal Offices, Town Hall Square, Grimsby, North East Lincolnshire, DN31 1HU

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01472 326289 option 1

Opening times: By appointment only