SEND Local Offer
The Local Offer in North East Lincolnshire the place that provides and directs you to information that will support children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).
It helps parents, children and young people aged 0 to 25 years find information about specialist and targeted services and activities in North East Lincolnshire.
Visit our SEND Local Offer Website
How the Local Offer can help you
The Local Offer is for:
- children and young people with special educational needs and / or disabilities (SEND) from 0-25 years
- their parents and carers
- practitioners and professionals
It can help you by:
- making it easier to find out what you need to know
- help you be less dependent on other people
- help you find the nearest and most suitable services
- help you ask the right questions
The Local Offer is not just a directory or list of services. It:
- helps you identify suitable support
- helps inform decisions about resources needed
- gives transparent information about decision making, access and eligibility for services
- is responsive to your needs