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Club premises licence


New licence

You need a club premises licence if you want to provide licensable activities such as selling alcohol or providing entertainment to club members or guests.

Before you start

To apply for a club premises licence you must:

  • have a premises that is occupied and used regularly for club purposes
  • has at least 25 members
  • alcohol and entertainment is provided for members and guests only
  • have someone 18 or older who is nominated by the club to serve alcohol and buy stock
  • new members must wait two days before getting privileges
  • provide a plan of the premises and a copy of the club rules
  • have details of an operating schedule (opening times, licensable activities including the times and if alcohol is being sold for drinking on or off the premises or both)

Variation to licence

You can submit a full variation or a minor variation on your existing club premises licence.

Minor variations include:

  • slightly amending the operating times
  • small changes to the premises layout or structure
  • removing conditions which are out of date or invalid
  • moving the hours you serve alcohol

Application for a minor variation

Make a big change to your existing premises licence by:

  • changing when the licensable activities take place
  • applying for more licensable activities
  • making major changes to the layout or structure

Application for a variation


Fee typesCost
Minor Variation to a Premises Licence£89
Transfer a Premises Licence£23
Certified copy of a Premises Licence or Summary£10.50
Change of details not requiring a Vary DPS or Transfer£10.50

Fees for a new application or a variation of an existing licence

The licence fee is based on the rateable value of the premises which is set by the valuation office.

Check your business’s rateable value

Rateable value bandInitial application feeMultiplierRenewal feeAnnual maintenance fee
A: up to £4,299£100£0£0£70
B: £4,300 to £33,000£190£0£0£180
C: £33,001 to £87,000£315£0£0£295
D: £87,001 to £125,000£450£900£640£320
E: £125,001 and above£635£1,905£1,050£350


A multiplier is applied to premises in band D and E where they are exclusively or primarily in the business of supplying alcohol for consumption on the premises.

Provisional statement

If your premises is being built or having alterations, you can apply for a provisional statement  which tells you if you’re likely to be granted a premises licence. This also allows you to apply for a new or variation premises licence before the premises is ready to be used for licensable activities.

Contact details

Licensing, Doughty road depot, Doughty road, North East Lincolnshire, DN32 0LL

Email: [email protected]

Telephone: 01472 326299 option 2

Opening times: Monday to Friday 8:30am to 5pm, except bank holidays