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Nominate someone unique for a YOUnique* award

9:58 am, Tuesday, 31st October 2023 - 7 months ago

Children and families

Young people who have been in care and have experience of the social care system are set to be recognised at an awards ceremony later this year.

The YOUnique* Awards are now open for nominations, and are an evolution of the hugely popular LACE awards for care-experienced children and young people.

This year’s awards have been planned by young people from the Our Voice Listen Up group in North East Lincolnshire, working with the Council’s Children’ Social Care team.

Local people are being invited to nominate children, young people and adults from all abilities, backgrounds and really celebrate their achievements.

Councillor Margaret Cracknell, portfolio holder for children and education at North East Lincolnshire Council, said:

“These awards are an important part of recognising the achievements and triumphs of the young people in our care.

“Often the stories of those children who grow up in our care are left unheard, and their resilience is unrecognised.

“These awards aim to change that, and I can’t wait to look through some of the nominations.”

The award categories are as follows:

  • Rising Star award for the child or young person making the most progress in their education training or employment.
  • Health and wellbeing award for the child or young person who has overcome challenges to improve their health and wellbeing, or helped others with theirs.
  • Kindness award for a child or young person who has shown kindness to others.
  • Always there to care award for a child, young person or adult who has been there consistently caring and supportive of children in care and care leavers.
  • Making a difference award for a child young person or adult who has done something that makes a difference to others through sharing their ideas, volunteering or fundraising.
  • Facing your fears but doing it anyway award for a child or young person who has pushed themselves to try something new and learn new skills.
  • Building Confidence award for a child or young person who has grown in their confidence through something they have done.
  • Independence award for a young person who has demonstrated that they are well prepared for independence or has settled well into independence or for an adult who has helped in this.

To submit a nomination, visit: The deadline for nominations is Friday 3 November 2023.

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