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Ainslie Street Park footpath reopens

10:52 am, Wednesday, 23rd June 2021 - 3 years ago

Environment and community safety

North East Lincolnshire Council and its regeneration partner, ENGIE, have completed footpath modification works in Grimsby’s Ainslie Street Park.

Contractors raised the footpath above previous levels of standing water in the park and it is now fully open.

There is a natural spring in the park which contributes to the standing water. It becomes further saturated after heavy rain when parts of the park are prone to flooding.

Work started in April to pump away the ground water and raise the footpath above the standing water.

The new raised footpath is designed to sit higher than future expected water levels in the park. 

Ainslie Street Park used to be a cemetery and this prevents any form of excavation to improve the drainage.

The decision to raise the existing footpath ensures Ainslie Street Park’s historical cemetery and existing ecology are well considered and respected.

The Council continues to advise people to keep out of the standing water when it occurs.

Cllr Stewart Swinburn, portfolio holder for Environment and Transport at North East Lincolnshire Council, said:

“Parts of Ainslie Street Park are prone to flooding after heavy rain. We are limited on the work we can do in the area because it used to be a cemetery.

“Last year we tried pumping away the standing water to try to lower the levels of standing water, but it made little difference.

“Raising the height of the footpath means people can continue to enjoy the park, but please stay out of the standing water.”

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