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Annual consultation for North East Lincolnshire’s school admission arrangements for the academic year 2023-2024

11:43 am, Wednesday, 17th November 2021 - 3 years ago

Children and families

Choosing a school for your child is one the most important decisions a parent/ carer can make. When changes are proposed to admissions arrangements, all admission authorities must consult on their admissions arrangements.

North East Lincolnshire Council is not proposing to make any changes to the admission arrangements for community and voluntary-controlled schools, for whom they are the admissions authority, and those academies who follow this policy.

Some academies/ academy trusts are proposing to make some changes to their current admission arrangements. For those academies that have asked us to consult on their behalf their proposed documentation will be placed on our website as and when received. Any comments regarding these proposed changes should be made directly to the respective academy by 31st January 2022.

Copies of the proposed school admission arrangements for 2023-2024 that require consultation will be available to view at: as and when they are received.

If you have any comments on the proposed arrangements please forward them, by 31 January 2021, by e-mail to [email protected].

North East Lincolnshire Local Authority will publish all of the determined school admission arrangements and individual school / academy policies for 2023-2024 on the local authority’s website by 15 March 2022. 

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