Works are set to restart on Monday 15 June to install a fit-for-purpose roundabout to improve traffic flow and reduce congestion, plus providing access to a potential new housing site.
Due to the impact of COVID-19 affecting the supply of materials required to progress the major junction improvements works were halted 10 weeks ago. Additionally, further utility infrastructure was identified which needed to be reviewed and diversion plans made before works could progress on the roundabout construction.
Residents and businesses will remain largely unaffected by the works as construction of the roundabout resumes off the carriageway, the temporary footpath and crossing point will remain in place.
Following the construction of the roundabout the remaining works will include realigning of the existing roads to meet the new roundabout and completing the required landscaping works. Traffic management will be in place during the final phases and be communicated later in the project.
Once complete the new roundabout will replace the existing mini roundabout at the junction of Little Coates Road and Cambridge Road, which has long been a pinch-point for traffic delays during busy times of the day.
For more information about the junction improvements including frequently asked questions, general layout and phasing plans visit Key projects.
The improvements are being managed and overseen by the council’s regeneration partner, ENGIE, with contractor, Jacksons, carrying out the works.
To keep up to date with the latest live travel information in the borough, including congestion and roadworks, visit
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