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‘Binion’ characters help brighten up charity garden

9:35 am, Tuesday, 16th June 2020 - 4 years ago


A pair of colourful characters from Grimsby Community Recycling Centre (CRC or tip) are helping transform a charity garden.

The squad of social distancing ‘Binions’ made a big impact when they appeared at the tip in May.

CRC staff made the Binions using old tyres and paint pots and they help remind visitors about social distancing at the site.

Now Newlincs Development Ltd, North East Lincolnshire Council’s waste management contractor, has donated a pair of the characters to local charity Doorstep.

Doorstep provide housing-related support to young people at risk of homelessness.

Newlincs manage the CRC and stepped in to help when a group of Doorstep’s clients started renovating their garden during the lockdown.

The group of 16 to 25-year-olds are transforming the garden as an activity to help them support each other at this time.

Sam Grove, senior support worker at Doorstep, said:

“They’ve really lifted the mood of clients and staff at the Supported Hostel in Cambridge Street, Cleethorpes.
“We’re using them as planters. One has a pumpkin and the other has a marrow.
“We still have a fair bit to do. We want to make a living wall with planters and pots of herbs.
“It’s made everybody smile and they also serve as a reminder about social distancing.”

Newlincs donate money to local charities including Doorstep each year through the bring and buy sales at Grimsby CRC.
The bring and buy sales have been on hold during lockdown so Newlincs found other ways to help, including donating compost, garden furniture, plant pots and £500 to buy tools and other equipment.

Newlincs operations director Sharon Hunt said:

“It is really good that we are still able to help charities during the lockdown period. The Binions have made people smile and have created a good atmosphere on the CRC site.
“The Doorstep garden project really touched my heart as all these young people have been in lockdown which is extremely difficult if you don’t have a nice outdoor space that you can use to keep your spirits up.”

Grimsby CRC has been open with some restrictions in place through the coronavirus outbreak.

Cllr Stewart Swinburn, portfolio holder for Environment and Transport at North East Lincolnshire Council, added:

“Sales at the CRC raise thousands of pounds for charities and good causes each year.
“It’s great that people’s unwanted items can be sold on, giving sale visitors a bargain and raising vital funds for the local community.
“I hope the Binions enjoy their new home and bring a smile to everyone at the Cambridge Street Hostel.”


A one-eyed 'Binion' character made of recycled tyres in the garden at the Cambridge Street Hostel.

A ‘Binion’ character made of recycled tyres in the revamped garden at the Cambridge Street Hostel.

Comments from the clients at the hostel

“It’s got me out of my room and stopped me feeling depressed and is fun to do.”

“I’ve enjoyed doing the sanding, I just got into it, it made everything go away in my head, I like being outside I feel a lot better.”

“I’m really happy with the way the courtyard is being transformed. I enjoy using the tools and measuring wood to make a ramp for the Wheelie bins. I like to go and chill out now there’s plenty of places to sit, and seeing the garden ornaments and plants instead of rubbish!”

“It’s looking a lot better than it did, it’s peaceful and a nice place to chill now.”

“I love all the colour and plants, it’s a much nicer environment and I can’t wait until we can have a BBQ.”

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