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Bus pass system disruption

10:01 am, Wednesday, 28th April 2021 - 3 years ago


New and replacement bus pass applications at Age UK Cleethorpes are unavailable until further notice due to an IT issue.

Grimsby Central Library have also had minor disruption and can only provide new bus pass applications. Residents are still required to book an appointment and can do so by calling (01472) 323002.

Centre4 and the Immingham Civic Centre Community Hub are unaffected by the disruption.

New and replacement bus passes can be ordered at the Immingham Civic Centre Community Hub on an appointment-only basis. To book an appointment, call (01469) 727272. Passes will be posted out to applicants once processed.

Centre4 are also continuing to offer new and replacement bus passes on an appointment-only basis. To book an appointment call (01472) 236688.

Additionally, new and replacement bus passes can be issued via the council’s contact centre by calling (01472) 313131.

Residents will need to provide their bus pass number during the application. Without the bus pass number, the council will be unable to process a renewal or replacement bus pass.

Passes will be printed and posted directly to the bus pass holder. It may take up to two weeks for delivery. 

North East Lincolnshire Council would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused.

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